Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2112 Flower Controversy (Twenty)

The merchants of the Thirteen Banks had hosted a banquet for Nick before, although he did that to thank the admiral, and Nick "did" him a favor.

Here it is necessary to mention the legal system of the Qing Dynasty. As long as someone commits a crime, someone must be punished. If the criminal escapes, his family will be punished. If someone files a public prosecution, then judicial officials will intervene. From lowly prison managers to magistrates, to the governor, the Ministry of Punishment, and ministers of state affairs, some major cases even require the emperor to intervene in person. Therefore, we can see that just because someone committed the crime of treason, the entire village will be burned down, and the entire county will be destroyed. To pay the fine, the whole province had to wear mourning and filial piety, high-ranking officials would be dismissed and demoted, and the emperor himself would make atonement to the public.

With the above-mentioned foreshadowing, you will understand why a public bank is established. Foreign businessmen in Guangzhou sometimes cause serious riots, but the riots are not punished as they should be. First, no one knows who the perpetrators are, and second, because some Forces are secretly protecting these people, and the normal order of the criminal law system has been disrupted. So the imperial court set up a public bank to act as an intermediary and guarantor for European merchants. This is the earliest origin of the Thirteen Banks in Guangzhou.

In the beginning, each of these merchants had smuggled behaviors, or received humiliating punishments, so they took on this dangerous responsibility. After reaching cooperation with foreign businessmen, whether it is the appeal of the European businessman, the governor and the two assistants, or the approval of the imperial envoy, they are responsible for conveying it.

Huge profits have created an exclusive community effect. They kowtow to the ground in front of the government and pay all kinds of exorbitant taxes, just like a coolie, but they use many tricks when facing foreign businessmen. An Armenian, for example, who brought a large, round pearl to Canton, hoping to fetch a good price, soon became known and attracted officials and merchants, who did not offer as much as its true value. Finally, after repeated careful examination, a price was reached and a deposit was paid, and the Armenians kept the pearls until the balance was paid. In order to prevent fraud, the box containing the pearls was sealed, and there was no news of the buyer for a few days, so the foreign businessmen were expelled from the scene.

Although the Armenian did not achieve the main purpose of the trip, he still held the deposit and his wealth. When he got home, he did not hesitate to open the seal, and his real pearls were changed by fake pearls. There was also a distinguished person named Baboon, who was as well known in Bombay and Madras as he was in Canton, when he was short of about £500,000, mortgaged a box of pearls to a merchant for a large sum, when When he redeemed the pearls, he found that the box of pearls had turned into a box of peas.

There was a British employee named Hong Renhui in the East India Company. He thought it was not easy to do business in Guangzhou, so he wanted to do business in Ningbo.

In the pleadings, he stated that the Guangdong Customs extorted many foreign businessmen, not only demanding cards and deliberately making things difficult, but also owed huge sums of money to foreign businessmen. Of course, his purpose of doing this was to open Ningbo as a treaty port.

Qianlong attached great importance to this matter and sent commissioners to conduct a thorough investigation. To be honest, what Hong Renhui reported was the truth. At that time, the Governor of Guangdong Customs was the cronies of Li Shiyao, a corrupt official who He Shen later dealt with. Through a series of operations by Li Shiyao, the Governor of Guangdong Customs was only dismissed in the end, and the East India Company's request was not only not satisfied, Hong Renhui was also expelled from the country.

The person who received the most severe punishment in this case was Liu Yabian, a businessman from Sichuan who helped Hong Renhui write the pleadings.

If the opium trade is removed, as far as normal trade is concerned, it is reasonable for Harrock to ask for more high-quality ports, but anyone with a discerning eye knows what Harrock really thinks.

The last time the merchants who invited guests were "Jardine House", his name was Shuangguan. After the Chinese names were translated into foreign languages, real foreigners could not be issued, so these merchants had a business name, which Nick knew. Another "Tong Shun Xing" merchant, his merchant name is Haoguan.

The hospitality of the Chinese made Nick, who came to thank Shuangguan for his hospitality, almost be arrested and go to a banquet. The meal was second, mainly because they had to play a kind of guessing game similar to the Italians. The loser drank and had a meal Meals can last for hours and can be exhausting.

Nick returned to the hospital before the soldiers began to implement the "curfew". Strictly speaking, it is not a curfew, but the number of soldiers patrolling the streets has increased significantly, and they will suddenly conduct interrogations on people they think are suspicious, especially those near the hotel. class place.

After returning to his room, Nick began to read the study materials that Juren had left for him.

Confucianism does not recognize the theory of the immortality of the soul, nor does it recognize the creed of karma. They believe that good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil, but they are all retribution in this world, and they will not be repaid after death or in the next world like Buddhism or Christianity. A generation.

The reason for the rapid development of Buddhist thought in China is that Buddhist thought does not have any direct conflict with local superstitions. It does not have strict religious rules for secular believers, nor does it require believers to practice asceticism. Commitment, leaving this life with full confidence, believing that I will be blessed after reincarnation.

Here I want to mention the Ten Temples of Yama. It is said that they have a book of life and death to record everyone's lifespan. In a story, there is an old man who lived for 800 years. He married 72 wives. After the death of his 72nd wife, she wondered why her husband could live so long. Driven by curiosity, she accepted Yan Luo asked about this matter during the interrogation, and then the underworld government began a thorough investigation, and found that Yan Luo had lost his page when he repackaged the book of life and death last time. So the old man's life was cut off immediately, and he died soon.

Buddhism has six reincarnations, which are heaven, asura, human, animal, hungry ghost, and hell. The worst thing is to fall into the endless hell and suffer all kinds of suffering.

There are five reincarnations in Taoism, which are the way of heaven, the way of humanity, the way of animals, the way of hungry ghosts, and the way of hell. Compared with Buddhism, there is no way of Shura.

According to Chuang Tzu, both Taoism and Buddhism seem to accept the theory of the immortality of gods. But the reincarnation of Buddhism is driven by karma, while Taoism is based on the balance of yin and yang. If you made a mistake during your lifetime, then your soul and body are negative, and you will go to the realm of hungry ghosts, hell or animals. If you don't become a fairy, you can also be reborn as a human being.

This process of reincarnation needs to be done after the end of the trial in the underworld, and the judges are executed by Yama of the Ten Palaces. They are judges when they are alive, and people also believe their judgments. Buddhism, on the other hand, does not have the idea of ​​being judged after death. Even though these two religions seem to have similarities with Catholicism on the surface, they are fundamentally different.

Just when Nick was about to continue his in-depth research, there was a noise outside, and he left his room and came to the yard.

The servant was holding a baby in his arms and was asking the priest what to do.

This is an abandoned baby, but it is not abandoned in front of the hospital. Parents who abandon their children usually leave the child outside the door of a wealthy family. Sometimes these wealthy people receive 4 abandoned babies a month. There are twenty or thirty down.

It is acceptable to adopt one or two, but if there are too many, they are not philanthropic, so these wealthy families will send those abandoned babies at their doorstep to any place that is willing to accept these children.

Nick will never forget this incident. Maybe the parents of the abandoned baby had to abandon the baby because of their last resort. They still hope that the baby can be happy. There is a longevity lock around the neck of this baby boy, which means that life can be locked, Dispel diseases and misfortunes, even if the lock is made of copper.

They put the child in the place that they think is most likely to bring happiness to the child, but his final destination is this place.

The priest decided to accept the baby boy, but he would not stay in the hospital. The priest would write to the nuns at the Foundry to take him away.

As soon as the servant took the baby boy away, many torches appeared at the door of the hospital, and some officers and soldiers rushed in.

It didn't take long for Nick to see a sedan chair. After the bearer put the sedan chair down, a tall Han man came out of the sedan chair. He was wearing a crown with feathers, an official robe, and black satin boots with thick soles. Two inches thick and painted white on the outside.

Playboys always spend a lot of time on grooming. In order to make their braids black and shiny, they will put in some wigs. This one's braids are thick and long, hanging down to the knees, and the braids are tied with tassels.

He is Cao Xi, the admiral's assistant leader. He looked at Nick with a smile on his face. He looked polite and friendly, but also seemed to have caught Nick. The weasel who paid New Year's greetings to the chicken.

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