Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2234 Flower Controversy (143)

The Medusa Hall faces the sea, and the afterglow of the setting sun can dye the ancient Greek and Roman sculptures in the hall a layer of rose through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Looking out from here, the scenery is actually similar to that seen in the Shell House, but because of these sculptures and careful layout, people have the illusion of being in the Aegean Sea. Through the glass, you can still hear the beast-like roar of the turbulent sea. Maybe the most luxurious suite in the entire palace except the main palace is here.

According to the introduction of the palace attendants, the Medusa Hall is symmetrically facing the east side of the Niji Hall, which is the Hall of the Goddess of Victory, and most of the French high-ranking officials live there. Arranging Father Grégoire to live here "alone" would not be slighting him at all, and the others would feel much more comfortable.

Not only are "heretics" who defend the truth bound to the stake, but there are also "martyrs" who defend the faith in the church, not to mention the fire mentioned by the pope, which only exists in purgatory. Buddhism believes that the fire in Avici Hell will never stop, but Purgatory in Christianity is a place of purification. Some people think that the sins that can be redeemed will be burned here, and the remaining sins that cannot be redeemed need to be in hell. Some people think that fire is a kind of "baptism", and those who cannot wash their sins with spring water have to use fire to purify their sins.

Intimidating secular leaders with otherworldly punishments was once a powerful tool in the Church's hands, and indulgences sold well as a result, supporting the Crusades and the lavish spending of the Church's top brass.

The bloody demons will strongly stimulate the evil side of human nature, thus producing the power of destruction. Grégoire had risked his life to expose the absurd excesses of some people during the Great Revolution, and there will always be people who will do whatever they want in troubled times.

If you don't know what is good, you will not know what is evil. It is precisely because of the existence of these "sages" that people's customs and ethics have changed.

Time doesn't fix anything, it's like dirt on ruins, layer upon layer over time, eventually burying it, only to be unearthed years later.

Many "gypsum statues" were discovered in the ancient city of Pompeii. Those were once living people, because they were buried by volcanic ash and left what they kept during their lifetime. Later archaeologists saw the scene of the night of the disaster, many of them The people still looked like they were sleeping, but they didn't open their eyes to see the eyes of Medusa.

But time can change an animal from four legs in the morning to two legs at noon and three legs at night.

This is an inappropriate metaphor. People's souls are of different ages. Some people are young and old, and some people are young and old, but the age of the body can be determined. No matter how mature the actress Miss Georgina looks, her body is not yet of age, and Napoleon is already in his thirties.

However, people at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century had not yet formed such a concept. They did not think it was a sin. Many people even married and had children very early. The high birth rate can offset the high death rate. Many girls are in their teens. start giving birth.

Isaiah Berlin once said that to liberate a person is to free them from prejudice and ignorance and let them be the masters of their destiny, not to tell him "what kind of destiny you should have".

At least Lily had freed him from the pure-blood prejudice, and he wouldn't say the word "Mudblood" casually.

Pomona hoped she hadn't dragged him back into prejudice, the mistakes of his youth had been redeemed by his adult behavior, and she seemed to be getting closer to hell.

St. Patrick is said to have discovered the entrance to hell in Ireland. Cursing someone to go to hell should be a serious curse, but she didn't feel it.

Because she is not "innocent".

Originally, she thought that there would be a lot of shields in the Medusa Hall, but she didn't expect it to be a work of art. Can such a palace be used as a defense?

As the waiter opened the double oak doors, what came into view was a small library with two floors, with sculptures of the same height as life-sized sculptures placed here and there. Grégoire was standing by the desk when he heard the movement and raised his head. nod.

"Good evening." Georgiana said awkwardly after the waiter closed the door.

"Good evening." Grégoire looked her up and down. "I thought you were Marie Antoinette just now."

"That's not a good metaphor," Georgiana said immediately, and she couldn't help but look at her attire. She was wearing the same outfit she had just gone to the opera, and it was dressed by Marie Antoinette. Bertin who served.

"You are like a rose that only needs dew."

"Just because I'm not as extravagant as she is, you praise me?" Georgiana asked aggressively.

"You have been to the Polytechnic Institute, why don't you go to the Museum of Crafts?" asked Grégoire.


"Le conservatoire (Technical Institute) comes from the Italian word conservatorio, which means an orphanage where abandoned children are taught music. They already have a shelter, so why build a new one?" Gregoire asked.

"I do not know what you mean."

"I heard that it was your idea to build a new site for the Industrial Exposition," said Grégoire. "Isn't it good to continue holding the exposition in the Louvre or the Champ de Mars?"

"The 'orphanage' you mentioned just now."

"It used to be called St. Martin's Abbey, but now it's called the Museum of Handicraft Collections, but I don't think anyone will visit there." Gregoire said.

"I'm so tactful that you may not understand, let me put it this way now, 'profitable peace' is difficult to maintain, let alone 'unprofitable peace', the money cannot be frugal." George Anna said angrily, "The new craft fair venue will definitely be built..."

"Your tone is as unquestionable as the First Consul's statement that the Saint-Martin Canal must be built." Gregoire interrupted her, "I heard that you also participated in the canal project."

"So?" She put her waist in, waiting for the other party's accusation.

"The cost of these two projects far exceeds that of Marie Antoinette. I am not praising you because you are not extravagant." Gregoire said with a smile, "I originally planned to set up an exhibition hall in the Crafts Collection, All new inventions will be displayed there, but I didn’t expect to build a building dedicated to those new inventions, and to me, that was a surprise.”

Georgiana was confused.

"There is also a threshing machine. I have already collected it in the collection hall, but I think the venue of the Industrial Expo should not occupy too much space. Have you heard of the Customs House in Dublin?"

"I understand what you're talking about." Georgiana said blankly.

Like the Titanic, people of this era have an indescribable fascination with creating "giant things."

"You know that Ganton is the designer?" said Grégoire.

"Who is Gunton?" asked Georgiana.

"James Gunton, architect of Dublin's public works, is also bidding."

"Oh." Georgiana was a little surprised.

"Not only French architecture, British designers are also involved in the design of the new expo hall. I heard that German and Italian designers are also trying to qualify for the competition. This will soon become an international event. I can participate Selection?"

"That's why you came here?"

"Otherwise what do you think?" Grégoire asked back.

Georgiana looked at the "citizen priest" in silence.

He smiled slyly and looked like a fox.

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