Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2222 Flower Controversy (131)

Since December of the fourth year of Jiaqing, the Qing government has imposed special management on official and private temples inside and outside the capital. People with unknown origins and foreign monks and Taoists will be inspected and searched. Although private temples can be rented out, monks and Taoists must find out who is renting the temple, report the facts to the government for record, and only those with clear backgrounds are allowed to stay in the temple.

After visiting a large circle, Nick found that the "wishful thinking" that he originally planned to rent in the Shichahai Temple was in vain. In fact, building a temple through private equity can be regarded as an investment. After the private temple is built, the guest rooms can be rented out for rent. , These temples have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

The fear brought about by these cult rebellions has reached the point of a shadow, and the ignorance of the local villagers has amplified people's fear of cults. Sometimes the rumors themselves are more shocking than the facts.

In Anlu, Hubei, a group of bachelors shouted "The White Lotus Sect is here", and then the people in the village and the market would flee in panic.

There were also people who reported to the government anonymously, hoping to sensationalize the creditors and arrest them. Although they were finally found out, the nature of the case was almost the same as that of the Qianlong Thirty-Three Years Soul Calling Case. Some people use spells to lure believers, some use cults to falsely accuse each other, and some even pretend to be members of the White Lotus Cult to intimidate villagers and try to take advantage of the fire.

There is a saying that "a monk who can run away can't run away from the temple". Originally, it was supposed to save all living beings. Because of the government's rules, the temple that took in refugees had to strengthen the management of wandering monks and Taoists. If you stay overnight but are rejected.

As for how he got in, the official did not find out the result, although the monk and related personnel were all dealt with.

The guards privately circulated that this was a "ghost hitting the wall", because this monk not only entered the Shenwu Gate, but also went to Jianting Square, and found that when his guards stopped him, he found that he was in a trance, so he Like not waking up, or sleepwalking, when he was interrogated all night, his spirit was not like that.

According to Qinxi Belle, the palace with many women is full of yin, and this kind of thing is easy to happen. The emperor of the Ming Dynasty would let some court ladies out whenever this happened. There were also strange cases of disappearances in the palace of the Tang Dynasty before. Tang Minghuang's mother inexplicably disappeared after being scolded by Wu Zetian.

The winter is so cold, and there are all kinds of ghost stories spread in the palace, such as the maid who threw herself into a well in a certain palace today, or which eunuch hanged herself in a certain palace, how can I survive without drinking some wine?

Some palaces that are unoccupied all year round give people a particularly gloomy feeling, so everyone is willing to go to lively places.

There is no cold palace in the palace, the places where the emperor does not go are all cold palaces. Concubine Dong E's place was the most lively when she was favored, and when she died, those palace people who went to the lively place were all buried for her.

It is difficult to be a errand, and it is also difficult not to be a errand. First of all, there is no income. After the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, it faced a problem of identifying the clan. The belt, commonly known as the "yellow belt", is called "Jueluo" by the descendants of the Takshi brothers, that is, the other descendants of Jue Luoan. They wear a red belt around their waists, commonly known as the "red belt". Except for the ****, everyone will be attacked. Downgrading the title not only means that the title will be lowered, but also the salary will be reduced. These people with noble status but no income cannot be allowed to live on the streets.

Emperor Jiaqing’s approach was to encourage the imperial clan to take the imperial examination. Of course, the imperial imperial examination of the imperial clan was different from the scene Nick saw in the Guangzhou Gongyuan. For example, as an errand in the director’s office, one only needed to know full Chinese.

Daughters of the clan can still marry Mongolia, but even the emperor himself doesn’t like Mongolian women. Emperor Kangxi went on a tour to the south and once brought back the daughter of a county magistrate. She was the only Han concubine of Emperor Kangxi and gave birth to fifteen, The sixteenth and eighteenth princes. Back then, Emperor Shunzhi made such a big fuss about Concubine Dong E. After learning from the past, Emperor Kangxi named her a concubine after she gave birth to three princes. He couldn't be as messed up as Emperor Shunzhi just because he liked it rule.

"Don't do to others what you don't want to be done to others", since the friendship between Manchu and Mongolia cannot be enhanced through marriage, then through other means, this year Emperor Jiaqing also went to Rehe like the previous emperors, and lived in Mulan Paddock Went hunting, not in the palace.

Among the Eight Scenic Spots of Yanjing designated by Emperor Qianlong, there is one called Taiye Qiufeng, which was originally called "Taiye Qingbo". The emperor would not come back until autumn when the weather began to cool.

There are no tigers in Mulan Paddock, they were brought from Tiger City in the capital.

Emperor Kangxi asked people to raise tigers to keep them wild and not grow fat like a full-fledged domestic cat.

In fact, ordinary wild Siberian tigers will not take the initiative to attack people. They also know that cannibalism will provoke revenge. If they attack a village, they will rush into the sheep pen, unless they are very hungry.

But the tigers in the Tiger City don't have this kind of fear. They killed the guards, and these man-eating tigers stayed and were released during hunting. In this way, they might attack the Mongolian princes and Manchu relatives. up.

The 15th elder brother born to Concubine Mi has no sense of existence, but the 16th elder brother is both civil and military. He is not only good at mathematics and rhythm. In December of the fifty-fifth year of Kangxi, he single-handedly killed a tiger in Horqin .

In the Yongzheng period, Prince Zhuang died, and he left no descendants. Emperor Yongzheng planned to let Yinlu inherit.

Although Prince Zhuang is considered to be at the bottom of the list in other countries, Prince Zhuang still has Xiaozong, so the Aixinjueluo family should not be the successor, and there was a bit of trouble over this matter.

Later, Yinlu took over the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Mansion of the Clan, which was also the department that banned the third elder brother on Jingshan.

After the death of Yongzheng, Yinlu became a minister of the auxiliary government. When Qianlong went to Rehe, he was in charge of staying behind. It was not until his death that the sixth prince Yong Rong was in charge. No one thought that Yong Rong would die at the age of 48. If he It was not difficult for Nick to go to Tiger City to see tigers alive.

Nick didn't ask Qinxi why Baylor didn't go to Rehe, because no matter from which point of view, Baylor didn't seem to be able to kill a tiger alone with a gun.

Nick also didn't ask Baylor if he was short of money, because Baylor didn't look like one by any means.

When he returned to his residence, Nick didn't ask Juren if he had gone back to look for "Xi Ren". Compared with the admiral who is currently in a precarious situation, Minister Cullen is undoubtedly a more worthy object of refuge.

All he knew was that he couldn't pursue Yin Yin any longer. He wanted to go from Siberia to Russia, and then back to Europe from Russia.

Before that, he wanted to find a Russian who could speak French or English. Fortunately, the admiral's house was next to the Russian language library, so Nick went out again shortly after "going home".

"You leave this question to me." Georgiana said, "I don't want you to become a 'snake shadow'."

"What?" He had never heard of this idiom, so he asked.

"I don't want you to be that cat who's afraid of your own shadow."

He was even more confused.

"Did you put the cucumber behind the cat?" she asked.

"What will happen?" he asked.

"It will jump up in fright. If you become like that, it can only represent my failure." She raised the book in her hand, "Have you finished reading it?"

"not yet……"

Georgiana blanked the book in his hand.

He laughed.

"You are a lion, Leon, but I don't want you to be misled about the fact that Yin Yin belongs to the category of black magic." She said softly, "Remember the announcement you made when you were in Italy? The French army held the victory sword in one hand, With an olive branch in one hand."

"In retrospect, if our guide deliberately took us the wrong way across the Alps, it would not have been a miracle. That is why I am a cartographer, not a cadastre maker. I have a right to know."

Georgiana looked him in the eye.

"This is the result of your thinking, like those priests? A witch." He asked provocatively.

"Severus is obsessed with black magic, that allows him to gain power, what can you get?" Georgiana asked, "Don't tell me the truth, this may be a carefully crafted story."

He was lost in thought.

"Is curiosity right? Did you know that curiosity can kill a cat?" she asked back.

"Why do you always mention cats?" He said impatiently.

Georgiana laughed.

"You'll never guess what I'm thinking right now."

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