Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2225 Flower Controversy (one hundred and thirty-four)

Nick has recently learned a new knowledge. There are only two types of weather in Central Asia, one is summer in the desert and the other is winter in Siberia.

Even though BJ is still in the hot summer, the Mulan paddock is already very cool, and the "Mulan Autumn" is being held.

According to the merchants in Mongolia, it takes three months to travel from Zhangjiakou to Guihua City. Even if we set off immediately, we will arrive there in October. Few people will go to Siberia at this time. Even the natives of Siberia will not go out easily like hibernating bears. The average temperature there is more than 40 degrees below zero, and the snow sometimes reaches waist level. It is impossible for a horse-drawn carriage to pass, so they can only take a dog sled.

And this time to go to Ili, just in time for the winter in the desert, if there is no sandstorm or snowstorm, then it would be a very good time.

So Nick gave up his plan to go north to Siberia from "Killing Tiger's Mouth". Even if he wanted to go, he would have to wait until the next spring, when Siberia was in summer.

These merchants gathered beside the altar where they offered sacrifices to heaven and prayed for grain. Legend has it that there was a cooking utensil called "Cuan" with cold water in it, and it would boil without adding firewood. ".

Zhuge Liang is a very miraculous person. The "Wooden Cow and Flowing Horse" he designed has not been copied by anyone so far, and the eight-array diagram he created, so that adding his name to any inconceivable thing becomes reasonable.

Nick has seen a copper basin called "fish wash" in the second-hand market. It is as big as a washbasin with a flat bottom. There are handles on the left and right sides of the basin. When you rub the handles, the water in the basin will ripple. It opened, and even formed a water column, as if it was boiling.

The reason why it is called "fish washing" is because the bottom of the basin is decorated with fish patterns. If it is decorated with dragon patterns, it is called "dragon washing". Antiques from many years ago. If you just look at the patina on the utensils, it does look like Shang and Zhou ware, but based on Nick's understanding of counterfeiters, these "bronze ware" are likely to be from last week.

But he also chooses a lot of small and easy-to-carry products here. Last time he brought a lot of lapis lazuli to Guangzhou and made a small fortune. It is impossible for him to travel around the world relying on the little travel expenses he took away from home.

In addition to the monthly silver given by the admiral, he has saved a lot, but walking the ancient Silk Road is not an easy task, it may take a year or two, wait two months, and it will not be too late to prepare before starting.

The ubiquitous chirping of cicadas in summer is indeed annoying, but they seem to remind Nick to be careful of the existence of "sticky poles". In addition to the hot weather, he stayed at the admiral's house and continued to read the book about the Yin people.

Most religions are about exhorting people to be good. The imam told Nick that the so-called backlash of the shadow is due to evil thoughts in the heart, so the shadow of the head becomes larger, but the content translated in the book is different.

There was a Yin Yin man called "Father". He was lying on a sickbed. When the shadow backlash started, the walls, ceiling, and the whole room he was in became very soft. The waves raised by the earth rolled, until a dark figure turned and twisted, like an anaconda walking upright, swaying from side to side and approaching him when he was dying.

He dictated what he saw, and the "son" was in charge of recording it, until the snake stretched out its tongue and wrapped his head, terminating all sounds.

But the "son" didn't notice this abnormality. His "father" was like a cluster of falling autumn leaves, lying quietly in his own shadow.

Two you, you are Tyrek, you are Nanlou, you are not Tirik, you are not Nanlou, your blood is tied to your soul. There is only one protagonist in the story, you and you, each of you has half the chances, so in the duel required by the story, you must decide the outcome and decide whether to live or die. And in the end you and you, the two of you will eventually walk out of this story, outside the story, one will play the author and the other will play the reader.

"What does that mean?" Louvre asked.

Georgiana thought for a moment and asked, "You are an Auror, have you ever heard of time travel?"

Louvre nodded.

"Have you ever done something you regret?"

Louvre shook his head.

"Let's assume that you have done something that you regret very much. Now you, go back to the past and tell the previous one that you don't make that choice. What do you think will happen?"

"I will stick to my past choices." Louvre said without hesitation.

"But you from the 'future' will warn you not to do that, and then you fight, and the one from the future must die in the end."

Louvre frowned.

"If the past you changed your mind and didn't make that choice, where did the 'future' you who went through everything come from? If you didn't change your mind, the one who wants to stop you claims to be from Get rid of the future you, the future you know, without the past you, there will be no future self, so no matter what, the future person must lose, you and you each have half the possibility."

"Is that so?" Louvre asked in disbelief.

"I don't know much more than you. If it wasn't for your reminder, I would have just planned it so directly." Georgiana said wearily, "This is a race made up of darkness and puzzles, and ordinary 'fans' can't trap them." of."

"Have you ever thought that the girl just saw it wrong." Louvre asked.

Georgiana ignored her.

After Peter the Great, Queen Elizabeth I was the successor to the Tsar, but her succession to the throne was not smooth, and she went through a series of chaos before finally seizing the throne with the support of the military and announcing that her nephew was the future heir .

She was one of the last monarchs Russia welcomed because of her decision not to execute a single person during her reign, a lot of construction, a lot of balls, and it is said that she left behind 15,000 dresses when she died.

She put all the fantasies of girlhood into reality, which resulted in a thick stack of bills.

Elizabeth is in the midst of two countercurrent cultures, the new fashion of the French court on the one hand, the tradition of Russian Orthodox Church and the cold wind of Siberia on the other, which makes her innocent and kind at one moment, and angry at the other.

She went to the ball after vespers, and went to morning prayers after the ball. While devoutly respecting the holy relics and ceremonies of the Orthodox Church, she ordered materials for the banquet and performances of the Versailles court from Paris.

Then she began to wear men's clothes, and stipulated that all women attending the ball should wear men's clothes, and men should wear women's clothes.

You can't say she's crazy, after all she's the empress, she's the most popular because no one's head was cut off, if you force her to cut off someone's head, of course she won't be popular, but someone will lose their head Is not it?

So why not turn it upside down, Nick Flamel needs to send the fire summoned by Grindelwald to the ground, and Georgiana's maze needs a "primordial fire". This "Fire Opal" is used as a power source, just like the battery of a Muggle toy. When the battery is used up and replaced, this ring will not be used, and Grindelwald's flame magic is used as a power source.

It sounds incredible, but if Grindelwald's "Flame" can indeed burn down the whole of Paris, then it can indeed be as central as Fengshen.

We have always understood that the sky is blue and the sea is so blue that it turns black, but the people of Yinyin understand it the other way around. "I" arranged all this because I knew this ending.

The sixty-four hexagrams of the Zhouyi are divided into the thirty-four hexagrams of the upper hexagram and the thirty-four hexagrams of the lower hexagram. If the upper hexagram represents the sky, then the lower hexagram represents the earth. It represents fire, and at the same time, it also means "Li", which means to attach, and she never thought about why the beautiful Li means this.

The first hexagram after the Li hexagram is the Xian hexagram, which represents the love between husband and wife. The Xianfu Palace is the residence of the emperor and the empress. The Qianqing Palace is the residence of the emperor, and the Kunning Palace is the residence of the empress. , seem to be all named after Zhou Yi.

After the Xian hexagram is the Heng hexagram, which means that the relationship between husband and wife must last forever, but it is followed by the Dun hexagram and the Da Zhuang hexagram, which means that nothing lasts forever.

Buying a diamond ring is also because "diamonds are forever, and one piece will last forever", so you can't buy it "forever".

"How about we play a little mischief?" Georgiana said suddenly.

"What?" Louvre asked.

Georgiana took out her wand, "Let's talk to Madame de Chatel."

"Oh~ using magic on Muggles is a violation of the International Statute of Secrecy!" Auror Louvre gloated.

Georgiana ignored her, cast a Disillusionment Charm on herself, opened the door and left.

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