Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2244 Fierce Frenzy (4)

Some shadows can be seen at the junction of the sky and the sea, which looks like a piece of land. She squinted to see if it was England.

"You could try the binoculars," Richard said to Georgiana, "if you really want to see the other side."

Georgiana looked at what he was holding. "Is this the Belgian food you found?"

Richard smiled and handed her the French fries and mussels.

"Others say we're a food desert, let's see how they do with fried potatoes?"

Georgiana looked at the French fries in her hand, which were eaten with sticky mayonnaise, and the mussels were cooked in white wine, exuding a strong aroma.

She tasted it, and it tasted good, but the potatoes were too hard fried, and there was too much salt.

"I heard it was your idea," said Richard suddenly.


"Raising orphans with a beer tax."

"Oh, that's not my idea, it's Queen Ekaterina's." Georgiana said quickly, "I just heard that Belgians love to drink beer."

"Why not ship Bordeaux wine to Belgium?" asked Richard.

"I don't think they like it." Georgiana pondered for a moment. "The Dutch and the Germans both like beer."

"Have you ever thought that wine merchants feel like they've been abandoned? Wine is a blessed wine."

"I know." Georgiana said indifferently, "but when they complain about refusing to pay the charitable entry tax, I think they have forgotten what kindness is."

"How do you know that the beer merchants won't be like them? Do you think the beer merchants in Tartu really agreed to this system because of orphans?"

Georgiana looked at him.

"That's just an excuse, but a buffer is needed when the conflict becomes irreconcilable." Richard took a bite of French fries, "Hmm~, it's too hard and too salty."

Georgiana was so angry that she ate and opened a mussel. The sand inside was not cleaned, and she almost threw up.

"You will be the protagonist in the next trip." Richard picked out a less hard French fries and dipped them in mayonnaise to eat. "The First Consul will be your foil."

Georgiana woke up with a start.

"No wonder he told me to mourn for Leclerc." She muttered.

"It may be a political purpose, or it may be that he really wants to mourn for General Leclerc. Don't think too complicated about him," Richard said.

"Then why did you become my guardian? And he agreed." Georgiana asked back.

Richard smiled and looked at the sea.

Georgiana wanted to remind him that if Napoleon lost at Waterloo as in history, all the British who had contact with him would be suspected, including even the Prince of Wales. Georgiana couldn't remember what they sent, but It was this ritual exchange of gifts that got him attacked.

"You're a fool," Georgiana muttered, taking another bite of French fries.

"May I ask, why did you leave your husband? I've heard many versions of the legend, but I want to hear the truth from you."

"You can't." She said annoyed, thinking that the fries were terrible, but she didn't want to waste food.

"There are always people who are gossiping and criticizing others. I have been married four times, and my current wife is one year younger than my daughter. If I cared what other people said, I would not marry her." Richard De paused, "You told me just now, don't let your daughter become someone else's mistress."

"It's a strange way of persuading people like this." Georgiana looked at the red-faced Irishman.

"You are also very strange." He said not to be outdone, "Who would leave the husband who gave you a happy life and become someone else's mistress?"

"You're not going to stop until you get an answer, are you?"

"Don't underestimate the spirit of exploration."

Georgiana looked at him viciously.

"Imagine being alone with those chatterers." Richard said confidently, "You'll be grateful to the First Consul for ending this trip early."

She sat still while Richard continued eating Belgian fries with mayonnaise.

"I think it's easy to hate someone. Someone told me that he and the woman before him have passed, but I always feel that she is there." Georgiana said numbly, "Love requires a broad heart, and my heart is not that broad. .”

Richard sighed.

"Today Leon told me that he would buy Rembrandt's paintings to compensate me. I think he still didn't understand the meaning of those paintings."

"Lyon? Oh~" Richard suddenly realized, "This is your nickname."

"No, his mother called him that." Georgiana explained dryly.

"Look, gossip never goes out of style." Richard smiled and Mimi took a bite of fried potatoes.

"You men are very specific, you all like young and beautiful girls." She teased, "Severus is different from you, he has always liked Lily."

"Who's Severus? Mr. Smith?" Richard asked.

"That's right, it's him!" Georgiana kept stirring the French fries in the mayonnaise with hatred in her eyes. "He will never forget his first love."

"Can you tell me who told you that he and the woman before him have passed?" Richard asked.

"Another woman, we were friends for some time, and her son is my godson," replied Georgiana.

"What is the basis of her judgment?"

"For some reason, she visited 'Mr. Smith'. At that time, he lived with 'Wormtail'. Wormtail was the chief culprit who indirectly killed Mr. Smith's first love. She judged that Wormtail was still alive. If Mr. Smith really still loved his first love, Wormtail would be dead long ago."

"Do you believe?"

"I believed it." She said sadly, "but everyone is saying that he still loves her, so I'm not sure if I should believe it."

"Would you like my advice?" Richard asked.

"What do you want to say?" Georgiana asked.

"Believe what that woman said. You said it yourself just now. It's easy to hate someone. Loving someone requires a broad mind. Do you think Mr. Smith is a broad-minded person?"

she recalled.

"What was he doing?" Richard asked.

"On a mission." Georgiana replied.

Richard's eyes flickered, and he lowered his voice and asked, "Is he really a spy?"

Georgiana did not answer.

Richard looked at the sea shaking his head and sighing.

"He was involved in another war and had already retired. We came to Europe for our honeymoon." Georgiana immediately explained.

"You know what Pete called you? He called you Lady 'Countess of Aberdeen'." Richard looked at Georgiana "I can see that he has you in his heart, don't you break his heart. "

She was a little confused.

"It doesn't seem right to say that. If Napoleon's army really crossed the strait, we will be the poor ones." Richard laughed crazily.

"What's so funny?" she said dissatisfied.

"Do you know the name of the Archbishop of Dublin? His name is Troy."

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