Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2246 Fierce Frenzy (6)

In the sixth volume of Homer’s epic Iliad, when Hector, who was about to go to the battlefield in shining armor and holding a spear, said goodbye to his son, the child was afraid of his mighty father and hid in the nurse’s arms. Hector and his wife smiled. Hector took off the brass hat with the horsehair on it and put it on the ground. The child immediately recognized his father, let go of the nanny, and threw himself into his father's arms. Hector kissed his darling. son, threw him up in his arms, and then prayed to Zeus and the other gods, "Zeus, gods, let my son be as famous and mighty as I am among all the Trojans, Be a mighty lord of Aerion. When he comes back from battle, some will say 'he was much stronger than his father'."

As he said this, he handed the child to his wife, who took the child over, hugged her in Xinxiang's arms, and smiled bitterly with tears.

Seeing this, Hector felt pity in his heart, stroked her, called her name, and said, "Poor Andromache, why are you so sad, so sad? No one can abandon me unless it is fate. Go down to Hades' Hades. As for Fate, I think no one can escape it, neither brave nor coward--it has us in its grip since we were born! Go back and take care of your own work, your weaving Machines and yarn poles, but also to urge the maids at home to be diligent. As for fighting, it is a man's business. All men born in Ilion, the first to bear the brunt is me, I, Hector."

After saying this, Hector lifted the helmet with the horsehair crown and walked out, while his beloved wife walked towards the house.

In this way, Xiao Lian's new clothes were decided. If Bonaparte hadn't explained it, Georgiana really didn't understand why she gave a war helmet as a gift of peace.

Belgium has the meaning of "brave" and "martial" in Celtic. As long as it does not have its own force and sovereignty, Belgium cannot escape the fate of being rowed over and passed by like a trophy. If you want independence, apart from voting for the king with the support of a hegemon like Britain, you can also use force like the United States and the French Republic. The United States is luckier than France. They are isolated in North America. Belgium, like France, borders many countries. The French Republic fought 7 anti-French alliance wars before it was successfully established. Even if the Bourbon royal family is restored, it can only be a constitutional monarchy. Monarchy is out of the question.

There are two kinds of power in the world—the sword and the thought. In the long run, the sword always loses to the thought.

"The Wealth of Nations" is not a banned book, it can be bought everywhere. If Georgiana can see the loopholes in the "Methuen Treaty" from that book, then others can also see it. Britain used textile technology as a diplomatic means to win over European countries because of the threat of France. At the same time, European countries are also sending industrial spies to find out the secrets of British textile technology, but there is a key factor - cotton, without high-quality cotton, even if there is exactly the same machine, it is still impossible to produce high-count yarn, and this high-quality cotton is also Produced in USA and India.

There is another place, Egypt, where high-quality cotton is also produced, and the situation there is also very complicated, and it is also related to the Suez Canal. Cocoa beans are currently mainly produced in Congo in West Africa. It is undoubtedly tragic for a country to become a colony, but even if independence is successful, it is also bad to be isolated from world trade. If Ireland had independent trade rights, they could completely ignore the British "Corn Law" and buy corn and other grains from the United States at low prices to solve the domestic famine problem.

However, the low price of grain in the United States will impact the interests of local farmers and cause them to go bankrupt. The colonial agricultural model of the United States is definitely not competitive with indigenous agriculture. England cannot force its own civilians into slaves. No matter how cheap child labor is, it must be paid The wages are given to them, not to mention that child labor cannot do heavy physical labor such as agriculture.

It can be seen from the Irish Union Act that even if the prime minister and ministers agree to a certain condition, if the king does not agree, all promises will come to naught. At worst, he will resign like William Pitt Jr., and those who believe in them will suffer.

But the king agreed, and if the parliament obstructed it, the third-reading bill would not be passed as the legislators envisioned, and the "Factory Act" became a supplement to the Charity Act. What's more, Orange and Mary II of the Netherlands were supported by the parliament. They did not have the prestige of George III. After the Salem incident in 1692, it was almost impossible for wizards to hope that the king would legislate to protect and recognize wizards.

As for George III agreeing to protect and recognize wizards now, it is even more impossible. Recognizing the existence of wizards will only make people think he is more crazy, and people will question whether he still has the ability to rule this country.

Napoleon also has this problem now. Everyone knows the importance of steel to the country, but he imported British steel in a tariff-free manner, and Georgiana was kicked out of the Tuileries Palace because of this.

But steel only accounts for 1% of France's GNP, and coal is still needed to make steel. Scotland's mines have a low mechanical penetration rate, and manpower is required to carry out the mines. This increases the amount of labor but does not raise money. Those coal miners will Wouldn't it be the same as the Cotton Town workers who passed by Wedgwood on the way home to pick up his son?

It has always been the only way to starve to death. When people are about to starve to death, they will try their best to find food, so they will find a way out instead.

There is also the issue of ownership of the mining industry in France. Most of them belong to the nobility, which is left over from the feudal era. The Jacobins recognized land ownership only going back 200 years. And the vast majority of people will not know the 1% data, they will only question Napoleon's decision-making mistakes.

The industrial and commercial people in Paris supported him. They were directly related to the 1786 contract and knew what the consequences of tariff reduction would be. As long as there was no chaos in Paris, even local rebellions could be suppressed by the army. Opponents can only oppose him like Siyes. Siyes approached Napoleon. As a result, Napoleon became the first ruler after the Brumaire coup. How do new opponents know that if they follow the same pattern, another general will not appear in power?

If the sea route is cut off, you can still take the land route, but the cost will increase, and the French will hate the British who ruin their business.

Some people think that love is useless. Love will make a person unable to look at another person rationally, and fall into the halo effect. Under this influence, people will give a better evaluation of this person.

Hector is the elder brother of Prince Paris. When he went to see Paris, Paris was wearing armor, and Helen was sitting among the female slaves, ordering the maids to complete various beautiful handicrafts. Ketor told him, "My good man, this is not your time to be angry. Soldiers are fighting and dying around the city and on the walls because of you. If you see anyone avoiding this loathsome war, you will do the same." Accuse him, and go, before the city is completely destroyed in flames."

Paris told Hector "Hector, you have rightly condemned me, and not too much, so I want to tell you that I am not sitting in the inner room angry and indignant at the Trojans, but Wanting to dissipate my sorrow, my wife also advised me with gentle words and encouraged me to fight. I also think it is best. Victory comes to different people in turn. Wait a minute, let me put on the battle clothes armor, or else you go first, and I will follow and catch up with you."

At that time Helen wept and said, "Uncle, I am a disaster, may my mother let a fierce storm blow me to the mountains on the day I was born, or the waves of the roaring sea, before these things happen Just wish I was the wife of a nicer man who would be ashamed of people's indignation and insults, but this man's infirmity will be the same in the future, so I think a man like him will eat his own way Come in, uncle, and sit on this stool, since your heart is more troubled and entangled than others, it is all because I am shameless, Alexandros is confused, it was Zeus who brought us both This unfortunate fate, in the future we will become the theme of the songs of future generations."

But Hector loved his wife and children more, so he refused Helen's persuasion and returned home.

When Hector, wearing shining armor and holding a spear, was about to go to the battlefield, he said goodbye to his son. The child was afraid of his mighty father and hid in the nurse's arms. Hector and his wife smiled . Hector took off the brass hat with the horsehair on it and put it on the ground. The child immediately recognized his father, let go of the nanny, and threw himself into his father's arms.

"You'll be much better than your father," Georgiana whispered, looking at the little dress in her hand, and putting it into the sewing box.

Then she touched the bracelet on her wrist. He took off the ring engraved with "fate" last night, and there was only one bracelet like hers on her hand.

In fact, there is another sentence after the sentence "much better than his father", "bring back the bloody spoils to make his mother happy".

She didn't know what the other mothers thought, Georgiana didn't like bloody trophies anyway, but a horsehair helmet was always a blessing.

At the same time, she is not the kind of woman who takes pleasure in conquering. She will not let a man fall into her arms and make him a laughing stock of the enemy.

There was a knock at the door, and then Bertin and the seamstresses entered, one of them holding a skirt in his hand.

"Madam, your dress is ready." Bertin said proudly.

"You look happy," Georgiana said with a smile.

"Of course, it is a masterpiece," said Bertin. "You will be satisfied."

"I never doubted that." Georgiana stood up "because it was originally a gift for the goddess."

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