Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2137 Flower Controversy (Forty-five)

Before Xilinjueluo Ebao served as the governor of Fujian, it was Funihan who served as the governor of Fujian.

It was also he who was later transferred to Shandong and was keen to participate in the search and trial of the soul calling case.

Due to climate problems, it is generally believed that wheat and other crops that require low water and heat are planted in northern China, and rice and other crops that require high water and heat are planted in the south, especially in Guangdong where double-cropping rice can be planted within a year. However, the huge Population accelerated the consumption of rice. During the Shunzhi period, Guangdong produced an average of more than 4 million shi of rice a year, but the population was more than 3.2 million. According to the average annual grain consumption of 3.3 hectares per person, more than 4 million shi of rice was only enough for the province for half a year. Fujian, which has less arable land and cannot produce double-cropping rice, is no longer supported.

Although Zhejiang and Jiangxi are rich in rice, the price of food there is higher than that of Fujian and Guangdong, which are short of rice. This is mainly because of the rampant rice smuggling in Luzon and Batavia, coupled with population pressure, and some land used Planting hemp, cotton, and mulberry trees only maintains a delicate balance between supply and consumption.

Even Fujian itself grows cash crops such as tobacco and sugar to be shipped to the Yangtze River Delta, and then buys some silk fabrics from Jiangsu and Zhejiang to ship to Taiwan, and Taiwan then ships rice to Fujian.

However, this source of food was a drop in the bucket for Fujian, and it was necessary to develop further rice sources. Therefore, Chen Hongmou, the governor of Fujian during the Qianlong period, suggested introducing Siamese rice to solve the rice shortage problem in Fujian.

Since then, Qianlong has been promoting the cultivation of sweet potatoes. In terms of the sages who sealed the border during the Qianlong period, they should be Yin Jishan and Chen Hongmou. Siam rice is cheap, and it is the big granary in Southeast Asia. The East India Company and the Dutch also buy rice there.

During the Kangxi period, there was a severe drought, and he immediately opened the customs, allowing Siamese rice to be imported duty-free.

Chinese merchant ships need ceramics as ballast. After unloading in Siam and other places, they load rice as ballast. This is a very profitable business. There are however two problems. One is the fear of food falling into the hands of pirates, and the other is that the king of Siam believes in Buddhism and has a gentle temperament. After arriving in Siam, many crew members are unwilling to return to China and settle down directly in the local area. This violates the law of the Qing Dynasty-prohibition of immigration.

Emperor Shunzhi advocated emigration to the Northeast, but prohibited emigration to Taiwan. Yongzheng advocated emigration to Guangxi, but the population flow was not so easy to control. Fortunately, if you want to go abroad to Siam, you can only take the sea route. The land route is not opened, and the jungle is densely covered. It is very inconvenient to travel with your family, especially for women with small feet.

Controlling the grain transport ships to Siam basically controlled the immigration problem, so Yongzheng ordered to suspend the continued rice transport from Siam. It's just that this policy only lasted for a few years, and it was forced to stop because of the severe famine in Guangdong and Fujian.

At this time, the population of Guangdong was still increasing, and it was 4.2 million in the second year of Yongzheng, and it was still increasing. Faced with such a huge food shortage, the emperor had no choice but to order incentives to import rice. At the beginning, rice was used as a tribute. Although the status of the captains was not as high as that of the tribute envoys, they would still give rewards, such as 10 bolts of silk and satin. Later, it became tax-free, and then it was given to the top, and the grain transportation of more than 6,000 shi can be used as the general manager, and the governor can reward it at the discretion of the governor if it is more than 10,000 shi.

After the outbreak of the Qing-Burmese War, Burma invaded Siam, and the food shortage in Siam was very serious for the next 10 years, and the war interrupted food production. Even after Zheng Xin unified Siam, he still continued to fight against separatist forces in other places. Not only was Siam unable to export rice, but it was not enough for itself. The price of rice soared and it became a luxury item. Tree roots and bamboo shoots became the staple food of the locals.

The year Lin Yuhua risked his life to report was the forty-fifth year of Qianlong's reign when Fujian suffered a severe drought. There was almost no grain harvest. Neighboring provinces could not provide support, and foreign imported rice could not be found, so the price of rice soared.

If grain production is reduced by 10%, the price of grain will double. At that time, the price of rice was already more than 3,000 yuan per stone. At this time, Changping warehouses should be opened to release grain for relief, but the chief envoy asked the people to sell grain into warehouses, and established Changping warehouses are prepared for shortages.

Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty built the Yicang for the purpose of releasing grain for relief when a famine occurred. However, at the end of the Sui Dynasty, local officials did not open the granary. This caused a massive peasant uprising at the end of the Sui Dynasty. Don.

It's hard to say whether Lin Yuhua did this because of his loyalty to the Manchu Qing or for the people of Li. limit. Lin Yuhua did another thing later. At that time, the two prominent families in Fujian, the Lin family and the Xue family, had a large-scale fight over the water to irrigate the farmland. Throughout the case, bribes were received including the governors of Fujian and Zhejiang, resulting in large-scale unjust, false and wrongly decided cases, and 18 people were sentenced to death.

At that time, the crime-discussion silver system proposed by He Zhongtang had already been implemented, but the key point was how these eighteen people would be framed if they were rich and powerful. At the Lantern Festival that year, Lin Yuhua made several large lanterns. The post reflected the doggerel of the corrupt officials who handled the case, and the procurator became furious and sent troops to disperse the lantern festival. Three days later, someone found someone to falsely accuse Lin Yuhua, and he was finally exiled to WLMQ.

When the year is good, the Siamese bosses still want to bring some sumac over, so people can't just think about eating.

The owner of Xiamen also thinks that Siamese wood is good and can be used to build large ships.

In a disaster year, food will be released for disaster relief.

But what if all the grain in the granary is sold and exchanged for silver, and the rats share the spoils?

And as long as there is a system in which people can get top hats by donating food, there is room for maneuver, and what is on the books may not necessarily be true. It's like eating empty wages. On the surface, there are 1,000 young and strong soldiers, but in fact there are only 500 old, weak, sick and disabled. You can't feel it at ordinary times, and you will only find out when you really need to use soldiers.

In this way, we can understand why the chief executive issued that ridiculous decree to build a permanent position in a disaster year.

The Qing-Burmese War must continue, only in this way can the Qing Empire liberate Siam from Burma's control and continue to provide rice, otherwise Burma will have the initiative in rice.

Xilinjueluo Ebao wrote a letter to stop the war and stop losses, and was demoted by Qianlong to replace Funihan. He didn't stay there for long. Anyway, when Juren got the letter of recommendation from Xilinjueluo's family and returned to Fujian, the governor had already changed. It became E Ning who was demoted from Hubei.

Juren soon regretted why he left the capital. He didn't get the post of subordinate official, and Er Ning didn't say he would take him back, so his first imperial examination ended in such a sad way.

There is no doubt that he is jealous and embarrassing, no matter how unsatisfactory things in life are likely to happen, it is difficult to maintain his inner balance when he sees other people's wealth.

It was very difficult to stand up again from the blow, and his parents died one after another, so that people couldn't help but wonder, why did he encounter all the bad things?

Is there a total amount of luck, some people are very lucky, and God will deduct it from others?

Others are the rain after a long drought, the old acquaintance in a foreign land, the wedding night in the bridal chamber, and the title on the gold list.

He encountered a long drought, lost his parents as a young man, had no wedding ceremony, and no title on the gold list.

How would he introduce himself to He Shen? He Zhongtang, do you still remember the imperial examination in the year of Wuzi when you lost your name? I'm in the same class as you.

The emperor called himself "the widow", so he called himself "the despicable man". The despicableness of "fate can be helpless, and the elder relatives make themselves despicable" is not despicable and despicable.

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