Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2200 Flower Controversy (one hundred and eight)

Eunuchs in the Qin Dynasty and the Western Han Dynasty were not all eunuchs, but the general term for officials who served the emperor and the royal family in the palace.

However, eunuchs who have been castrated can participate in state affairs because they can get along with the royal family day and night and win the trust of the emperor. Some prisoners were also sentenced to castration because of the criminal law. For example, the descendants of Lin Shuangwen who rebelled in Taiwan, they did not participate in the uprising because they were young, but they were still sent to the palace, and the court used the method of "breaking their incense" way of punishment.

Nick couldn't understand why the emperor could let these people serve him at ease. He had heard that there were eunuchs in the Persian royal palace, but they did not form such a huge influence as the eunuchs in the late Han and Ming Dynasties. It is precisely because of this that there is a very strict imperial ban system in the Qing palace. Eunuchs cannot make friends with officials in private, nor can they enter and leave the palace at will. However, where there are regulations and systems, there must be loopholes that can be exploited. Most of them will use the opportunity of business trips to open up relationships, so the Ministry of Internal Affairs has set the right time to prevent them from staying outside.

In addition, they are not allowed to communicate with outsiders, even their family members. Prince Xiaojun and Yongrong once reminded Juren that no matter how much the eunuchs begged, they should not write or deliver letters for them.

This is a bit inhumane. It is human nature to miss relatives, but the people in the palace do not have this kind of normal power, in order to prevent the recurrence of the end of Ming Dynasty. Palace ladies are different from eunuchs. They originally had the way of "serving" the emperor and giving birth to children, but most of them stopped thinking about it after the eighth elder brother Yinhu. His biological mother Liangfei was born in a humble , Kangxi mentioned this incident in the edict written because of the "killing eagle incident", which is also a stain on the life of Yinhu, who is very good at being a man.

His biological mother couldn't survive because of this, and she didn't take medicine when she was sick, so as not to drag her son down, and finally died early.

In order to prevent concubines and relatives from interfering in politics, the biological mother cannot raise her own son. She must either hand it over to a designated concubine for adoption like Yinhu, or send it to her elder brother to be raised by a wet nurse or eunuch. A situation where the prince is closer to the wet nurse than to his biological mother.

It cannot be said that human life is ignored in the palace. Killing a person is as simple as killing a chicken. Poison killings happen every three days. It will harm the emperor, concubines and princes.

But in the Forbidden City, there is no human relationship and ethics. It is understandable for the maids and guards to elope, but it is relatively rare for eunuchs to escape. Where else can they go except the palace?

When chatting privately, the eunuchs said that their lifelong wish is to go to Mount Putuo to offer incense. Burning incense and paying respects to the Buddha will not change the suffering fate of the palace people. In order to satisfy religious beliefs, it is a kind of romance and a helpless dream of life to go into exile.

In the first year of Yongzheng, a eunuch escaped. It was the first lunar month, and it was traditionally a New Year’s day. It was surprising that such a thing happened at the beginning of a new dynasty and a new year. The governor of Zhejiang who wanted to go to Putuo After Shan Jinxiang's eunuch Zheng Jinzhong was sent back to the palace, he said that he went to offer incense according to Kangxi's order.

Generally speaking, Kangxi should send people to Mount Wutai, the ashram of Samantabhadra to offer incense, but at that time there was already "no evidence of death". The eunuch was not executed either, but went to "Guozhemen" after being punished with a stick to prepare fodder for the horse.

Avalokitesvara is found in many places, whether it is enshrined in temples, or enshrined in folk homes, or in Journey to the West, where the brocade cassock was almost stolen, and the Avalokitesvara was managed by the elder Jinchi who colluded with the black bear spirit.

Some people may not know Arhats, but most of them know Avalokitesvara, because Avalokitesvara is the only female image in the Mantian Buddha, except for the goddess Absaros who plays music.

But the dragon girl in the Eight Heavenly Dragons is not actually a Buddha. In the Lotus Sutra, Manjushri Bodhisattva said that she is the daughter of the Dragon King Sajara, which means sea, which means that the Dragon Girl is the daughter of the Dragon King.

Except for the sixteen dragon kings such as the Suojiluo Dragon King and the Nanda Dragon King, all dragons must be eaten by Garuda, and the Suojiluo Dragon King is favored by Avalokitesvara because it can bring rain and become the 20th Avalokitesvara. One of the eight groups.

In fact, Gandharva, who sprinkles auspicious flowers and fragrances, is not a fairy, but a male god. He and the goddess who play musical instruments are husband and wife. They outline an illusory, misty world of bliss, and become the "liberation" that many Buddhists long for. "The place to go after.

Juren's "contemporaneous" wrote a reply, although many years later, he still remembers that he lived in Guanyin Temple not far from Zhenwu Temple on the day of "accident", but there are many temples called Guanyin Temple near Shichahai, such as Huitong Temple In the early years, it was called Zhenshui Guanyin Temple, and Haichao Temple was also called Shichahai Guanyin Temple. There are still official records, and there are official constructions, as well as private constructions and fundraising constructions. Shichahai is said to be named after ten temples. In fact, there are many Buddhist temples and Taoist temples. It is not mentioned at the same time.

Juren took off his decent summer clothes and put on civilian clothes. Although he once criticized his compatriots for not being able to use brooms on the first day of the first lunar month, changing clothes seemed to bring him good luck. Liuhe is much farther than the capital, but Juren was the first to reply at the same time. Later he sent another letter, and this time Jingcheng replied very quickly, but none of them received Juren's letter.

Letters are often lost, not only letters, but even memorials may be lost.

You don't need to be distracted by this matter, so you can concentrate on handling the work of the staff. One person cannot multi-task, and a country must avoid multi-front warfare. Even if the problems of pirates and coastal defense are serious, the Qing court’s primary problem is the White Lotus Sect. They don’t have the energy and finances to send sailors to destroy pirates like Kangxi recovered Taiwan. .

Some people may think that those Bailian believers are ignorant, but the difference between "kingdom" and "overbearing" lies in this. Chinese people advocate education, which is the key point of kingliness. Chen Hongmou's achievements in Yunnan include education and fair trade in addition to Tongshan However, such educational resources are not popularized. The vast majority of civilians, including the banner people in BJ City, are still illiterate. What they are most exposed to is drama, and these have been deleted and revised by Qianlong, and there is no real educational content.

Nezha pulled out the dragon skin of the third prince of the Dragon King, pulled out the dragon tendons, and wanted to make a set of armor for his father, but the Dragon King of the East China Sea reported the matter to the heavenly court. The life and death of the common people were threatened, and in the end Li Jing had to hand over Nezha to them.

Nezha picked out the bones, cut the meat and gave it back to his parents. If you live without raising, you can return a severed finger.

Qianlong was only responsible for feeding the people, but not educating them. As Mencius said, he was a tyrant who "uses strength and pretends to be benevolent", and a tyrant must have a big country. It is the father's fault to raise but not teach, but he is a father who pays great attention to the education of "his" son.

According to the general historical law, the long-term unity must be divided, and the long-term division must be united. The Qing Dynasty only won the country at that moment, so that the Ming Dynasty did not fall into the era of the Three Kingdoms, Southern and Northern Dynasties like the Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty.

This will save a lot of people from dying, and likewise, people will not experience the feeling of being in chaos every day, and they don't really yearn for peace.

The weakness and incompetence of the Qing court is well known to the world, not only the subjects understand, but also foreigners can see that the Manchus are preventing the people's intellectual progress, and it is very easy for a wise man to rule a group of ignorant and ignorant people.

Not only the Qing court understands this, but other cult leaders also know that the solution requires a lot of financial, manpower, and material resources. Not for their own use, but to join the ranks of opponents.

The emperor can also be deceived, he is also an ordinary human being, and he will also suffer from smallpox like ordinary people. In this regard, an eunuch is equal to the "Long Live God".

If the eunuchs and court ladies are unable to sneak away, but are desperate for life, they will choose to throw themselves into the river near Xihuamen, the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs. In addition, there are also those who hang themselves in the Imperial Garden, which looks elegant and gorgeous. The imperial garden is the cemetery of the eunuchs. That is to say, if the court lady who wants to meet the emperor in the garden and then fly up to the branch to become a phoenix really raises her head, she may see the corpse of a eunuch hanging on the branch, fluttering in the wind.

Emperor Chongzhen also hanged himself on Meishan Mountain. No matter how crazy this belief is, it is essentially the same as the Pox Pore Empress Temple. Only those who do not want to die worship him, and find a "substitute" instead of someone who worships him.

The original world view and knowledge system of the rural community had no intersection with the royal family and bureaucrats, but they lived in a city called the "Forbidden City" because of the group of eunuchs and court ladies.

If the royal family's approach is to ignore them, it is very likely that the emperor will be imprisoned by eunuchs and assassinated by court ladies.

Of course, there have been precedents in history, and some people say that it can be prevented, so let the gates of the Forbidden City be opened wide, and the followers of the White Lotus Sect can enter the palace?

Not only did the gatekeepers come to half of the capacity, but they were also drunk, and the followers of the cult would not write marks on their foreheads like the "sheep thief" to indicate their identities.

No nation in Europe would want to conquer China for a long time, but Toyotomi Hideyoshi did, and he also had a fatal intention, that is to convert the people of China to Catholicism.

He did not allow the Japanese to believe it, but told the Portuguese priests that the purpose of the conquest was to preserve the name of future generations. His goal was to make the Chinese submit to Japan. He himself did not want that territory. After conquering China, he would be Japan. He ordered the establishment of Catholic churches throughout China, and ordered all Chinese people to convert to Catholicism, so that priests can promote it there. This is also the condition he wants to win the support of Europeans.

People who don't believe in religion may sneer and laugh, they may not understand the real intention of Nick's expression...

"They need a reason to gather at the kang table to discuss together, and then find an excuse to do it." Georgiana read that sentence, and then looked up at Bonaparte, "Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I don't need that much sleep," he said haughtily.

She looked at this "Corsican monster", no matter how tired he was, he seemed to recover after a short bath.

"Come here." She patted the sofa beside her. "This book mentioned the monster we met just now."

"What monster?"

"Naga and Garuda," she said with a smile, "but I prefer to call them Fantastic Beasts."

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