Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2163 Flower Controversy (71)

The Battle of Jinchuan and Jinchuan lasted from the 12th year of Qianlong to the 41st year, and the war was intermittent. The Qing court invested a total of nearly 600,000 manpower and cost 70 million taels of silver.

The Yuan Dynasty was the era of banknotes. Although a lot of gold and silver were rewarded, the salary was mainly based on banknotes. In Marco Polo's travel notes, it is recorded that the process of forcing the use of banknotes is recorded. "The land of Fanzhou County and the land under the jurisdiction of the monarch are all impassable. Although the subjects are in a high position, they dare not refuse to use them. It is a crime of death for those who refuse to use them. I dare to do it." Kings and others, everyone is happy to use this currency to cover the places where merchants in the Great Khanate go, to use this paper currency to pay expenses, to meet the price of goods, and to obtain the selling price of their goods, which is incomparable with pure gold. Don't, its weight is so light that if it is worth ten coins, it weighs no more than one coin."

Banknotes rely on the authority of the monarch and also bring convenience to the monarch. The Ming Dynasty once wanted to issue Daming Banknotes like the Yuan Dynasty, but it did not succeed.

The Qing Dynasty also had bank notes, but they were issued by the Ministry of Household Affairs. After the White Lotus Sect uprising, transporting gold and silver to various places became troublesome, and the Escort Bureau was unable to send the merchants' money home. Compared with the Lianghuai salt merchants who were severely damaged by the salt incident, the Shanxi merchants who made money at the border accumulated uncountable wealth. They began to go south, opened a bank, and engaged in exchange business including official banks.

In May of the 50th year of Qianlong, Qianlong was going to Rehe as usual, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs had to make preparations in advance. According to the usual practice, the accompanying guards had to go to the Guangchu Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to collect money for subsidies before departure, and then went to the street The bank to exchange for scattered silver, so that it can be used on the road.

However, 10 days later, some of the guards took the silver ingots but did not exchange them for broken silver. The staff at the silver shop told them that the silver was "low-tide silver" and could not be exchanged for standard silver. Naturally, the guards didn't believe it. As the buddy said, the silver ingots are not good enough, which is the so-called "low tide silver".

These silver ingots are obtained directly from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the silver treasury of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is located on the west side of the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City. There are strict procedures for opening the treasury. Three people must be present at the same time, and two people must sign the treasury together Draw a lock and stick it on the lock. There is a treasury official on duty every night, but the person on duty does not hold the keys. Instead, the guards of the Qianqing Palace keep the keys of the six treasury centrally, and they need the permission of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

That is to say, there will be no sneaky transfer of silver ingots, unless officials guard themselves or commit fraud for personal gain, and the person in charge of this matter is Zhijun Wang Yongrong.

After learning about this incident, Yong Rong immediately recovered the silver ingots sent out, and inspected the silver ingots together with several ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and concluded that the fineness of the silver ingots was also insufficient, only 60 to 70% of the normal official silver.

Then the ministers made a detailed inventory of the silver treasury next to the Hall of Supreme Harmony. About 70,000 taels were missing. This amount is not large, but the key is that it happened in the Forbidden City.

Although the Ministry of Internal Affairs can order the owners of leather trunk shops to close down and not sell anything, it cannot force silver shops to accept silver ingots of insufficient quality.

Heshen’s funding for the construction of Xumi Fushou Temple in Rehe was reported by the Military Aircraft Office. It should have been allocated by the Ministry of Households in one million taels of silver, but Heshen managed to raise part of the money by himself.

The first is the 20,000 taels of silver from criminal officer Yang Kui, and the 15,000 taels of silver handed over by Min Eyuan, governor of AH, and the 139,000 taels of gold, silver and jade wares obtained from the house raids of Gao Pu, the servant of the Ministry of War.

Gao Pu is the son of Gao Heng, the former Lianghuai salt administration, and he belongs to the same clan as Concubine Huixian and Gao Jin. This time he is greedy for jade business.

XJ produces Hetian jade, but private mining has been prohibited since the Kangxi year, and the real implementation was after Qianlong pacified Zhungeer.

After Gao Pu took office, he confronted Aqimboke'e and organized Uyghur miners to mine jade, and then ordered Han businessmen to transport it to the mainland to sell it for huge profits.

This is not the reason why the emperor was furious and wanted to punish Gao Jia's family severely. After E Dui's death, Gao Pu once played a memorial, hoping that E Dui's son would inherit the position of Achim Burke.

The feudal governors of the Tang Dynasty were also hereditary in the later period. In order to avoid them, Qianlong sent Edu's son to KS, and transferred Aqim Burke of KS to Yarkand. Soon the newly appointed Achimbuk discovered Gao Pu's private jade mining and other problems.

The place where the jade is mined is located in a deep mountain canyon, the terrain is high and cold, there is a lot of rain in summer, and mountain torrents are prone to occur. The work of mining jade is very difficult, and it has to face various natural disasters. The safety of the miners cannot be guaranteed. Heavy burden, discussing to escape.

Only one of these miners knows how to mine. He is the leader of these miners. If he escapes, he will be chased back no matter where he flees. The only way is to kill him. Once he dies, the others will not know how to mine jade. People will be sent home.

But the miners didn't want him to do that, so the leader jumped down the cliff.

Angry miners carried the leader's body down the mountain to ask for an explanation. The new Achimbok could see as long as he was not blind. Gao Pu stuffed him with 50 ingots, hoping that he would keep silent. However, since the Qing Dynasty unified XJ, the military and government officials stationed here by the imperial court have been accustomed to pleasure and oppression of the people. The Changji rebellion broke out in the 33rd year of Qianlong, and the Uighur rebellion happened in the 30th year. If these 3,000 miners also rebelled, Archie Wood Burke can hardly escape the blame.

So he reported the matter to Yonggui, the new minister in charge of Wushi, and Yonggui told Qianlong in a hurry for 800 li. Dai Hualing took the inmate into custody for interrogation.

Agui, who personally participated in the pacification of Zhungeer, knew that the matter was serious. He was ordered to seize Gao Pu's family property in Beijing. Hetian jade was sent to Suzhou, Yangzhou, Jiangning and other cities with developed jade carvings in his servant's letter. So Qianlong sent Sa Zai, governor of Jiangnan River, and Yang Kui, governor of Jiangsu, to inspect.

Yang Kui was the one who paid 20,000 taels of money for the crime. He did not participate in Gao Pu's affairs, but in the official circles, who knows if some stolen goods will be sent to him as gifts.

This person has dealt with Xu Shukui's literary prison, and has seen the scene of ransacking his family and exterminating his family. He may have felt scared, so he was not sincere when he was on a job, and he was demoted two levels to stay in his post.

Later, when Wang Danwang’s incident happened, he once assisted Governor Chen Zuhui to seize his family property. No one knows whether Chen Zuhui participated in the exchanging of stolen goods. Anyway, he fell ill when he was the governor of Fujian. Qianlong did not copy his home.

The Gao Pu case involved many people. Qianlong cursed that "such evils are not allowed by the law of the country." After it was over, he might feel that he still couldn't let go of his hatred, and asked people to tear Gao Pu's body into thousands of pieces and feed him to the dogs.

In the eyes of the Manchu Jurchens, dogs are regarded as "heavenly dragons", and the House of Internal Affairs always feeds the hunting dogs with meat.

After Yongrong was adopted, he had no intention of politics, just like the former hostage prince Yunxi, because Yunxi was indifferent to fame and wealth, and loved poetry and painting, so Yongzheng was very kind to this younger brother.

Yong Rong got a pawn shop when he went out from the sub-fu, but later it was not enough. Qianlong gave him another pawn shop "Qingchun Dang", which contained more than 24,000 taels of principal and interest, and also gave him 1,000 taels of money to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Rent silver for eight hundred official houses.

After the case of the Guangchu Division was discovered, the case was also widely spread. The county king who was good at poetry and painting and liked fortune immediately summoned all relevant people and others to isolate him for interrogation, and got a written and signed statement. After the case, Yongrong immediately reported the case to the emperor, pleaded guilty, and took the initiative to plead guilty, thinking that he was negligent, and other relevant officials of Liuku also had an unshirkable responsibility, and asked the emperor to give severe punishment.

The course of the case is like this. Except for the salt administration and customs duties, the Guangchu Department is the official fine-quality silver ingots. . Because of the long time, there will be more low-tide silver accumulated. The Ministry of Internal Affairs will send fees to some royal family members, and these royal family members usually ask for high-quality silver taels in exchange for small profits when exchanging.

The good quality went out, and the low-tide silver stayed, accounting for a larger proportion. 70,000 taels of low-tide silver accounted for one-tenth of the total inventory.

The report arrived in Qianlong's hands, but he only approved "Got it, here it is", and then fined He Shen and Yong Rong three months of salary. With 80 big boards, it's over.

The king of Zhijun is called "Master of Jiusi", which is three times more than "Think twice before acting".

The king of the small county "wanted" to inherit the position left by his father, but during his stay in the capital and his wedding, that position had already been taken by Tuxietu Khan Chedendorji. He was dismissed after giving Ula Huangdu a ticket. Later, Lavandorji was invited to serve as Minister of Cullen, and Yunduan Dorji was his assistant.

Unexpectedly, the next year, the Russian Buryats hijacked the Han merchants. Not only did they take the goods, but they did not release them.

Of course, the active little county king couldn't be idle, and then he moved the alliance to the Mulan paddock, and Kulun and Uliasutai each led their masters to Xiwei.

The Qianlong Banquet in the 50th year of Qianlong did not have delicacies from mountains and seas, and a full feast of Man and Han. It was just a few thousand people eating hot pot together, and the mutton was shipped from Mongolia.

Qianlong was very happy and praised the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but no one wanted to fight for the credit.

Just in March of the previous year, Long Fu'an died, and the six ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs became five, namely Yong Rong, He Shen, Jin Jian, Debao, and Fu Chang'an. In the past, each of them managed a warehouse. If newcomers are not arranged to come in, one of their five ministers will always be in charge of the two treasuries.

Ever since the Yuanmingyuan caught fire and Yongxie left Qianlong and ran away first, he was adopted and relaxed. His eldest son, Minhui, was born in the second year, and Yongxuan didn't take much care of him, but his mother fell ill when she gave birth to him, and died not long after. When Mianhui was 14 years old, Yongxuan also died. Mianhui did not inherit his father's title of prince, but was just a Baylor. Qianlong ordered Jin Jian to discipline him on his behalf.

In Baylor's words, Jin Jian is just a slave in clothes, who has the right to control him?

His mother is the Wanyan family of Chuan Fujin, that is to say, Jin Jian is Mianhui Baylor's uncle.

Yongxuan gave birth to five sons, and only one of them lived to adulthood, while Baylor died at the age of 33, leaving no descendants, and he was looking for an adopted son in sackcloth and filial piety, and the title he inherited would be downgraded to Beizi.

Wang Danwang's father was an upright official, otherwise Qianlong would not have used him. But what kind of father he has doesn't mean what kind of son he has. Juren suffered this loss, and he didn't expect that the bank where he saved his money would "suddenly" go bankrupt.

The bank was most afraid of a run, and it had already happened when he arrived. In the end, he got a little back through a lawsuit.

This new owner did not squander his father's family business, but was involved in the Changlu salt case. Changlu has produced good salt since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, but Qianlong loved jade, so Changlu salt merchants bought jade and paid tribute to the salt government. But this time it was not Yanyin or the salt government that had the problem, but the salt merchants themselves.

The interest on the loan from the Ministry of Internal Affairs is about 12%, which is much lower than that of ordinary usury loans, but they mainly lend to merchants with "frequent contacts".

Borrowing money has to be repaid with interest, and the more you borrow, the more you have to repay. When you can’t pay back the interest, you have to tear down the east wall to pay the west wall. No one thought that the salt merchants would not be able to pay back the money.

Not only the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but even the young owner of the bank where the people saved their money did not know. In the end, it was found that these salt merchants were insolvent, and they were still 790,000 taels short of the Ministry of Internal Affairs after liquidating all their belongings.

These "properties" were all wrapped up by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and nothing was left to the people. There may be some left over. Anyway, the Shaodong family didn't get it, but this is just the tip of the iceberg of Changlu's debt. This is a group incident, not a long The reed salt merchant owed money.

When Emperor Jiaqing arrived, the Changlu tribute was some silk, and valuable things were no longer required, and the local salt industry also went into decline.

And their arrears are largely related to the Battle of Jinchuan. If you donate the money actively, you can also gain "enthusiasm" to repay the service.

It is precisely because of this that Changlu salt merchants can borrow loans from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the repayment has not caused the emperor's wrath.

In addition, there is also the problem of "silver is expensive and money is cheap". The quality of copper coins in different places is different, which is inconvenient for long-distance circulation. The fineness of silver is better identified, and it has become a currency for long-distance circulation. Commoners buy salt with copper coins or broken silver. Their copper coins are different from those in Zhili. One thousand yuan is not worth one tael of silver.

Anyway, the decline of Changlu is a complicated issue, and everyone can only admit it.

Besides, the Xiaojun Wang went to Mobei not only as an assistant, but also to inspect and "deal" with the Buryats.

Save it for later meeting, after all, in this world, who knows what will happen?

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