Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2098 Flower Controversy (6)

There is a folk proverb: Three years to clear the magistrate, one hundred thousand snowflakes.

The salaries of officials in the Ming Dynasty were set very low. It was difficult for many low-level officials to make a living on their salaries, and it was impossible for senior officials to rely on their salaries to maintain a life that was more in line with their status. After all, there were still a small number of "sages".

Therefore, most local officials will intercept part of the local tax revenue to increase their actual income, while Beijing officials will receive a lot of "filial piety" money from local officials. "Teacher", give the teacher a small gift to express your affection, which is in line with the etiquette and shows your closeness.

The so-called fire loss refers to the part of the metal that is lost when casting money, and usually refers to the loss of broken silver when it is recast into silver ingots. Orders were ordered to regulate, but it was of no use. After Yongzheng came to power, "returning fire consumption to the public" was implemented. The maximum fire consumption should not exceed 20%, and no private retention is allowed.

Due to the "ancestral system" regulations, the Ming Dynasty has always been short of silver, and the folks are not allowed to mine silver mines privately. This has led to the Ming Dynasty having less silver and more materials, while Japan's silver is in short supply. If there is no exchange between the two, It can promote foreign trade, but the problem of "Japanese pirates" made this impossible. When Ming Xuanzong Zhu Zhanji came to the throne, the Ministry of Households wrote a letter to stop using precious banknotes and use pepper to distribute salaries for officials. These peppers happened to be Zheng He. Every time I go to the West, I will definitely bring it back.

With the size of the ships of the Ming Dynasty, the peppers brought back were on the order of millions of catties, and the treasury had to find a place to store them, and it happened that the Ministry of Households was struggling with the depreciating treasure bills. Compared with that page of mulberry paper , Pepper still has some practical value, so pepper often appears in front of officials on payday.

Originally, the Daming banknotes were issued because there was not enough currency, and the Ministry of Households took back a large number of treasure banknotes and distributed pepper, and pepper was explicitly prohibited from private transactions.

Officials got the pepper salaries, and after getting rid of their own households, they must find a way to cash in. At this time, merchants who collected pepper appeared. That is to say, the money became less, and when it reached the point of deflation, the price of goods in the Ming Dynasty began to fall, and finally the imperial court ordered that the rice from the land tax in Guangxi and other places be exchanged for silver.

Pepper was once used as currency in Europe, but Zheng He went to the West to buy so much pepper at a time, which led to the scarcity of pepper in South Asia and the skyrocketing price. European lords had to spend more money on spices and luxury goods, which accelerated the European The silver outflow, for a time it seemed that the whole world was in a trade recession. So many navigators such as Columbus and Da Gama set sail to find the "East" full of gold and spices, but they did not find the "East". Instead, they found the New World and South America, which produced silver mines.

Zheng He went to the West to buy pepper, and Europe also bought pepper in South Asia, so all the silver was concentrated in South Asia?

Spain discovered that the Ming Dynasty had an almost unlimited demand for silver, and they could not only meet this supply, but also solve their domestic silver surplus problem, so a large amount of silver flowed in in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty was established at this time. The parallel circulation system of silver and money was established, and silver officially became legal tender.

The East Asian tribute system is also known as the Mandala system. Not only small countries have to pay tribute to the Celestial Dynasty, but Southeast Asian countries also pay tribute to each other due to the disparity in strength. With the export of Indian culture, a multi-circle international order system centered on Sanskrit and Buddhism has been formed. Even if the king's actual control area is small, the territory can appear very large through the recognition and allegiance of the strengths of various places, and this One point just overlaps with the British Leviathan structure.

As long as all the participants feel that it is fair, it is not unfair to each of them. Britain believes in "free trade" and "free competition", but in fact it is "fairness" in the style of housekeeping. After they have a monopoly position and then compete with backward countries for market share, the final outcome will be the same as that of France. The local handicraft industry goes bankrupt, and British goods obtain a market that can be freely plundered.

For example, Thailand and Myanmar both paid tribute to the Celestial Dynasty, but they were evenly matched opponents in the Indochina Peninsula. In addition, the worship of the "white elephant" was popular in the Indochina Peninsula, and the white elephant was regarded as a symbol of royal power, so the battle between Thailand and Myanmar was often One party forcibly demanded white elephants from the other party. However, in the early days of Myanmar's national strength, Thailand was repeatedly at a disadvantage and was invaded many times. The neighboring small countries belonging to Thailand immediately paid tribute to Myanmar.

In Buddhism, the mandala represents a nearly infinite world view. This unstable and fluid mandala structure allows Southeast Asians to have a deeper understanding of the fluidity of the world order. Paying tribute to the strong is not a particularly important It is a matter of face, on the contrary, you can use the tribute to obtain corresponding commercial interests or political help.

And North Korea has never changed into the costumes of Ming Dynasty, and they went to pay tribute not as "chaotian", but "yan Xing". Maybe only Zhungeer sincerely pays tribute, but this kind of tribute is similar to that in Southeast Asia. It is all for commercial interests, and marrying a princess or something. It is not an exaggeration to say that there are wolves around.

Not only are there hungry wolves in foreign countries, but there are also a group of hungry men in China. The imperial examination is the only way for "scholars" to be promoted. It is roughly once every three years. Those who participate in the imperial examination can only participate in the provincial examination. The number of candidates for each imperial examination is about 3,000 to 4,000, sometimes more, up to 6,000, and out of the 3,000 candidates, 300 Jinshi are selected, and the Jinshi is to participate in the imperial examination. The emperor is in a bad mood, and there may be no 300 people. .

In the 33rd year of Qianlong, Juren was preparing for the exam in Yanjiao. He went to Beijing a year in advance to avoid the impact of acclimatization on the exam. Only later did he know that he took part in Chunwei in the same year as Heshen and Zhongtang.

He has heard about cheating in the examination hall, not only heard of it, but also participated in taking the exam for others, but it was when he was struggling to survive and was in desperate need of money. Young people test to show talent.

In 1768, he was still young, and it was his first time to take the imperial examination. He had enough money and confidence, and said that he was preparing for the exam in advance, but in fact he was going to Beijing for fun.

At that time, the scorching summer had passed, and in the crisp autumn, he was having a toast with his friends in a restaurant, but he did not expect to receive bad news that the governor of Zhili had "gone".

Death is a kind of taboo. "Going" means death. It is not unusual to die of illness while in office. Many officials died of illness while in office. …

Before he had a detailed discussion with his friends, another news came. There was a student from Shanxi, who brought a "counter-report" and a pleading paper exposing the counter-report, and beat drums at the gate of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. , to reveal that his uncle intends to rebel.

The Military Aircraft Department immediately sent people to Shanxi to investigate with the governor Surde. The officials searched Zhang Ruzhao's house, but found no evidence of treason.

In the absence of such evidence, the student admitted the whole story.

Student Zhang Tingrui confessed that his uncle Zhang Ruzhao and his wife monopolized the family property. His parents were cowardly and had been bullied by him for many years.

The ministers of military aircraft don't believe that treason is a heinous crime, so they sued uncle just to fight for family property? So many people involved?

On the other hand, if Zhang Tingrui reported meritorious service, then he can become an official directly without taking the imperial examination. Even if he is a magistrate, it is much better than juren who is still a juren and a poor juren, right?

This is called one general's success, but it's a pity that Zhang Tingrui didn't bear the pressure, recruited himself, and didn't continue to make up stories. He should read more "Luo Zhi Jing" written by the cruel official Lai Junchen during Wu Zetian's period. It teaches how to make up crimes, Arranging plots to frame innocent people.

Qianlong made an order, probably the false accusation was true, and he was sentenced to death. You don’t have to wait until autumn, it’s autumn now, and it’s not a decision, but a death sentence. Unfilial piety is already a serious crime. If you falsely accuse your family and want to take credit for your own success, shouldn’t this kind of person be killed by a thousand knives?

The imperial examinations drove people crazy. If they weren't crazy, how could anyone come up with such an idea?

"Do you think I'm crazy?"

Juren laughed and asked Nick, one of his front teeth was missing, and it was still yellow.

Nick didn't make any comments.

So Juren continued to tell the "story" that happened when he was young.

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