Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2237 Flower Controversy (one hundred and forty-six)

Seraphim is the highest rank among angels, but described in the Bible, it is completely different from those angels with human appearance.

In addition, Lucifer led the fallen angels and Michael led the angelic war. Through this, the church divided the world into: heaven, the abode of the all-good; .

Innocent III divided the Church into the Church of the Victorious in Heaven, the Church of the Fighting on Earth and the Church "in Purgatory". The Pope launched two crusades during his reign.

The destination of the Fourth Crusade was not to cross the sea from Constantinople to the Middle East, but to capture Egypt for the purpose of serving as a base for future operations. This is slightly different from the history that Georgiana came into contact with "difference.

It was also in this operation that Enrico Dandolo threatened that the coalition forces composed of French and Italian nobles did not have enough money to pay Venice, so that the Crusaders turned around and attacked the city of Zara, and then captured Constantine. After the war, Venice not only gained independence, but also occupied three-eighths of the territory of the Byzantine Empire.

This made it difficult for Innocent III to organize the Fifth Crusade, and the European monarchs no longer supported him, so the Pope asked the priests to preach and publicize that in addition to heaven, hell and this world, there are "earths on the ground". "Heaven" and "Purgatory", that is, five places and three armies. Those who are in heaven, although they belong to the army of God, are not capable of fighting. The army between heaven and this world celebrates the victory of heaven in this world and serves Those in Purgatory pray, and Purgatory is thus established.

After waking up, Georgiana began to understand why Bonaparte became "ill". The king's immersion in mysticism is definitely not a good thing for his subjects, especially since he has also been to Egypt, Palestine and other regions, and has reached a certain degree of reconciliation with the church .

They probably thought the "witch" was bewitching him, although she thought it was an adventure story with love content when she first got the travel book, and even Nick gave up continuing to explore Yinyin, maybe she should give up too.

"I'll see how long you can last."

The Georgiana who stood at the head of the bed, as if looking in a mirror, said with a smile.

She sighed helplessly.

The Yin people said that if you run too fast, you will be caught up by your own shadow. This shadow is not only black, but it may also be like that in the mirror.

"Madam." Matilda put the black tea by her hand and looked at her worriedly.

She did not ask Matilda Bonaparte if she was really ill.

If there was such a monster, it was her job to protect him, even though she was British, and it was the French Ministry of Magic's job to protect French dignitaries.

In this day and age, wizards are not strict with the International Statute of Secrecy, and it is part of Albus's "day job".

There will always be a challenge, whether it's one of his unruly Dark wizards or one desperate for fame. In addition to the irreversible damage caused by black magic, the most important thing is to bring negative emotions, such as fear, etc. The corpses who died of Avada Kedavra looked as if they were asleep, and they were not destroyed like a sword. Cutting out horrible wounds, not to mention Yin Yin, the vines will get into the ears, smashing the flesh and internal organs of the human body.

She overlooked how ordinary people would feel about something that even Napoleon found terrifying. Even though Stam slept in the doorway and dared to face any enemy "person" who threatened Napoleon's safety, he was afraid of devils, goblins, and could not even hear them. Instead, it was the adjutant who was on duty outside the door, because he couldn't hear the voice coming from the crack of the door and could still stay at his post.

"Anbar didn't say anything but stared at you?" Georgiana asked Matilda.

Matilda shook her head, "After so many days, I almost forgot about that dream."

Georgiana looked at her "I'm going to do something to you, it won't hurt you..."

"No problem." Matilda said briskly, "Shall I close my eyes?"

"No." Georgiana said helplessly, then she picked up a glass jar of sugar, poured out the sugar in it, and turned the glass jar into a test tube, and then she touched Matilda's chest with her wand. Forehead, "extracted" a little silver-white substance from her brain and put it in the test tube.

"What's that?" Matilda asked.

"Your memory," Georgiana said, looking at it, as she waited for the Pensieve.

"But I thought it was a dream," said Matilda.

"The human brain remembers more than you think." Georgiana handed her the test tube. "Put it in the suitcase."

"Yes, ma'am," said Matilda, taking the test tube.

"Go down," Georgiana said silently, and Matilda left the study.

After she left, Georgiana took a deep breath and opened the travel book.

Cao Xi's case was handed over to Dali Temple, and the admiral was handed over to the Jiuqing for interrogation. It was said that the admiral had committed a crime of negligence, and the worst outcome would be deprivation of the hereditary title, and he still had the achievements of governors in various provinces. The punishment for the peace and rebellion may be lighter.

As for Cao Xi, even if he can survive by luck, his marriage with Wanning will basically come to naught, and Wanning will also ask for marriage in person, but it is already very good to be able to marry in Mongolia.

Nick felt sorry for the situation of the young couple, and what made him even more puzzled was how the person who made the false accusation would not be punished in any way.

Nick believed that Juren had never heard of Luther, nor had he heard of indulgences, and that indulgences were posthumous, which is different from immunity from punishment in this world, although they are essentially tax issues.

This is a new inequality outside of the "Eight Pieces". He heard that the believers of the White Lotus Sect live on the cliffs, and apes can't go there. What is the difference between such a life and a savage?

The people living in this land are industrious, dexterous, and patient. It is precisely because of these characteristics that they can resist various adverse natural disasters, but they are powerless against lower-level officials who are arbitrary, plundering, and exploiting the people.

In the fifty-ninth year of Qianlong's reign, there was an armed fight between Lin and Xue's families in Fujian. At that time, there was an irrigation canal passing through the farmland of the two families. The Lin family was upstream and the Xue family was downstream. Irrigation, and then the Xue family invited several people to come to the door to discuss.

Facing so many armed people, the head of the Lin family hurriedly picked up a knife and slashed at the head of the Xue family. Patriarch Xue avoided the knife and hacked the head of the Lin family to death. A chaotic fight began. Because the Xue family came prepared, but the Lin family was not prepared in advance, the whole fight turned into a "massacre" by the Xue family against the Lin family. Since the irrigation canal is going to be blocked, why not be prepared for others to come and retaliate?

This is the purpose of medieval castles in Europe. There are also moats and drawbridges. Even if pagans from the far east cannot come, they can still guard against neighbors who are close at hand.

Although the case was temporarily suppressed by the governor, and the relevant people were exiled to XJ, it was still uncovered because of a corruption case, and the literati who reported it also returned to his hometown.

What makes Nick even more incomprehensible is why the Qing government turned its civilians into slaves. During the Spring and Autumn Period, the state of Lu where Confucius lived had a law. When they regain their freedom, they can receive compensation and rewards from the state. Zigong, a student of Confucius, did that, but refused to ask for compensation from the state. Confucius condemned him. Receiving compensation from the state would not damage Zigong’s character, but if he did not receive compensation, no one in Lu would redeem himself. The compatriots who died.

The missionaries have always introduced the Chinese Empire to the public as a model government, and they have always believed that obedience to absolute authority will cause negligible disadvantages, at least ensuring social stability and order, and they are at least politically educated in doing so Purpose.

Georgiana flipped through these quickly, looking for content about Yin Yin.

Then she found this sentence: When a person is awake, the blood is red when he is injured, and the blood is blue when he is injured in a dream. Human blood is originally blue, and the sea is originally red.

She thought it was ridiculous, just about to take a sip of black tea, only to find that it was blue because butterfly pea flowers were added to it.

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