Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2153 Flower Controversy (61)

The examination question in the fifty-sixth year of Qianlong's imperial examination was "glasses", and the rhyme of the word "he" should be suppressed.

All the candidates looked at each other, what are the "glasses"?

This time, Juren knew what the test was about. The problem was that he was very confused, because Prince Yong Rong, the backer of the House of Internal Affairs of the Xiaojun King, died, and Russia asked Yuqiaktu to reopen the market. Back to Mobei.

go or stay?

Not long after, an incident happened in his hometown. Because Juren hadn’t gone back for several years, the land left by his father was embezzled. Friends in his hometown wrote him a letter to inform him of this, and then he went back.

Everything seemed to be predestined, he went to Guangzhou later, and finally stayed on the streets to make a living by copying for others, and later he fell ill and had no money for medical treatment, but fortunately he was saved by the priest of the church, and then Met Nick.

At this time, the wine was almost drunk, and it was time to rest. Music came from outside the house.

"It's the song of witch hazel." After identifying it, Juren said, "This is the name of a poem."

Juren seems to really intend to train Nick to be a scholar, but Nick asks him a question: Why does Zhuangzi say that there are twenty-five strings in "Xu Wugui"?

In addition to the five-string qin, there is also the harp, which has twenty-five, or even as many as fifty, strings. For example, "Jinse" written by Li Shangyin:

Zither has fifty strings for no reason, and one string and one column think of Huanian. Zhuang Shengxiao dreamed of butterflies, Wangdi Chunxin entrusted cuckoos.

There are tears in the moon and pearl in the sea, and the sun in Lantian is warm and the jade produces smoke. This feeling can be regarded as a memory, but it was already at a loss at that time.

"Zhuang Shengxiao Dreams of Butterfly" Nick knows what it is, but "Wangdi Chunxin entrusts the cuckoo" doesn't.

Emperor Wang comes from Du Fu's poems. Du Fu once lived in Rongcheng for a while, where he heard a legend that Du Yudi of the Shu Kingdom gave way to his courtiers due to floods, and he retired to the mountains and forests. After his death, he turned into a cuckoo. Crying day and night until bleeding came from crying.

This is hard to understand. Why do poets write such poems? Is it for rhyme?

The Faxing Temple is on the other side of Guangzhou. If Juren goes back at this time, and I don’t know when it will be there, Nick will let Juren sleep on the bed and sleep on the ground, just like the last time when Nick was at Juren’s house, Juren gave up the bed to Nick .

This time Nick did not "meet" a monk like he did in Faxing Temple, although he also heard the sound of music. Depressed and sad, Nick believes that most people still like to listen to festive music.

"Let's do something fun," Layla said to Georgiana, putting down her book.

"What do you want?" Georgiana asked.

"How about some music?" Leyla asked.

Georgiana remembered that she wanted to listen to Mozart's violin music, and then she found it difficult to use music to cheer her up.

"Or do you want to continue reading?" Leila asked in frustration.

"Accompany me to the deck for a walk." She said helplessly, put on her shawl, and left the cabin.

The sky is full of stars, as if there are more stars than can be seen in the starry sky of the 21st century.

Then she thought of Galileo, and his telescope, and the University of Padua. Sitting on the university lawn eating vanilla ice cream with a humorless man in her lap on a sunny afternoon, the sweetness brought her to life.

"Would you like vanilla ice cream?" Georgiana asked Leila.

"It's so cold." Leila said breathlessly, shivering from the cold.

She wanted to talk about it, but she was a little reluctant. Although the cabin was warm, it was oppressive, and the air was not good. Although it was cold outside, the air was very fresh.

She just didn't think about anything, and stood on the deck for a while, until she also felt cold, and then went back, but she didn't let Leyla study, but lay on the deck chair in a daze, feeling like she was thinking about nothing. Comfortable, she suddenly envied a cat.

It can touch its master with its cheeks and act like a baby to him, as long as it can get a comfortable nest and delicious food, but these things people have to earn by themselves, even if they have to go to cold and desolate Siberia or deserts, ocean, plateau.

"Are you tired?" Leyla asked.

"I've been on the boat," replied Georgiana. How can one get tired of sitting on a boat?

"Today the First Consul got really angry, I mean, not that loud rant." Leyla thought for a moment. "He's terribly calm."

Georgiana probably understood the scene.

"He returned to normal during the meal, as if he had forgotten what happened before." Leila said naively.

If the monarch is idle and his ministers are busy, the country will prosper, and if the monarch is busy and his ministers are idle, the country will decline. Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of Shu, was exhausted to death.

Liu Bei paid three visits to the thatched cottage before he was willing to leave the mountain. Perhaps he had predicted this. He was going to leave the thatched cottage and be leisurely, and began to practice in the world of mortals.

The sky is close to the sea mirror, and the king is above, like the sky is coming, like the mirror of the sea, the mirror hangs high. It is said that Qin Shihuang had a bone mirror, which can illuminate people's heart and gallbladder. Qin Shihuang often used it to illuminate the palace. Of.

The hanging of the bright mirror also means that the law is strictly enforced. The sea can be the sea of ​​bitterness or the sea, or Haizi. Another Flower Temple was built and renamed Tzu Chi Temple.

The flower in the mirror, the moon in the water, and "Jimeng", more than 20 years have passed in a blink of an eye. Do the teenagers of the past have to wear glasses?

The title of the gold list, the wedding ceremony, many people rush forward for this dream, like a traveler who sees a mirage in the desert, and keeps rushing towards an oasis that does not exist, until he can no longer walk and falls dead on the road.

Will we see Manjusawa at that time? The legendary red lotus that is only open in the God Realm.

If you want red flowers to bloom, you have to wait for severe frost to come. It can also be explained in this way. Some people will die of cold and hunger.

Georgiana thinks of Remus, who was back at Hogwarts as a professor, making it hard to relate what he was like in school.

His hair was all gray, but he still kept a gentle smile.

Fate is unfair, but not everyone can accept it like Remus. As a dark creature, Remus can actually use the Guardian of God, and his Patronus is still a wolf, which in itself It's amazing.

The Quidditch World Cup held in Siberia will cause the trees in the primeval forest to move because of black magic. This is the war of wizards.

If fire is used, the whole forest may burn, so what spells should be used to deal with these "tree people"?

She finds it amusing, not because of the war, but because of magic, and she finds a page, wandless magic turns it into a bird, and lets it fly in the cabin.

Leyla watched it fly without asking how she did it.

This is how Hogwarts students pass notes in class, and Muggle schools also have them, but not everyone can restrain their curiosity when passing notes, and will open the note, so the note is not suitable for use to confess.

She recalled the scene where she jumped into the Black Lake, dived into the bottom of the lake with the mermen, and observed the Slytherin lounge. The people in the "fish tank" were completely unaware that they were being observed like goldfish.

"Do you believe that there are magical animals in this world?"

Maybe next time she can ask humans that instead of "Do you believe in magic?"

This is a question that will cause countless troubles. In order to avoid troubles, it is better not to ask.

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