Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2114 Flower Controversy (22)

In Japan, tea farmers must fast from greasy food before picking tea, so as not to spoil the aroma of the tea with the unclean breath they exhale, and they also wear gloves when picking tea to avoid touching the tea leaves with their fingers. However, I have not heard of these taboos in China, because gloves themselves are a luxury.

Like China, Japan produces tea, but it is mainly green tea, and the craftsmanship is mostly tea powder and sencha. It is said that this is the craftsmanship passed down from the Tang Dynasty and formed after their localization. Europeans are generally not interested in green tea. Although Nick often drank green tea in the salon before, the taste is completely different from that in China.

People in Guangzhou never drink tea anytime sooner or later, and they exile themselves into a small world filled with tea fragrance.

Tea was originally the main export product of Guangzhou Shisanhang. However, as more and more Wuyi black tea was exported, Xiamen began to replace Guangzhou as the main tea trading port. As far as Nick guesses, this may be because the water quality in Europe is mostly hard water, so making black tea is more suitable for European tastes.

In "A Dream of Red Mansions", it is recorded that there is a tea master named Miaoyu who can make tea with snow and rainwater picked from plum blossoms, which is unimaginable in Europe.

In addition, there is the Japanese tea ceremony, which is another place that Nick discovered was different from China. In front of the Japanese, one has to tsk-tsk when drinking tea or soup. The louder the sound, the more recognition and appreciation for the labor achievements of the other party, which represents "good taste". In China, it is very impolite to drink tea and soup and make noises. It will not only make you look different, but the elders will point it out and correct it.

In the early morning of the second day after Cao Xi searched Nick's room and took away his picture album, the admiral sent someone to invite Nick to his house for "drinking tea". After breakfast, they will participate in the ceremony of offering sacrifices to Mazu after breakfast.

King Arthur has the knights of the round table, which means that everyone sitting around the round table is equal.

Sitting around a round table with the admiral for dinner was not the case. Wanning and the admiral's second concubine stood aside. They held two wooden sticks in their hands and picked up food for the admiral and Nick from time to time.

Nick had heard earlier that the Chinese would use those two sticks to count rice grains one by one. He thought it was incredible at the time. Later, when he had dinner with Shuangguan, he found that this was not the case, and they would also eat rice. Open your mouth and eat rice in big mouthfuls.

But when he arrived at the admiral's house, there were more "rules", and Nick had to imitate the admiral's every move like Lin Daiyu.

First of all, the admiral would not stand up to take the food, so the daughter was in charge of serving the food, and the breakfast in his family was very rich.

Nick was not yet fluent in chopsticks, but they prepared the knives, forks and plates thoughtfully. Compared with the dishes eaten in the restaurant last time, the dishes at Admiral's house are much lighter. Fortunately, the admiral's prospective son-in-law was not there, as if he had left early.

The admiral's lieutenant told the admiral that if Nick really had sinister intentions, he could not hand over the note at all, so that they would be unprepared and caught them off guard, so both the admiral and the lieutenant believed in Nick.

Cao Xi and the other two officials held the opposite attitude, especially after Liu Zongbing's death.

Liu Zongbing's death can be an accident, which is also an important part of the nautical chart. While the compass was first invented in China, shipping lanes required precise coordinates marked in latitude and longitude. Early Chinese navigators also had charts for navigation. Some of these charts were drawn on paper, and some were drawn on gourds. The priests speculated that the charts on such gourds and pumpkins were more accurate than flat charts.

When Zheng He sailed to the West, it happened to be in the period of the European Renaissance. Scholars at that time had not given up on Ptolemy's theory and believed that the world was spherical, not flat.

If the graph drawn on the surface of the circle is the latitude and longitude of the globe, then the priests' speculation is acceptable. The world map at the time consisted of several "crescents" that would be stitched together to form a globe.

However, in addition to the "earth" theory, Ptolemy also had a geocentric theory, which led to a very complicated astrological chart for a long time, and sailors needed to use the stars in the sky for positioning until the emergence of the heliocentric theory.

With the decline of Spain and Portugal, the pope's meridian is no longer practical, and Britain and France are measuring their own prime meridians. In the 17th century, there was a cartographer Cassirer who was a supporter of Cartesian theory. At that time, there were two conjectures in the scientific community. Isaac Newton believed that the earth was oblate, with short poles and a long equator. Descartes believed that the earth was a long ellipse, with long poles and a short equator. Both sides had no way to provide evidence to support themselves the opinion of.

Until 1735, the first expedition team came to Peru, a Spanish colony, and then the second expedition team arrived at Lapland in the Arctic Circle. By comparing and measuring the circumference of 1 latitude, it was concluded that the earth is oblate.

While the Collège de France's prestige took a hit, the debate over the shape of the Earth proved that Cassini's measurements could be generalized anywhere in the world. Three generations of father, son, and grandson were engaged in map surveying, spanning Louis XIV, Louis XV, Louis XVI and the French Revolution. The initial work on surveying was started from the Prime Meridian of Paris, using triangulation, however, 7 years after the surveying work began, Cassirer II and his sons discovered the Prime Meridian of the Survey and the Meridian of the Picard Survey The difference is 10 meters, which is a small number on the earth, but it will affect the entire measurement if it is piled up, so all the measurements are redone. When Cassini III met Louis XV, only two maps were completed.

While Louis XV and his court of mistresses had countless reasons to splurge, he and the Chancellor of the Exchequer had no desire to waste money on mapping France. The nobles were willing to continue to support, and they publicly supported the measurement through subscription, including Mrs. Pompidou. In the end, the funds raised by Cassini even exceeded his actual needs.

In 1756, the first batch of maps were published, and the response was enthusiastic. The accuracy and details of a series of maps produced by Cassini surpassed those of the Netherlands. In order to make cartography a science and an art, Cassini began to try Capitalizing on the interest of the public, he let the French public order the maps, and for 562 livres they could get 180 maps, saving a total of 158 livres. It is a pity that the Parisian elite is not interested in him, but the peasants and merchants of the provinces are more interested...

"These maps have been collected by the National Committee as state property." Bonaparte said suddenly, "Cassini IV is still alive, but he has given up cartography. Now the mapmakers and engineers are busy making cadastres."

"And Berthier?" asked Georgiana.

"I need someone to make military maps for me."

Georgiana turned her gaze back to the book.

Printing maps requires engraving. Engraving is a superb craftsmanship in France, but it is not applied to geography. Therefore, Cassini had to train some engravers to make a batch of exquisite templates and let them print black and white with German black ink. The engraving once again presents a colorful world. To this end, they established a special cartographic language and developed various symbols and fonts to express the topography of the land.

Nick is an engraver, and he also learned how to use the compass while sailing at sea. In addition, he has the protection of the admiral and can move around the coast of China. He can indeed participate in the surveying and mapping work of the East India Company.

When Emperor Kangxi surveyed and mapped China, all foreigners were used. By Emperor Qianlong, all surveyors and mappers became Chinese, and the original foreign surveyors became assistants.

It cannot be denied that the emperor, who also came from a foreign race, was very wary of "foreign barbarians", but the bureaucratic class paid attention to other directions. The Macartney mission brought many gifts, including a magnifying glass, which was made of glass. When the bureaucrats heard that it was glass and not crystal, they immediately lost interest in it. How difficult is transparent glass.

They know how to use a magnifying glass to focus, and He Shen even used a magnifying glass to light a dry cigarette, but this move almost ignited He Shen's sleeve, if it wasn't for Macartney pushing him, it might really be lit, but he doesn't seem to Sensing danger, he walked away without a care.

Bureaucrats lack the research and discussion of natural philosophy, and call it "uncanny skills and obscenity".

When making handicrafts, the craftsmen think that the best way is to work persistently, just like polishing lacquerware over and over again, instead of using technology to overcome difficulties and improve production efficiency.

The fact is that lacquerware is being phased out and Europeans prefer porcelain, but Nick finds that craftsmen like to show their skill and patience through these utensils.

This is the characteristic of the Chinese that Nick discovered. They are very patient, and because of their patience, they can use tools that are more backward than those in Europe to produce such wonderful luxury goods.

The silk worn by the admiral’s family was provided by Suzhou, but their purses and handkerchiefs were made by themselves. For example, the handkerchief Wanning held was embroidered with a bright peony flower, which was embroidered by herself. lifelike.

There are also ivory chopsticks they hold, which are also very beautifully carved.

After they finished their breakfast and drank what the admiral called Mingqian Longjing, they set off, and she and "Auntie" also went with them.

A busy day begins.

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