Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 217 Human Shield

Just like the burls of pimple vines, electricity is the heart of civilization for Muggles. Without the burls of pimple vines, it will become ordinary wood. Without electricity, the urban movement will become dead, and the noise will become silence. At this time All kinds of weird things happened.

Great blackout in North America in 1965, good people get better, some furniture stores not only opened up their stores for people who couldn't take the subway out of town to get home, but gave everyone a free breakfast the next morning; bad They not only robbed randomly, but also smashed shops. An antique shop selling rare ancient coins was robbed, starting from 12 shops, and hundreds of windows were smashed. Where there are no traffic lights, car accidents happen frequently, while 500,000 people are trapped in cars underground.

During the rush hour, the subway is as crowded as sardine cans. There are only people in the dark carriages. It only takes a little commotion to cause a stampede accident. Human beings will react differently when they face the darkness. Let them sleep The safest way.

That blackout was quelled by the cooperation between the Muggle government and the U.S. Department of Magic, and the Thunderbird that caused the blackout accidentally destroyed the power station. This time the attack was organized and premeditated. The conflict between Muggles and wizards is much older. Once Muggles become irrational, they are no less dangerous than werewolves. Pure-blood families will not accept Muggles. Hannah's mother is a Muggle. She was not informed of her death until a year after her disappearance. No one was seen, no dead body was seen, maybe she was attacked by a werewolf, maybe she was attacked by a Voldebat, in short, her whereabouts are unknown.

Compared with missing people's hearts are always hanging, it is better to directly announce the death to make a happy ending. The dead are already dead, and the living will continue to live. Human beings inherit from the blood of their ancestors in addition to conscience and animal nature. No one will admit that they are beasts, just as civilized people will not admit that they are barbarians. How could the plot of burning a witch with a torch happen in a civilized society?

This is Muggles, die-hards who deny everything that goes against their own common sense. He would rather break off the engagement.

The most difficult time for the pure-blood family has passed, and everything is beginning to improve, and everything depends on their having an excellent leader.

The Slytherin boy who had been in her arms crying that his mother had named him Severus so he could love something seriously had grown up, and now he had the ability to make women cry for him Ability.

Pomona is crying very sad now. Everything she experienced just reminded her of the first time, a precious thing was taken away by him, but she didn't know what it was.

What she lost seemed to fill his appetite so much that he was still in a good mood and leaned against the bedside to smoke a cigarette. After this lesson, she knew that there were some things she couldn't say to him, because he was a "man" now, and she was his woman.

"You're a freak, senpai, I've felt that way from the first moment I met you." Severus talked to her more and more casually, as if she wouldn't be sad if she was a freak." How can anyone have food ready to share with others at all times."

"Hufflepuff is like this." She sniffed and looked at him with red eyes like rabbits. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"Aren't you happy?" He squinted his eyes dangerously, as if she dared to say "yes" and immediately made her "happy" again.

"No, I'm very happy!" She replied immediately. Someone had always told her that Severus Snape was a very dangerous person. She never cared about it. She thought it was them making a big fuss. Now she realized that it was wrong. It was herself.

"What do you do when you feel like thanking someone?"

Pomona immediately leaned in to kiss him on the lips, and he quickly took control, pinning her down again and letting her legs wrap around his waist like vines.

As he said, he can do whatever he wants, as long as he has power, power makes people feel happy.

A lot of people don't understand why Hufflepuff girls like to have Slytherin boyfriends.

Their ambitions are very straightforward, and they don’t hide it at all, especially Master Draco Malfoy, he is like the villain in Muggle cartoons who has done bad things and is always taught by the partners of justice, and finally reaps the consequences , is very simple.

The real evil is hidden in the hypocrisy, because of the beautiful silver deer and the red-haired Lily, the world thinks that Severus Snape is a good man with a cold face and a warm heart.

But he is a dark wizard after all, and mobilizing dark power requires negative emotions. He wants to have some fun in his dark life, so the Hufflepuff Veela hybrid who is good at making happiness comes to his door.

Executing an animal like Buckbeak that does not have a human form made Harry feel so uncomfortable, let alone werewolves, their appearance is almost indistinguishable from that of humans before they are transformed. Page 394 of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class reads about werewolves How to distinguish, that is a compulsory question in the owl exam. Facing such a terrible monster, the children didn't care at all. Severus Snape hated students as much as Filch, and sometimes he didn't even like Miss Know-It-All, mainly because she just read the book after reading it. I don't understand the meaning of it at all.

They don't understand why they should study. For most students, school is just a place to play with their peers. Just like Sirius Black and James Potter, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, when the critical moment Harry would just watch him lie in a pool of blood and die, after wasting his time in the corridors watching the jokes of the juniors.

He prefers juniors to call him "Professor" rather than "Sir", and he likes women very, very much.

Women made him feel manly, he hated the joke Lupine and Neville made together for two years, and he had the idea of ​​getting Neville to disembowel the horned toad.

In the Middle Ages, young wizards and wizards needed to dig out the eyes of salamanders to make potions, and sometimes they often had to bring toads to school to prepare potions and practice spells. Over time, the Ministry of Magic banned it. Animal cruelty, toads are not fashionable as pets, and marsupial spiders are much cooler as pets. Neville's pet is a toad. When Severus was young, his pet was killed. He was sad and miserable for a long time. In the end, he used the same method to treat Neville, but the effect was not satisfactory. Divert his attention before he came up with more nefarious ideas, and Neville would be really miserable.

Before the image of the evil wizard took over her mind, she thought of the "coward" who blocked Harry, Ron, and Hermione behind her in the moonlight. He was not wearing any protection at that time and faced it with his bare hands a werewolf.

If he was facing a Boggart, the monster he feared the most might be a werewolf, and everyone is afraid of something that makes them lose their minds, even if it seems ridiculous to outsiders.

That cowardly hero was a lot more handsome than the jerk who was now making a big splash on her.

As soon as she thought of this, she felt much better in her heart, so her hands and feet were entangled more and more tightly, and she made his favorite sobbing sound. He has done a lot of things worth rewarding, and it doesn't matter if he occasionally indulges him. It is the capital punishment of beheading a person.

If it were you, would you use your body to block a monster and protect a child who has nothing to do with you?

Pomona asked herself, she felt that she might not be able to do it, so she was not opposed to beheading individual werewolves for public display, but Lavender Brown could not, Pomona would not let Lavender follow the same old path as Lupine, that Girls will be her new subject.

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