Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 214 North Sea One Night

When the dementors were still guards in Azkaban, sea water and high walls were not needed to lock up the prisoners, because the prisoners were all imprisoned in their own minds, and a cemetery was built in the prison for burials. Those who died of despair.

In Austria, there is a wizarding prison in Nurmengard, which is a tower just like Azkaban, where a famous prisoner, Grindelwald, was once built by himself to imprison those who violated his own rule. Although the prison is gloomy, dark, and far away from human habitation, it can still hold prisoners after all. Azkaban with dementors is a tomb of the living dead, and being sentenced to life imprisonment in it is not as pleasant as the death penalty.

Dementors have no real allegiance, they will only take refuge in those who can get them more human victims. In 1996, they turned to Voldemort and multiplied. By 1998, after the Second Wizarding War, they were all over the tropics All over the world, they joined the Werewolf Alliance just to get more happy emotions.

There are a lot of them, all over the entire coast, floating around, making the already cold winter even colder. The lively atmosphere is like a feast for them, and the war between humans and werewolves is the time for them to enjoy themselves. The cold is the only feeling that the North Sea brings to Draco Malfoy, and the bad thing is that he has not yet He would call on his bodyguards to protect him, as would the Slytherin medics who came with him.

The dark sky is the best cover for those monsters in black cloaks. Someone lit the weeds on the shore with flames, but the orange flames also turned grayish white in the desperate atmosphere. , The wizard also released a red flame into the sky, the Auror who knew Animagus began to transform, and various animals appeared on the human side.

December 26, 2004 happens to be the night of the full moon, but the werewolf transformation will occur a few days before and after the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, even if there is no moon in the sky, it can still transform.

Christmas Eve was not peaceful at all, there was death and blood everywhere, and Draco still felt shivering even if he didn't have to face it directly. The place where they are located is on the coast, the farthest inland, surrounded by thorns, it is a good hiding place, when the first wounded was brought over from the front line, Draco was almost stunned by the hideous wound on his body past.

The man was scratched by the werewolf, the flesh turned up from the chest to the abdomen, forming five wounds with visible internal organs, all he could do was stop the bleeding as he was taught in school and St. Mungo's treat.

Then it didn’t take long for other wounded people to come in. Many of the children who were bitten by Fenrir belonged to wizard families. In 30 years, children became adults. They have magical powers and can use magic wands. In 1637, the Ministry of Magic issued a The werewolf code of conduct, like locking yourself away from harming others on a full moon night, failed predictably because no one wanted to walk into the Ministry of Magic and admit to being a werewolf, and Draco felt he was not in the hospital but in Butcher shops, bloody human bodies everywhere.

At this moment, there was a dragon roar in the night sky, three giant dragons spewed fire towards the ground, and screams came from the opposite side. Some people felt very happy and kept cheering outside the tent, but Draco only noticed A cup of water placed by the bedside of the wounded.

The water in the glass began to vibrate rhythmically, sending out bursts of ripples. He left the patient and walked out of the tent, and saw a group of giants "creeping" along the coastline, as if they were planning to go around to the human side Attack from the rear.

The wizard's spell is almost ineffective against giants. The battle of Hogwarts has proved that the ancient way of hand-to-hand combat must be used. However, there is no stone statue on this seaside that can turn Draco into a warrior, so he summoned a monster that he can summon. The biggest basilisk that came out, he is no longer a child, and he didn't keep his hands. Of course, it wasn't the little cobra summoned in the duel room in the second grade. A giant, but it was spotted when it was attacking the fourth, and the giants started attacking it, and Draco immediately gathered his wands and released a signal, and then turned to inform the others that they had been attacked.

"Evacuate! Quickly! Evacuate!" An Auror yelled at them, and all the wounded were taken away by the house elves. Raco's eyes were so sharp that he noticed something unusual on the surface of the sea. Some horse-like things were advancing in the sea, and there were people who had cast the Disillusionment spell on their backs. They were lurking towards the Ministry of Magic's ships.

"Sneak attack!" Draco yelled at the Auror who was leading them, who looked at him in disgust.

"That damn fool didn't listen to me at all, otherwise it wouldn't have lost so many people."

Draco wanted to smoke like his godfather, but unfortunately he didn't, so he took a sip of warm black tea to moisten his throat.

"A magical animal in the shape of a horse?" Pomona began to think. The horse-shaped water monster Kelpie is a magical creature unique to Britain, but they only live in fresh water, while water horses are found in various parts of Europe. live in.

"The Aurors on the ship are the guards of Azkaban. They were originally in charge of support. After the surprise attack, there were not enough guards in the prison, and the prisoners were taken away by those on horseback."

"Why is it so simple?" Pomona didn't believe that the guards of Azkaban would be so useless.

"They used choke gas, which is colorless and odorless, and the prison is closed. After being poisoned, everyone lost consciousness. Later, I informed the godfather, and he came to support us with a dragon. The medical team was retreating. I ran into dementors on the road, they were the guards of Azkaban, and I was as happy as returning home when I returned to the North Sea. I really don’t understand, Godmother, why Kingsley Shacklebolt doesn’t let them continue to be Guarded, it's much safer to keep the dementors in the hands of the Ministry of Magic, those filthy creatures dare to attack me."

"How do you deal with them, Draco?"

The proud Malfoy was silent for a moment and then said, "I hid behind someone who can summon a god to protect me."

"How many people have you saved?" Pomona took a sip from her teacup.

"I didn't count." Draco pulled his hair agitatedly. "Zabini threw up at the time. I just remember not to be as useless as him."

"As a doctor, you are doing well," Pomona praised, "but do you know what your shortcomings are?"

"I'm too cowardly." Draco said blankly.

"No, it's your lack of preparation in advance. Slughorn didn't teach you the potion, why didn't you ask other people, the choke-choke gas is very important for the successful escape, do you want to know who prepared it? "

Draco realized something.

"It's very important to have a potions master in an organization. Your godfather used to be a double agent in the Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix because of his potions. Now he doesn't have time to deal with potions. Do you think Who is in charge of fit?"

"You don't have to worry about this, Damocles Belle has joined us, and he owes the godfather a lot." Draco sneered, "I still prefer being a doctor."

"If that's the case, then concentrate on learning. Also, you need to prepare a large space bag with a lot of supplies in it. You mentioned fire magic just now. Do you know what is the commonly used medicine to treat fire magic?" Bomo said. Na asked.

"Hemp bark potion," Draco replied.

"Do you know what the ingredients of the hemp bark potion are, Astonia?"

"I want a hemp bark collected in spring." Astonia frowned, as if she had forgotten to use other materials.

"The thistle, and the cactus, the roots of the thistle should be mashed in the juice of the cactus, and the dried one can be used, but the fresh one is better, because Harry Potter let go of the dragon guarding Gringotts." , now the security there is a big problem, maybe the fire dragon will come back for revenge, there is a hemp skin potion on the market, what you need to study is the burns caused by high-level flames, I know this is not as fun as playing goblin killing together, but You are no longer children, let's do something useful together, Astonia, you learn advanced herbal medicine with me, Draco, you continue to learn potions from your godfather."

"Wow, that's how you used to work with the godfather?" Draco said with a grin.

"That's right," said Pomona deadpan. "It was before he went mad."

"Crazy?" Astonia asked strangely.

"We're married, what do you think is more abnormal in this world?" Pomona grabbed her black swan necklace and said irritably, "Don't you think it's weird?"

"I don't think so, what do you think?" Draco asked Astonia.

"There are weirdos everywhere in Ravenclaw, and I don't think it's okay." Astonia said happily.

"Are you going to the library on your date?" Draco took the opportunity to say.

"Okay." Astonia agreed decisively.

Only then did Pomona feel something was wrong.

As for what happened, she didn't figure it out herself, anyway, the pines on their heads grew more vigorously.

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