Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2202 Flower Controversy (one hundred and ten)

As early as the day when Yongzheng implemented the "reform of the land and return to the natives", the "Miaojiang" war had already begun. A large number of officers and soldiers of the Eight Banners and the Green Battalion were transferred to the mountains. It looks beautiful from a distance, but when you walk in, you will find that there are many obstacles. Cavalry and war horses do not have much advantage here. On the contrary, the poisonous arrows and agility of the indigenous people are more suitable for the local environment of high mountains and dense forests.

There are three types of poisonous arrows, one is herbal medicine, which will lose its effectiveness in two or three months, and it is difficult to treat people with minor injuries; the other is snake medicine, which can last for several years, but it will only cause skin ulceration , and there are medicines that can be cured. The third is the so-called sprinkling of medicines, which is the most threatening to the Qing army. Not only does it seal the throat with blood, but it will not lose its effectiveness after being stored for many years. One of its raw materials is the sap secreted by a poisonous arrow wood that grows in Guangxi. This kind of life-seeking poisonous tree not only kills people, but also cannot eat the meat of beasts shot with poisonous arrows, otherwise people will be poisoned, and even burning its branches will produce smoke. Can blind people.

But there is a kind of bird living on this kind of tree. They feed on the seeds of poisonous arrow wood. This is a plant transmission method that many plants have. The rainwater flows into the ground and is then absorbed by the poison arrow wood, which then poisons itself. It is precisely because of this that poisonous arrow wood is very rare.

The white pulp that flowed out from the bark was mixed with snake venom and it was used as medicine. Even if the skin was not broken, the snake venom would cause the skin to fester and become incurable.

Although sprinkling medicine is easy to get, poison arrow wood is hard to find, so both Yongzheng and Qianlong ordered to dig up this tree, and people were everywhere in the mountains and mountains, just like the scene in the story of the snake catcher. .

Snake venom itself does not cause wounds to fester. What flows out of the snake's fangs is a honey-like liquid. As for whether the Miao people used "voodoo" when refining snake venom, no one knows. Therefore, to detoxify, incense ash, mung beans The powder was used, and some people came up with the method of "fighting poison with poison", smashing the big spider and applying it to the wound.

This obviously didn't work. Later, the guard Xia Jinzhong asked the local people to know a method. He needed to capture the snake vine, boil it with shochu, wash the wound with it first, and then drink it.

Prohibition of spreading medicine and eradication of poisonous trees did have some effect. However, when the Qing army also mastered the method of making poisonous arrows, they began to consciously protect poisonous trees. Even so, the battle of Jinchuan still cost 70 million taels of silver. , and the suppression of the White Lotus Sect cost 200 million taels of silver. According to the tax revenue in the heyday, it would take four or five years to make up for it without eating or drinking.

The Yellow River and the Huaihe River still need to be managed, and there are miscellaneous expenses for resettling refugees. It is almost impossible to form a navy to suppress pirates.

The Western style is like this. They feel that silk is expensive and want to wear silk, so they will find a way to get rid of their dependence on oriental silk. Mulberry leaves and mulberry trees are not suitable for all places, such as Napoleon’s hometown of Corsica, but if ash trees can replace mulberry leaves, then he can continue his father’s unfinished business and grow on Corsica. Mulberry silkworms.

She doubted this very much, would silkworms really eat the leaves of the ash tree?

Fortunately, he still has the spirit of experimentation, knowing that to do experiments, silkworms are not the only ones that can spin silk and make cocoons, and the funding for the experiment comes from the Sevres ceramic factory.

How could she have forgotten that Bonaparte had participated in the independence movement in Corsica when he was young.

After the French Revolution, people's dressing style changed from luxury to simplicity, which caused a reliance on high-count British yarn, and also triggered the follow-up issue of the 1786 tariff when the Amiens Treaty was signed. But restoring luxurious clothes will cause public opinion and become the second Marie Antoinette.

The former Queen's tailor who is currently working for Georgiana has 18 other seamstresses. The change in dressing style not only made them lose their income, but the former nobles died and went into exile. pay, and the tailors have to pay the ribbon and lace suppliers.

They were having a hard time now, but the seamstress didn't mention it, and Georgiana didn't know what she was thinking, anyway, rococo dresses couldn't appear in the palace anymore.

It is much more difficult to educate girls than boys. Although Georgiana has never raised a daughter, and her only daughter died shortly after her birth, she served as the dean and witnessed a "prank" against Qiu Zhang ".

The Ravenclaw girls hid her Christmas party dresses, like Zaruna's sneakers, and she ran to the owl house to write to her mother to hurry up and send her new dresses, by the way Continue to find the original skirt.

Do you need to think about it? Still need evidence? Oh, no proof is false accusation.

In June of the twenty-sixth year of Kangxi, according to the records in the Notes on Daily Life, Emperor Kangxi suddenly boasted to his subjects that his sons had come for some unknown reason. Check the princes' homework. At that time, there were seven princes, and Kangxi picked up more than a dozen scriptures, threw them on the table, and then asked the courtiers to choose, telling them that they could take any one for the princes to read.

Except for the eldest prince and the second prince, the rest of the princes are very young. It is already very good to be able to finish reading those obscure classics smoothly at the age of five. Yin Zhi also said something about "searching things to learn", but there is one prince who has been in the corner If you don't say anything, he is the fifth elder brother Yinqi.

The prince has been staying with the Queen Mother Borzigit. This old lady is the kind of elder whose grandson says "Grandma, I don't want to study", and she also follows him and says "OK, let's not study". Yinqi grew up beside the Queen Mother, and he always spoke Mongolian and Manchu, but he didn't know much Chinese, let alone Confucian classics.

Anyway, the scene at that time was quite embarrassing. In the later "Nine Sons Seize the Inheritance", even the younger brothers who ranked lower joined in, and Yin Qi didn't get involved.

In the forty-seventh year of Kangxi, Kangxi suspected that the eldest son and Yinhu conspired to kill the abolished prince. On the day Kangxi ordered Yinhu to be arrested, the ninth and fourteenth princes suddenly confronted Kangxi and angered Kangxi, who was already restless. Immediately afterwards, Kangxi took the saber from the waist of the guard with a saber in front of the imperial court, and wanted to chop the fourteenth prince to death.

No one dared to move, just like when Jing Ke assassinated Qin Qin, there were so many people present. In the end, a pharmacist hit Jing Ke with a medicine box, and the others reacted and shouted "Wang Negative Sword" to Ying Zheng who was running around the pillar.

When Kangxi was chasing and killing the fourteenth prince, Yinqi suddenly fell to his knees, hugged Kangxi's leg, and shouted "Ama, calm down", the others only reacted at this time, and they all fell to their knees. The anger subsided.

Kangxi's evaluation of Yinqi was that he was pure in character and mellow, and Yinqi's ending was also relatively good, and he became a prince safely and steadily.

The legendary Gu raising is to put a group of poisonous insects together and let them fight each other until the last one is the most poisonous.

Arrow poisonous wood is very poisonous, seemingly invulnerable, but its toxicity is so strong that it poisons itself, becoming a victim of its own success (become a victim of its own success).

Everyone has their preferences, and Pomona prefers Hufflepuff, although compared to the other houses, they seem mediocre.

Watt Sr. gave his son Gregory everything he wanted, as long as Gregory would open up to him, but he didn't realize the difficulties his son was having.

Gregory went to the same school that Watt Sr. had attended. It would be fine if Watt was an ordinary person, but Watt was a celebrity, and people would automatically compare the performance of Gregory and Watt Sr. in school.

Living in the name of a famous person is actually painful.

It's difficult to understand, and it's the "generation gap" between Watt and Gregory.

If Gregory was assigned to her college, she might tell the old Watt the problems he encountered, but she was not his "professor", and she didn't understand him very well. She thought that the problems Gregory encountered, maybe It wasn't his actual problem, that was all she speculated.

So she will not meddle in other people's business and evaluate other people's education of children.

Just like Kangxi, he felt that his own education was very successful, but Yinqi, who he didn't care much about, was a child who could "share worries" for his father at critical moments. He didn't really want to kill the fourteenth prince, but at that time he couldn't find the steps to go down, and the fifth elder brother gave him the steps to step down.

Nick felt that illiteracy was a big fault, but Georgiana felt that illiteracy might sometimes understand some things that intellectuals who think too much can't understand.

Just like many people around a round table admiring flowers in a vase, everyone sees it differently from different angles.

She doesn't feel like she's right about everything, she can't convince others to do what she says, and she hasn't been very successful herself.

She just remembered Voldemort, his Muggle father did not raise him, in the movie "Farewell My Concubine", Cheng Dieyi originally had six fingers, his mother couldn't support him, in order to send him to the theater troupe, After cutting off the callus finger, is he repaying his parents' kindness by cutting off his finger?

Actors refer to the audience as their parents. Thanks to their ticket money, they can make ends meet. However, when they are acting, they want a "confidant". He or she can understand what the people on the stage are doing. What.

Just like some people like to be the conductor of a symphony orchestra, while others like to listen to chamber music, or they are the authors and readers that the people of Yinyin say.

In the duel that the story demanded, it was necessary to win and lose, which was also what she hated, why it must be won and lost.

Of course, this is also the reason why Hufflepuff always can't win the Quidditch and the House Cup. They really don't have any fighting spirit. Wouldn't it be good for us to be good friends together?

No one will listen, people will continue to work hard to become stronger in order to win, until one day, like the poisoned arrow tree, no one is an opponent, only oneself can poison oneself.

To prescribe the right medicine, to detoxify is also to find an antidote. Anyway, ginseng cannot cure the poison of curare wood, but it is a very common rattan plant. Fernon gave Darley all the toys he wanted, and it's a miracle he didn't turn into a villain, probably thanks to the teacher who spotted his boxing talent.

Standing in the ring against an even-handed opponent would have made him stronger, but boxing made him ache and wouldn't make Daly happy like candy and toys. Maybe the former chubby man has now become a muscular man. Do you think he is still proud of bullying his cousin when he was a child?

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