Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 207 Transformation

Draco's date was not going well, or at first it was going well, and then it took a sharp turn for the worse when he went to the theater.

He hasn't participated in social activities for several years. He doesn't know what is being played in the theater now. When he saw the dragon and the warrior, he thought it was an adaptation of a novel, but it turned out to be the story of Harry Potter in the first scene of the Triwizard Tournament. If I knew it earlier, I might as well watch the drama adapted from Lockhart's book.

Harry Potter is being touted everywhere, because he is the savior and hero, and Draco's father Lucius Malfoy has become a buffoon, even though many Death Eaters don't use their real names, but the platinum family The conspicuous hair still makes it easy to see who the person who often kneels and begs for mercy is. He was furious at being humiliated in public, but Astonia dragged him ice skating before he lost his temper.

The handsome Master Draco and the beautiful Miss Astonia are as beautiful as a painting on that Muggle skating rink.

Although Muggles don't know magic, they decorate the skating rink beautifully with colorful lights. Astonia is very shy and dare not look at Draco. She is very gentle with Muggle children, and she even talked to a child After sharing the chocolate frog, Pomona clearly smelled the sour smell of love from Draco's memory.

"Oh, my God." After withdrawing from Draco's brain, Pomona couldn't help feeling that Draco was in love, which is a good thing, but Astonia has a blood curse, which is not a good thing Good thing.

Lucius had no choice but to get engaged to the Greengrass family at the most difficult time. After the crisis passed, if he knew that his daughter-in-law was as close to Muggles as a pure-blood traitor, he would definitely oppose this marriage and accept Muggles. Being a wizard and accepting Muggles is another matter.

"I didn't do anything, I just kissed her on the cheek!" Draco explained anxiously.

The fiancé kissed his fiancee on the cheek, what a pure love, his godfather was following the Death Eaters to murder and set fire everywhere when he was a few years younger than him, what could she blame him for!

"I need to lie down for a while." Pomona said wearily. She wanted to be quiet before school started. She returned to Hogwarts this time and said nothing about being a teacher.

"Are you okay?" Draco asked her concerned, "Is the curse on?"

"Draco, have you thought about working for the Ministry of Magic in the future?" Pomona asked him. "Hermione Granger is going this year."

"I don't have this consideration for the time being." Draco sat down on the sofa on the other side of her, and put his legs on it naturally. "I want to work in St. Mungo's for a while first."

"Whatever you want." Pomona waved her hand, and the men were now running to Malfoy Manor for meetings again, their vacation had ended early.

"Can I ask you a question?" Draco looked at her in confusion.

"What do you want to ask?"

"You don't mind at all that the Godfather used to be a Death Eater?"

"Of course I mind." Pomona said without hesitation. "Until now I've been worried that he'll go back to his old ways."

"Then you still want to be with him?"

"He gets lost easily in the dark and needs someone to show him the way." Pomona sighed, "Do you feel that your life has become gloomy since the end of the fifth grade? He has lived it since childhood." If things don’t go your way, at least you still have a colorful childhood.”

The smooth-haired Master Malfoy was like a prince when he was a child, but the half-blood prince surnamed Prince lived like a pauper. She really felt sorry for that gloomy man.

"Do you think Astonia would care about my identity as a Death Eater?" Draco looked like he was about to cry.

"I don't know her well, how would I know?"

"Then would you like to find out for me?" Draco finally revealed his real purpose. He has many subordinates but few friends, who called him the proud Malfoy.

"Let's go to the greenhouse." She planned not to stay at home, and she was going to sow seeds in the spring, and even if she didn't make a big greenhouse like Hogwarts, she still wanted to make it look decent.

"Astonia said that Moaning Myrtle has returned to the bathroom on the second floor." Draco said with a gloomy face, "I don't even have the privilege to take a bath because of her."

"She went back again?"

"There's a power that binds her, and she's not free like the other ghosts," Draco said. "She's really annoying when she cries."

Pomona felt that she might not be able to teach the little bastard of Malfoy's family to be a knight like Cedric in her whole life, who told him to stay with the old bat for too long.

"How did you know?"

"Astonia is two years younger than me, and Myrtle went back when she graduated."

"Poor little thing," said Pomona sadly.

"It's me, the pity. I actually asked my godmother to help me test out my fiancée's ideas." Draco was jealous. "Goyle can't help me with anything."

"Have you ever tried dating boys from other noble families?"

"I have that logo, who wants to be my friend?"

"Where is Theodore Not?"

"He's missing." Draco said blankly, "Although he's never had any sense of presence, it's still too weird."

"Are you happy now?"

"Not as happy as the Gryffindor Triangle."

"Are you jealous of them?" Pomona heard the jealousy in Draco's tone.

"Both of them are so stupid they can't tell the ends of a broom, and Crabbe burned himself to death, anyway, I don't think all pure bloods are good."

Pomona believes that Lucius will go crazy, who knows that his son's change of concept will be related to a girl.

"Muggles are not all good, Draco."

"I know that as long as you don't offend me, any Muggle is a good Muggle. If anyone dares to provoke me, I will give him a good look."

"You and Hermione want to make an appointment? Your hours don't match when she's at the Ministry of Magic."

"As long as she is still learning Occlumency with you, she will still meet. Actually, she also knows a lot about Muggle Astonia. I don't necessarily have to learn from her."

I do hope you don't give your heart to the Greengrass girl, you little bastard.

Pomona sighed. She had read a Muggle novel. Romeo and Juliet were born in feuding families, but they fell in love. Their relationship was not blessed by others, but they were still fighting. She used to think that This story is far away from me, and I didn't expect it to happen around me.

Unless she forcibly separates them like Dumbledore, but what is her reason?

All the way to the greenhouse in silence, when she opened the door, it was still warm as spring, and there were still many magical plants in the greenhouse, which she hadn't planted.

"Rich people," she muttered, the gas lamps on the ceiling were on when she pushed the door in, and the shrub was still green, and they were all well taken care of.

"You are obviously a rich man." Draco said strangely, "Don't you often steal and sell rare plants in the greenhouse?"

"No, I didn't." Pomona laughed and denied.

"Just keep your mouth open." Draco said with an angry smile, walked to a wooden platform, and took out a gramophone, "If I knew the drama was so boring, we would have gone to Celestina Warbeck's concert .”

"Are you an old man?" Pomona couldn't help complaining. Celestina's well-known songs include "You Magically Stolen My Heart" and "A Pot of Hot Love". Her fans are often middle-aged and elderly people. They love her grandstanding style and powerful voice, but young people don't like her.

"Even with old people, it's better than looking at those things." As the needle fell on the record, the "Rock and Roll" song started again, and Draco danced and said, "Can you lend me the greenhouse for Valentine's Day ?"

"What do you want to do?"

Draco pointed to Xie Zhizhi, "How did you spend Valentine's Day?"

Pomona remembered the old bat's expression on Valentine's Day last time when she saw that the auditorium was all decorated in pink, as if she had drunk raw bone water, and shook her head with a wry smile.

Valentine's Day with Severus Snape? The idea is so ludicrous.

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