Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 221 The Office of the Beasts

The Department of Magical Creatures Management and Control is located on the fourth floor of the Ministry of Magic. In addition to the Goblin Liaison Office, this department also includes the Dragon Research and Restriction Bureau, the Pest Advisory Office, the Committee for Disposing of Dangerous Animals, the Ghost Office, the Alien Office, the Misinformation Office, and the Ghoul Ranger. And the house elf resettlement office, Hufflepuff celebrity Newt Scamander worked in the house elf resettlement office for two years, which to him was a boring two years, to others it was The office is the logistics department of the entire Ministry of Magic, because the house-elves of the entire Ministry of Magic are under the management of this office. Anyone who needs to clean the windows or clean will find this department. Hermione Granger will report to the Ministry of Magic tomorrow. .

She had experience in liberating house-elves when she was in school, and her predecessor retired, so she had to take over as a matter of course. She can continue to protect the rights of house-elves here, and the Beast Office is responsible for the management of magical animals. One of the three sub-departments of the Department of Control, this department is responsible for dealing with all matters and problems related to animal magical creatures in the Ministry of Magic, including the problem of werewolves.

This department falls under the direct jurisdiction of the Director of Regulatory Control of Fantastic Creatures. In Hannah Albert's collection of chocolate frog drawings, there is a relatively rare picture, the vampire Sir Herbert Varney captured women to suck blood in London in the 1880s, and was eventually arrested and killed by wizards from the Special Team of the Department of Magical Creatures. Death, although vampires and werewolves used to be humans, they can no longer be considered humans after the "transformation". They are all magical creatures in the M.O.M classification, and the process of executing them is different from that of humans. There is no need for a trial, just a hearing There is no death penalty for human beings, and the death penalty is to be imprisoned in Azkaban. Azkaban without dementors is like a resort hotel. After turning the Department of Magic Execution into a battlefield, the boys seem to want to Expanding the battlefield to Fantastic Beasts management

control division.

The fire dragons also joined in the Christmas battle. Those dragons were provided by the Bureau of Dragon Research and Restriction. This department is in charge of the daily management of the Department of Supervision and Control of Fantastic Beasts, but the calling of dragons is directly controlled by the Minister of Magic. Fantastic Beasts have always been Hufflepuff's special, although the newspaper did not write about the news of the war, but Hannah Albert's father already knew what happened.

"Fortunately, Professor Snape was here, otherwise those werewolves would have successfully rescued Fenrir." Hannah chatted with Pomona while making a garden salad. It was lunch time, although the Easter ham had already been baked , but it's still a while before they're baked, and for lunch they're going to make meatloaf, stuffed with ground beef, vegetables, and potatoes, and Honey the house-elf isn't happy about the two He took her job, but she dared not speak out, so she had to take out the kitchen garbage and throw it away.

"I heard that they are going to behead the captured werewolves." Pomona touched her swan necklace, "That's the responsibility of the Dangerous Animals Disposal Committee, right?"

"It's useless to discuss it with us, it can only be decided by the minister." Hannah said listlessly, "I feel very uncomfortable, Dean, it's worse than fighting the Death Eaters last time, what is a human being? "

"It's said in the history of magic, Hannah, do I need to remind you again?" Pomona said blankly.

The earliest definition of human beings was put forward by Buldock Muldoon, who "walked on two legs", so centaurs and mermaids were classified as animals. Mrs. Alfreda Cragg, Muldoon's successor, Trying to redefine "human", hoping to establish a closer relationship with other magical creatures. Humans, she declared, are those creatures who speak human languages. So all those beings who could make sense to the members of the council were invited to the next session. However the problem arises again. The trolls, who had been taught a few simple words by the goblin, were ready to destroy the hall as before. The mink chased after each other, ran around the chair legs in the conference hall, and stretched out their hands to pinch people's ankles as long as they could reach them. Centaurs were once classified as "animals" during Malden's reign, but now they are classified as "human beings" here in Mrs. Cragg, but they refused to attend the parliament to show their embarrassment that mermaids were excluded from "human beings". protest. Mermaids can talk when they are on the surface, but otherwise they cannot talk under any circumstances. Excessive friendship has the opposite effect.

"Remember what the basis of Occlumency is? To clear the mind of thoughts and emotions and not get emotional."

"I know, my father taught me when my mother passed away. He forged the genealogy and no one knew that I was mixed."

Seeing that Hannah recalled bad memories again, Pomona immediately reached out and gave her a hug.

"Control yourself, Hannah, you are stronger than you think. You participated in the Battle of Hogwarts. Many men have not experienced war like you."

The war happened as soon as it happened, and there was no time for people to fully prepare. George blamed Pomona for Fred's death, otherwise they could only blame themselves. Be mischievous.

That is obviously a happy time, how can it be a wasted time? This is the difference between those who grow up in misery and those who grow up in happiness.

With the sound of "boom", there was a flash of green light in the fireplace, and Pomona and Hannah came to the living room with their wands, and it turned out that Severus had returned.

"It smells so good, what are you going to eat today?" He said with a smile. There was no sarcasm or disdain in this smile. Hannah had never seen this side of him before, and she was stunned.

"Fatella," she whispered.

"Same as lunch on the day of the third event of the Triwizard Tournament?"

It was only when he said that to Pomona that he realized that this seemed to be a very unlucky dish.

"Why did you come back at noon?"

"I just had a long meeting yesterday, so I don't have so much to say." He walked to Pomona's side and lifted her hair. "Besides, I want to drink some vitality tonic."

Pomona looked at Hannah. She was looking at the two of them with great interest, and she had no intention of avoiding suspicion.

"Where are you looking?" He hooked her chin, turned her gaze to him, and then kissed her, but he kindly covered her head and face with the cloak so that Hannah could not see the two of them. The scene of kissing, but he deliberately sucked and made more noises.

Slytherin's old bat is hated by many people, whether it is in school or outside school, those eyes of hatred burning like fire have no effect on him, he still does his own way, and he used to do it in front of everyone during the meeting of the Order of the Phoenix. He satirized Sirius in front of him, saying that other members of the Order of the Phoenix were fighting Voldemort, but he was hiding in a safe place. Sirius was already furious when he lost the duel, and it was exactly what Severus said later It prompted Sirius to rush into the Ministry of Magic and lose his life that night. If he was serious about killing someone, there were ways. Dumbledore used to be in charge of him, and now even the Dark Lord he once feared is dead. He is the one who is in charge of the overall situation. Prince is only half blood. Kingsley is not as stupid as Fudge. He thinks that fire dragons are only used to guard the golden eggs. Break through the maze.

That maze is not dead, but alive. There is no map to refer to, but no matter how it changes, it still has logic and rules to find, otherwise it is a mess. It is spiral like this man's brain. It sucks people in like a whirlpool.

When the kiss was over, she was as unstable as if she had been cursed with soft legs. In the haze, she seemed to see a black figure in the flames, just like the day she received the news from Cedric, at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. as seen above.

"Hungarian Horntail."

"I'm not Hungarian," he corrected, smiling.

"I don't care, I'll just call you that." She said savagely, "Looking at your vicious face, I can't say a name as disgusting as Xiao Jishu."

"Ouch~" Hannah looked disgusted.

Pomona pointed her wand at her, and with a flash of red light, Hannah passed out on the ground.

"You actually cast spells on the students?" He looked at Hannah lying on the ground as if surprised.

"She's graduated." She turned his face away. "Nobody's bothering us now, Horntail."

He licked his lips, as if reminiscing about the sweetness he tasted just now, "How does the pronunciation of horntail sound like wormtail?"

"No matter how similar the pronunciation is, they are different species, just like werewolves and humans." She leaned over and bit his thin lower lip wildly. "Do you want to continue talking to me or make out?"

"We've done too much, and I'm hungry." He actually pushed her away indifferently, as if he wanted to go to the kitchen to find something to eat.

Like a night creature attacking humans, Pomona rushed towards him.

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