Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2083 Trembling Music Score (1)

When the music prodigy Mozart was six or seven years old, he had already started touring European countries under the leadership of his father.

His father's wish was that he could become a violinist so that he could find a position as a musician in the royal or archbishop's court orchestra. However, Mozart showed an amazing talent in composing. At the age of 19, he wrote in one breath Wrote 5 violin concertos.

Even world-famous composers have basic musical instruments. Only then did Georgiana remember that Paganini, who played "The Devil's Trill", is still "alive". If she wants, she can have him brought in for her Playing live, if he hadn't sold his soul to the devil.

She remembered that Severus "disposed" of the violin that trapped six souls, and threw it into the deepest part of the "Hellwell" in the Alps, where she was going to send it to Hogwarts , that thing is too dangerous.

She forgot to investigate to whom the trapped soul belonged.

When Marie Antoinette was 7 years old, it is said that she met 6-year-old Mozart at the ball. At that time, the Austrian court should belong to Empress Maria Theresa.

These things were far away from her. She never thought that there would be such a day that someone would equate the banquet she held with the palace banquet.

The advantage of having a lady-in-waiting is that if Georgiana wants to hear music, she can ask her to order, and then she will call the musicians to play for her.

The piano was heavy and there was no such thing as a cottage, but the violin was portable, so Georgiana asked the young musician to play Mozart's solo violin and read a book while listening.

It is not impossible for Napoleon to pass through the Strait of Dover, but he must meet the conditions that the British told her at the banquet. She can only wait until he thinks it through.

She estimated that he was currently in a meeting with the generals. If something happened to him, how would the navy land in England or Ireland? The most important thing was who would be his heir after he died.

Franz Kafka "once" wrote that the heart is a house with two bedrooms, one for pain and one for joy, and one must not laugh too loudly or wake up the pain in the next room.

According to John Ray's book, the human heart grows in the center of the diaphragm, which is different from quadrupeds because we walk upright.

Mr. Stanley rarely sea fishes because he does not use live earthworms. He knows that fish prefer baits that wiggle, but seeing live earthworms struggling on the hook is so unbearable to him that Fish caught with this bait will feel disgusted.

His father had a similar problem, but what he was afraid of was the screaming of the lambs. He lived on a farm when he was a child, and later moved to the city with his parents. Although the place where he lived was very noisy, luckily What's more, he no longer has to listen to the screams of the lamb.

It wasn't that he was too merciful to kill, but a strange stress response that Mr. Stanley believed was hereditary.

According to the observation of the British mission, they found that there were many mixed races of Manchu nobles, with straight noses and brown hair, more like Greeks, and some of them had blue eyes, so they thought that "Tatars" might be related to The Sogdians are related by blood.

The Sogdians were originally an important ethnic group on the ancient Silk Road, but gradually disappeared with the weakening of the overland Silk Road.

They had indeed been active north of the Great Wall, and the Anlu Mountain that launched the Anshi Rebellion was the Sogdians.

There was a "prince", or a nobleman like Baylor, who tried to exchange with Macartney when he lived in the Old Summer Palace. He used about half a pound of tea, a silk bag, and some small things in exchange for Macartney's gold pocket watch.

If it was just an ordinary gold watch, Macartney might have satisfied his request, but this watch has special meaning to Macartney, so he did not agree, let alone what the servant of the prince who dressed him said Kneeling like that to thank for this grace.

The embassy boarded the Hindustan, which was responsible for delivering gifts to the emperor, so the court ordered it to be exempted from customs duties on cargo in various ports, and Mr. Browne (Browne) did not know this, or because of Hindustan and other ships paid duties, one of which was 30,000 ounces of silver. According to the court's decree, the tax collector should return the money, but he only gave Mr. Brown 14,000, equivalent to only 11,000 ounces, claiming that this was the royal duty amount.

This matter can actually be resolved by "saying hello" to the prince, but all the actions of the envoys are monitored, not to mention that Macartney can't speak official language and needs an interpreter, so this matter was not mentioned.

One of them must be mentioned, that is, He Shen and Zhongtang. It is said that he was once responsible for protecting the safety of the palace just like one of the people who monitored the missions. The last time the Dutch envoys carried two large mechanical clocks on their gift list, which used to be in the collection of the Zhenqi Museum. They were slightly damaged on the way from Guangzhou to BJ, so they had to be repaired. The official responsible for this matter It's Heshen.

So these two exquisite clocks arrived at He Zhongtang's home and were replaced by two ordinary clocks. The Dutchman thought that he hoped to dedicate these two clocks to the emperor in his own name one day.

There is an idiom called "goose feathers are sent thousands of miles away, but the gift is light and the affection is heavy." good story.

At the party, Mr. Brown couldn't help talking about his experience of obtaining the two rolls of "tribute" silk. Among the many types of people in the palace, there was a group called "eunuchs". These people were responsible for looking after the emperor's concubines. There were many opportunities to slander the "master", and the missionaries discovered early on that they had to send gifts to these people who were particularly close to the emperor. Sometimes it was an expensive evil gift, and it happened that the clocks, snuffboxes, and other trinkets carried by the missionaries were favored by the eunuchs.

Mr. Brown wanted to recover his loss, so he gave it to an "eunuch" with his pocket watch. The eunuch exchanged two rolls of silk with him, but he didn't get it from the warehouse in the palace, but asked Mr. Brown Get it from Suzhou Weaving.

This kind of "shroud" is not wanted by anyone, and it will take up space if left there. It will be difficult for Mr. Brown to see him again after he brings it back to Europe. At the same time, the "eunuch" also hopes that Mr. Brown can transport some mechanical clocks there. Maybe he also wants to learn how to make peace Zhongtang, dedicated to the emperor in his own name.

Can these two bolts of silk be sold for 20,000 ounces of silver?

If the new franc contains 4.5 grams of silver, 20,000 ounces of silver can cast 140,000 francs. At the price of 18 sous a pound of bread, 140,000 francs can buy 150,000 pounds of bread. The food provided is enough for more than 2,000 people to consume for a year.

Unless Georgiana was crazy, she would pay for it and go out and show it off in it.

As for Ms. Rocour wearing it, it is a costume, and it can be worn by other leading actresses in the future, and it is an investment in the theater. Maybe it will be used when singing Turandot in the future.

As for the fine silver fan she held in her hand, Mr. Browne told another touching story. The mass production of such machinery in Birmingham cannot compare with the finely crafted handmade orders, especially the monks in the temple. They usually have nothing to do, unlike craftsmen who have to complete the tasks assigned by the boss, so the monks The handicrafts made have a kind of "Zen mind".

There is also a hollow ball on this fan, she can add spices into it, this small ball is carved from ivory, not only can it rotate in all directions, but also has fine carvings.

Chang'e is the goddess of the moon in the East. Solar eclipses and lunar eclipses were originally simple celestial phenomena, but when such phenomena appeared in the land of the Qing Dynasty, the residents beat the gongs and drums to drive away the eclipsing "dragon" or celestial dog. Walk.

A solar eclipse also occurred on January 21, 1795, which happened to be the first day of the first lunar month of that year, the first day of the new year, and it was supposed to be a grand celebration.

In fact, the provinces had already calculated the solar eclipse according to the national calendar, and posted a list to inform the people, but there were not many literate people at that time, so the people didn't know what happened.

A solar eclipse on the first day of the first lunar month was considered a bad omen. The emperor would not go to court for three days, and the court had to wear mourning during the entire period. People saw officials in mourning and thought the emperor had passed away. After all, Qianlong was already 85 at that time.

Qianlong, the emperor with the longest reign after Kangxi, postponed his birthday to January 22 because of the solar eclipse.

He had many wives and concubines who gave birth to many children for him, but only six sons survived. The sons must give gifts to their fathers on their birthdays. According to etiquette, Qianlong also gave his sons a red envelope. When the elder brother was still there, he didn't see the red envelope given by Qianlong for a long time.

There were many people in the courtyard at that time, but no one dared to speak, it was as quiet as a tomb.

After a long time, Qianlong suddenly laughed, "What do you want money for?" Then he asked the fifteenth elder brother to retire.

At that time, the fifteen princes were all in a trance, and were helped away by an eunuch. These people looked at him with awe and expectation.

At the beginning, many people didn't understand, but later everyone understood that Qianlong abdicated and became the Supreme Emperor, and the throne was passed on to the fifteenth elder brother, Emperor Jiaqing.

At present, Britain and France can trade sugar and silk freely, but after Belgium implements beet sugar production, the demand for British sugar will not be so great, and she may encounter obstacles.

The beet sugar factory and the demonstration farm were at Rambouillet, and Napoleon had brought Spanish sheep to Normandy.

The banker, who was unwilling to lend to the manufacturer, was more than willing to lend to the peasant, who mortgaged his land, and the money borrowed by the peasant bought lambs, and thus entered the pockets of the lords of Rambouillet.

Napoleon could keep the money for himself or turn it over to the state treasury, because the model farm was established during the French Revolution and is a state property.

If he takes the lead in harming the public and private interests, he will definitely follow suit.

In fact, the East India Company also prepared a lot of cuckoo clocks. Even if ordinary people could not afford the kind of clocks used by the royal family, they could still have cuckoo clocks.

Georgiana glanced at the young man playing the violin. He was very devoted and good at playing the violin, but just a word from her would change him from an artist to a "vagrant".

So she can't just have her own preferences. Queen Ekaterina likes to drink beer, but she doesn't drink homemade German beer, but deliberately buys British beer. This is also a "demonstration".

She glanced at the ear watch on her wrist, and took out the backward clock that Cassandra had given her. She didn't need two watches.

Which one goes and which one stays?

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