Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2207 Flower Controversy (one hundred and sixteen)

The Yin people call the "snake ring" Orubalus, and in alchemy they call it ouroboros. A Yin man who has heard of Greek mythology or Homer's epic compares the meaning of the "snake ring" like this, Austria Desius set off with great ambition, and returned exhausted physically and mentally, which is a continuous cycle from end to end.

She compared Odysseus to "the man who stepped on driftwood", but not everyone is like Odysseus, more ordinary people are like floating weeds in troubled times, running around with the wind and current .

If monks, Taoist priests, and beggars were the most vulnerable people more than 40 years ago, then these refugees with their families are new and the most vulnerable people. Clan means being protected by relatives and protected by the community. Cantonese people live in clans, and each clan has its own ancestral hall. It doesn’t matter whether they belong to the same ancestor or not, as long as they have the same surname.

With the ancestral hall, there is a land for worship. This land is shared. In addition to the grain used for ancestor worship, there will be surplus. If you can borrow and repay normally, then that’s all. If you encounter someone who can’t borrow and repay normally, you will rely on the number of people to collect debts from small households.

If someone is injured, they will be compensated from public expenses for decoction and medicine. If someone dies, there will be land compensation. If someone kills someone in a fight, they will arrange for someone to take the blame. Therefore, Wang Jian, the governor of Guangzhou, borrowed Song Chen Fan Zhongyan The method of setting up the clan leader and the clan deputy is to avoid the emergence of this kind of corporate ancestral hall.

There are also clans and ancestral halls in Jiangnan, but the clans in Jiangnan are very different from those in Fujian and Guangdong. They also have clan fields, but they are used to run private schools to ensure that some poor clansmen can also study. In addition, rewards are also set up. Students who do well in the exam can get "congratulatory silver", which is also obtained from the family farm. The rest of the income will be set up in social warehouses and charity warehouses. The aftermath of the people's clan.

This kind of moral cohesion is different from violence and is a more durable and effective means of control. Similarly, people in Jiangnan attach great importance to water conservancy, and almost equate it with the cultivation of talents as the foundation of a country's prosperity and people's strength. The strong cohesion of the clan has weakened the control of the national law to a certain extent. Sun Zongyi's river control method is based on the interests of local forces in Gaoyou. Of course, the people of Gaoyou support it. What about Yancheng?

No one is willing to ask for sewers, but there are people vying for irrigation canals. After Gao Jin built diversion rivers in Sheyang Lake and other places, the counties themselves will choose river ditches, whether it is building dams to raise fish and adding irrigation, or turning swamps into rice fields Forget it, these squires who have studied water conservancy will mobilize the villagers themselves. It's still the same old problem, it's easy to pay money, it's troublesome to find someone, and I don't want to pay money or work hard, but I want to take this opportunity to "beat back" and pay compensation for the irrigation canal from him.

If you go around from him, you need to dig a lot more, and the cost will even double, so you can ignore it for the time being. It is difficult to find labor to dig canals in a place where "everything is low-grade, only high-study". A whip method turned the corvee into silver taels. Sun Zongyi implemented a "equal distribution of mileage" system in Gaoyou in the fourth year of Kangxi. This caused dissatisfaction among many people, especially the officials and subordinates, and then Sun Zongyi was sued to Nanjing.

Big things can be litigated, not to mention this kind of "big case". After two years of trial, the "Li Tiao" who sued Sun Zongyi was convicted, but they still refused to execute it. Sun Zongyi found a step down by himself. It was a matter of many years ago that the two of them were evenly distributed. Later, both of them were sentenced lightly, and it seemed that they were not punished.

This "lier service" is mainly for water transportation, and has little to do with river engineering. There are even people vying to build the project. Generally, project materials are bought by the government and handled by the township contract. The labor cost can be reduced. When he quotes, he follows the standard High wages are paid by workers, and some refugees and homeless people are found to work. The difference in the middle price is the village contract.

This was one of the three crimes that Zhang Gongchen sued Sun Zongyi. At that time, Sun Zongyi was in charge of supervision with the Zhizhou, and the person who handled the "township agreement" was Gu Jian. on the head.

Hefu earns four cents a day, but he only pays a few cents. Only refugees can do this kind of hard work with little money. Sometimes refugees even miss work without reason. What did he do after he was absent from work?

It is very difficult to find out who set the fire. If the villagers were told that there were bandits from the White Lotus Sect among the refugees, what happened 40 years ago would repeat itself. Therefore, in addition to strengthening the management of Hefu Except for the increase of inspections by government servants, there is not much action, and other crimes will be charged when arresting "disruptive parties".

The rivermen were housed in different shantytowns, and they had little contact with each other. They would leave when there was another way out. There was a lot of traffic coming and going, and the law and order was relatively chaotic. This is the case with "duckweed" and "wandering", and there are also conflicts between refugees with their families and those bachelors. During the day, when the men go out, there are only women and children there, and those vagrants are dressed in rags, and they follow mobile casinos, gambling wherever they go, squandering when they win, and stealing when they lose. Vicious crimes occasionally occur, even if they When they are arrested by the government, generally no one cares about what kind of people they are and where they go.

Bai Juyi wrote a poem: We are both fallen in the end of the world, why should we know each other when we meet.

Bai Juyi lived after the Anshi Rebellion, and he did not experience the prosperous age that Li Bai lived in. His poems are not as fairy-like as Li Bai, and are more popular and easy to understand.

A carload of charcoal, more than a thousand catties, was only exchanged for half a bolt of red yarn and a zhang of silk for the envoy in yellow and white shirt. In the Tang Dynasty, silk could be used as currency, and this amount of money was not enough at all. This is not called Ming Qiang, but this is the "Gongshi system" that only exists "at the feet of the emperor". It's just that when the people entered the customs, it was changed to a horse-racing enclosure, and it didn't stop until the twenty-fourth year of Kangxi. , including some landlords, have become refugees in exile.

The enclosure movement in the early Qing Dynasty and the enclosure movement in Britain were completely different in nature, so even if they wanted to escape, the refugees would not go to Zhili, but the refugees in Zhili, not only Qianlong knew, but ordinary people were the same I know that Jiangnan is a good place, and it keeps flowing into Jiangnan.

The south of the Yangtze River is good, and the scenery is old. At sunrise, the river flowers are more red than fire, and in spring, the river water is as green as blue. Can you not remember Jiangnan?

As time passed by, time seemed to return to more than 40 years ago, when the ghost-calling case happened in the 33rd year of Qianlong. take an exam.

The "Huangliang Dream" happened in the period of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty. The scholar who was rushing to take the exam woke up, and the yellow rice cooked by the boss was not yet cooked. Maybe He Shen "woke up" and found that he did not marry the daughter of a bachelor, nor did he become a powerful man. Zhongtang, he is still the shabby banner man who lives in the donkey meat alley, and there may be one more thing to add, he failed the exam.

The room leak happened to rain overnight, and he still has a young brother, how will he live from now on?

But he is still young, unlike the Juren who is still living in this dream, forty years have passed and his gray hair has turned gray. He is like Odysseus who returned from a trip, and his years have been wasted in the "snake ring" .

He is in the same place, but it doesn't look like he is in the same place, because he has never been to Jiangnan, and this place is completely strange to him. Logically, he should write a poem to express his mood at this time, but he couldn't write a word, after all, he is no longer a boy who "loves to go to the upper floors, and expresses his sorrow for writing new words".

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