Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2179 Flower Controversy (eighty-seven)

Haimen Bay is the outlet of Lianjiang River. The bay is in an irregular crescent shape and is the main port leading to Chaoyang City. Wen Tianxiang once stationed troops in Haimen in the Southern Song Dynasty, and it was still an important place in the Qing Dynasty.

Lianhua Peak is a small mountain rising from the ground, which is composed of a large pile of longitudinally split granite. It gets its name because it looks like a budding lotus when viewed from the land and a blooming lotus when viewed from the sea. The fort on the mountain deters any ships that dare to break into Lianjiang rashly. There are stone cannons cast in the Kangxi period on the fort.

There is a town of Haimen on the northeast coast of the top of the bay. The facilities in it are good, which provides great convenience for the loading and unloading of ships. When the admirals and the others are handling official duties, Nick wanders around the town and on the beach while sketching.

On the last day of their stay here, they visited Lotus Peak with Nick. There is a strong humanistic atmosphere on the mountain. Some people who think they have good calligraphy will leave stone carvings on the stone, and then paint them with red paint. This kind of stone carving is called "Cliff Stone Carving". The word "Wangdi", Nick thought it meant "Wangdi Chunxin Dujuan". Cao Xi explained to him that when the emperor of the Song Dynasty came to Haimen, Wen Tianxiang boarded the boat on the top of the lotus peak to look at the emperor. He saw the vast sea and was deeply moved by the precarious Song Dynasty. Character.

Nick still didn't understand, and Cao Xi, the admiral, and the guards accompanying the fort didn't explain it to him in detail. Instead, they walked towards the "Chongwen Pavilion". few words.

This is an independent couplet, which means that there is only the upper couplet of the couplet. Visitors can think about how to pair the lower couplet. It is said that no one has matched it since it appeared.

Later, when Nick asked Juren, the second line of Juren was "the wave is approaching the head of the boat with passion, and the sea of ​​loyalty is broad."

Song Dynasty Xin Qiji's poem "Shangxiping Kuaiji Autumn Wind Pavilion Watching Snow" wrote: Self-pity is, on the top of the sea, a family that grows jade. The "planting jade" here is to describe the snow scene, and in "Sou Shen Ji" there is: one person drinks it, and gives it with a bucket of stones, so that there is a stone on the highest flat land, and it is said that "jade should be born in it." . Later, "Changyu" represented the conclusion of a good relationship, that is to say, the author of the Shanglian wrote "Changyu thinks the mountain is shallow" means "Our fate is not shallow, but this mountain is shallow."

In the poems written by Wen Tianxiang, the awe-inspiring righteousness is compared with the sky and the earth, but the righteousness of Juren can't even fill the sea.

The scenery of the water and the sky expressed by the author of the first couplet may be covered by dark clouds at first, but the clouds will eventually be "opened" by the wind. Where there is wind, there will be waves. Just like Li Bai's poem, "When the wind breaks the meeting, until Hanging the clouds and sailing to help the sea", even if there are many difficulties ahead, sooner or later we will reach the other side of success.

Whether an actor performs well or not is not decided by himself, but by the audience and the actor's team leader. Juren himself felt that his writing was very good, just as he felt that he had written all the questions and should win the exam. Unfortunately, he was not in Chongwen Pavilion at the time, and Nick was not fluent in Chinese, let alone correct.

Confucianism is benevolence, Mencius's theory of good nature, and even the organization and habits of traditional society are regarded by Zhu Xi as "natural law". It will be replaced by "human desire".

Human nature has nothing to do with water nature. The so-called similarity exists only in Mencius’s subjectivity. The term "water-like flowering" originally refers to poplar flowers floating on the water surface, which are as changeable as running water. In "A Dream of Red Mansions", Chapter 92 : Most women are skittish. has become a derogatory term.

There is a public case called "Little Sun Tu", in which Sun Bida in Kaifeng redeemed Li Qiongmei, an official prostitute, and married her. After being beaten into a trick, his younger brother made a living by slaughtering and was slandered as an accomplice. He was also hanged in prison and left his body in the wilderness.

There is a sentence in the libretto: You have cultivated hypocritically, and you can't prove your talent.

Floating world and falling flowers and flowing water, you must know, turn your head to Jimeng, who is a century-old man?

In Xin Qiji's poem "Yuan Xi", it is written: Dongfeng puts flowers and thousands of trees at night, and it blows down, and the stars are like rain. BMW carving cars are fragrant all over the road, the sound of phoenix flute is moving, the light of jade pot is turning, and fish and dragons dance all night.

From the Han Dynasty to the Sui and Tang Dynasties, queens and princesses rode on seven-treasure chariots, decorated with five-color jade sachets on all sides, and placed one of the four exotic spices in the car, one of the four exotic spices. The fragrance is all over the road.

When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty burned the spices offered by the Douqu Kingdom in the palace, the Queen Mother of the West came here after smelling the incense.

Li Bai's chivalrous behavior includes: Even if you die as a chivalrous man, you will not be ashamed to be a hero in the world.

This kind of romance is always inseparable from "fragrance" and "water".

The chivalrous men described by Li Bai have white horses and Wu hooks. Such people will be very conspicuous. If there is someone who is good at painting like Nick, it is easy to draw his portrait. It's hard to do "not to stay behind", even if he fled from Jiangnan to XJ, he would be caught back.

He is not very proud of the admiral and Cao Xi boasting that thanks to Nick's portrait, he saw through the conspiracy of the Tim Brothers.

Juren said that he owed his life because he paid off one-third of the debt, and met the priest who saved him when he was sick. So does Nick also owe a life now?

Buddhism has cause and effect and dependent origination. Without dependent origination, there will be no "cause", and there will be no "cause and effect". Living in the city, the flower and the heart return to silence. When one goes to the mountains and sees the flowers in the mountains, the color and shape of the flowers come alive.

The Buddha said: Destiny is created by oneself, appearance is born from the heart, and the environment changes with the heart. Tolerance is great.

According to numerology, people with moles at the corners of their eyes are prone to tears, and people with thin lips are ungrateful.

While wandering around the town, Nick met a fortune teller, or a fortune teller. You can always see mobile fortune-telling shops on the pier and in the neighborhood. A respectable old gentleman guards the shop. The appearance of the shop is deliberately made Mysteriously, there is a wooden barrel with a bunch of bamboo sticks. Most of the fortune-tellers are half-literati, sitting on a chair with a pedantic appearance, and deliberately put on the air of being inspired by the gods. There is a full set of household items on the divination table. No matter where he goes, he always carries a banner, His name was written on it, as well as exaggerated words such as brilliant talent and proficiency in wind and water, which attracted people's attention.

This is probably related to the way of life of the local people running around. Whether it is before setting off to cross the dangerous strait or after returning home safely, should they continue to take risks for the food in their mouths? At this point, sailors, businessmen and gamblers worship God wishes are the same.

A fortune teller is often both a doctor and an astrologer. He prescribes a prescription or writes a prediction on a small piece of red paper, and then solemnly hand it over to the customer who comes to ask for divination. The rest is left to fate.

The fortune teller that Nick met insisted on grabbing him to tell him a fortune, which shocked those who came to ask questions.

What was he going to say?

Nick was a little curious, but it was a pity that their fate was over. At the moment when Nick struggled to break free, just like the flowers and trees all over the mountain were forgotten in a blink of an eye, you continued to tell fortunes in the town, and I continued to travel in the world, forgetting each other in the rivers and lakes .

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