Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2140 Flower Controversy (48)

In the twenty-fourth year of Qianlong, Ji Xiaolan presided over the provincial examination in Shanxi.

At that time, there were two qualified papers, one named Fan Xuefu and the other named Li Tengjiao. Fan Xuefu was 48th and Li Tengjiao was 53rd. But when Ji Yun was writing the draft list, a gust of wind suddenly blew out the candles. I think this is weird, because it's okay to change someone else's name.

Later, he investigated and found that Fan Xuefu's paper was missing, and it took him a long time to find it in the examiner's suitcase. From this, Ji Xiaolan felt that there is a certain number of successes in the imperial examinations, so why should the world strive for fame and wealth?

After Nick returned to Guangzhou, he immediately went to the ruined house where Juren lived and where people were hanged. However, the house was empty and there was only a letter on the desk without a signature on the envelope. .

Nick opened it, and the letter said that Juren had gone to live in Faxing Temple temporarily, and he would wait until April 1. If Nick didn’t go to him, he would leave Guangzhou, so Nick immediately asked where Faxing Temple was .

Guangzhou Faxing Temple is located in the northwest of Guangzhou. It is the place where Huineng, the sixth patriarch of Zen Buddhism, was ordained. This temple was founded in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. It was very prosperous in the Tang Dynasty and used to be a place for translating scriptures. Monk Jianzhen went to Japan to preach the Dharma and returned to China by boat. He drifted to this place and stayed there, so there are many Tang-style buildings in the temple. It was not until the 15th year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty that the temple was rebuilt, retaining the style of the Tang and Song Dynasties. Both the scale of the temple and the history of Buddhism are the highest in South of the Five Ridges.

It is not difficult to find such a monastery, but one of Juren's "contemporaries" once lived in a monastery in Shichahai, and he encountered strange things there. Nick originally thought that Juren would not live in a monastery.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, that is, during the reign of Chongzhen, the monks in Shichahai were not what they are now. According to the records in Liu Tong's "Scenery of the Imperial Capital", the monks at that time lived in one room.

One is because the Buddhist temple is rich, and Zhu Yuanzhang himself is a monk. He not only adopts a protection policy for Buddhism, but also vigorously promotes Buddhism. The second is because there are many temples in Shichahai, which is not far from that place. The third is because of a special way of practice of Buddhists. .

In some parts of India, you can still see small holes that can only accommodate one person sitting cross-legged inside. These are used by ascetic monks to meditate. It really became a Buddha statue, and it remained motionless no matter what happened outside.

Anyone who has seen that kind of cave knows how depressing it is inside. Most people can't stand it after a long time. Relatively speaking, one person and one room are much more comfortable. Monks can also copy scriptures or meet guests in it.

It changed in the Qing Dynasty, except that the presiding officer lived in a small room inside the temple gate, and no one complained about why there were so many empty meditation rooms and the monks were not allowed to live in one.

If you ask them why, they will only answer "Amitabha", or else they will be like the same period of Juren, even if he tells others, no one will believe it, but instead treat it as a "Liao Zhai" story, talking about it during the game.

In the Tang Dynasty, if someone won a Jinshi, it would be called "Yanta Title". The time of He Jidi is written on the wall. If someone becomes a prime minister in the future and wants to change his name to Zhubi, it is a great honor.

Qujiang is located in the south of Chang'an City, and the upstream is the Royal Furong Garden. The banquet eaten here is not an ordinary banquet, but a "shaowei banquet", which expresses the banquet for the emperor to thank the goodness. " means that it began with Tang Zhongzong, whose year name was Shenlong.

The women of the Tang Dynasty would come to Qujiang with their companions to choose a good husband from among the new scholars, and there would also be "Master Taishan" who would personally choose a son-in-law. It was like a fish leaping into a dragon's gate overnight.

There was a man named Dong Qujiang. He lived in Lingyou Palace in the fourth year of Qianlong and met a Taoist priest. Not everyone lives in the Taoist temple because of their cash. Some people think it is convenient and picturesque. They donate a sum of money to the Taoist temple as incense, and then the monks and priests clean up a condition that is quieter and more elegant than the inn. I don’t know How many times the place for visitors to live.

Emperor Wanli was different from Zhu Yuanzhang. He believed in Taoism and loved alchemy. When he was emperor, there was a "Hongwan case", and the Lingyou Palace was expanded during the Wanli period.

Not all Taoist priests eat vegetarian food like the Quanzhen sect. The Taoist priest Dong Qujiang knew was very fond of drinking. I was very happy, and when the performance ended a bit late, the Taoist cupped his hands and said to everyone, "Thanks to everyone, I can't repay you for inviting me to watch the show. Tonight, I invite everyone to watch a puppet show, is that okay?"

Everyone happily agreed, and when we arrived at the Taoist’s residence, there was a large square table with some water and wine tributes on the side of the table, and a chessboard in the center of the table. Sit down, and then the Taoist slapped the ruler on the table with a "snap", and several small figures eight or nine inches tall fell onto the chessboard.

They appeared out of nowhere, like magic tricks, and then these little people began to rap, sing and act in unison, with the voice of four or five-year-old children.

There was no tie, and these villains moved by themselves, the movements were exactly the same as the puppet shows I watched before.

After the show was over, the villains disappeared, as if they appeared suddenly, and then several more appeared and played a show until midnight, when the Taoist priest asked the little boy to put hundreds of eggs and After a few jars of white wine, the sound of the music stopped abruptly, and the new villain no longer appeared.

Everyone was amazed and asked the priest what was going on. The Taoist said, "Anyone who has practiced the five thunders can drive demons and monsters to do things. I just sent them to act as a night's entertainment, but it is okay to drive them to do this kind of thing. Let them steal or do harm to others, otherwise God will punish them immediately."

The people had never heard of it, so they begged to come back the next night, the Taoist agreed, but when everyone came to the Taoist's residence the next night, the Taoist had already left with the boy.

It was dusk when Nick arrived at Faxing Temple. This Tang Dynasty temple was bathed in the setting sun, as if it had been plated with gold.

The pilgrims had almost left, and a monk was cleaning the incense altar. Nick explained his intention in half-baked Chinese, and the monk took Nick to the meditation room where Juren lived.

Nick has been to Japanese temples, and he can feel that there is still a big difference between the Tang style and the Japanese style. The buildings of the Tang Dynasty can also distinguish windows and entrance doors. All Japanese sliding doors can be opened, so that it is convenient to appreciate the outside. Dry landscape garden.

The courtyard of Faxing Temple is very ordinary. There are not so many exquisite landscaping. There is only a thousand-year-old bodhi tree. The mountain wind blows through the wind chimes hanging under the eaves, making a crisp sound. meaning poetry.

Juren put down his pen, the people of the Qing Dynasty did not sit on the floor like the people of the Tang Dynasty and the Japanese, he sat on a very old chair and turned his head to look at Nick who was standing outside the door.

"Pirates don't raise food, and they can't force you to be a pirate. Sooner or later, they will release you."

Nick was very satisfied with his answer, he opened his arms, hugged the thin old man and turned around in circles.

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