For post-colonialists, those who live on the margins are called "the other", just like the blood relationship between a man in a family and his parents and children, they constitute the family The subject, and the woman married into this family is the "other" related to this family.

The "other" in Mary's book refers to Ireland. Although it merged into the United Kingdom of Britain, it was actually constantly squeezed because of its status as "other". Some Irish people who yearn for a better life will go to England to work, almost all of them are engaged in low-end labor.

While Malthus was talking about excess labor in The Times, Erasmus Darwin expressed himself in The Temple of Nature:

Shouting across the globe, how life goes on and on,

Death conquered, happiness survived;

Human beings occupy the earth step by step, and the young and rejuvenated nature conquers time.

The purpose of Darwin's writing is to express the struggle of life. He also believed that the world of war is a great slaughterhouse, which is the inevitable price of development. This theory also applies to the fiercely competitive world of trade.

It is no wonder that his grandson Darwin can write books like "Evolution", natural selection, survival of the fittest, competition between creatures, creatures that can adapt to nature will be left behind, but not the most powerful species will Those who survived were the "fit".

When the environment changes, organisms that have adapted to the previous environment are bound to continue to change, otherwise they will be eliminated because they cannot adapt to the new environment.

Those who can adapt to the battlefield may not be able to adapt to peace, and those who can adapt to peace may not be able to adapt to the battlefield. These two environments are not created by nature, but man-made.

Napoleon was not very good at defense, or he was the kind of person who believed that the best defense was offense.

It's hard to understand, and it's even harder to behave in ways that other people can understand.

If he didn't say it, Georgiana wouldn't know that he was actually in the "Mantua state", which was the closest to death in his life, and it was also the most difficult moment in the battle, as if he was stuck in a quagmire and it was difficult to get out of it.

He needs help, even from a prophet he thinks is ridiculous, as long as he can give him clear guidance.

However, Georgiana didn't seem to be that reliable, and then his clever big head had a reasoning that she couldn't think of at all—Xueyue's murder was a conspiracy. If he didn't blow him up, Georgiana could be sent to him .

She did smell the smell of death, once he was really hard-hearted, or when he decided that he no longer needed love.

Voldemort is such a person, he believes that there is no love between people, only the relationship of use and benefit.

If Voldemort was born without feeling loved, then Napoleon was made by himself, and his mother Letizia loved him very much.

There are two motivations for human behavior, one is selfish instinct and the other is social instinct.

Some poor guy is suffering more and more from the conflict between these two instincts, and the point is that no one understands him.

Everyone is eager to express their opinions, everyone feels that they are right, and these many voices converge into a torrent and finally converge into meaningless cacophony. Everyone wants their voice to be heard, and the one who is really listening is not hearing anything, and this is what happens to God all the time.

If God can hear, He can give peace and happiness, so why can't He hear?

At this time, manpower has reached its limit, and it is beyond imagination. This situation is like chaos, unpredictable and full of countless possibilities.

It's like an encounter, no one expected it, and can only deal with it by adapting to the situation.

He must have hated it, because he was a man who took his fate into his own hands.

Once Britain and France go to war again, Napoleon may sell Louisiana in order to raise military expenses, or in exchange for the United States as an ally.

So the Spaniards exchanged Tuscany for Louisiana. On the surface, it seemed that they were at a disadvantage, but such a large territory was exchanged for such a small piece of land.

Napoleon's greed for territory cost him a lot, but it's no use blaming him now, at least at the time it looked like he'd made a good deal.

Louisiana originally belonged to Spain, and Spain had a fleet there. With the current relationship between France and Spain as allies, the Spanish fleet's cruising on the Mississippi River is not a violation of the rules of the game.

It is "reasonable" for them to block British merchant ships. The demand for tobacco in France is so large that if British merchant ships are blocked, Spanish merchant ships will be able to transport tobacco to France.

Tobacco has always been somewhat associated with war. Napoleon would smoke, but he was more keen on snuff. She originally planned to order a lighter as a gift for him, but as soon as she thought that this thing might change the situation of the war, she didn't dare to act rashly.

The tone-deaf guy would hum a song when he was in a good mood, and the whole song had only one line: One kiss from him is a doctor at this time.

This piece is from an old opera, it's probably about a little girl whose lover healed her of a winged insect bite, as the lyrics say, his kisses are like a doctor now, He kissed her bitten bun.

How much she hates that bastard depends entirely on how happy he is. Who can imagine what it would be like for a woman to beat God of War with a book.

Undoubtedly, to relieve the anger, she continued to prepare for the banquet after the anger subsided. Food and tableware are not difficult. After all, Boulogne-sur-Mer is a seaport city. What she didn't expect was that Watt also came to France. It appears that the legend is true, France and England intend to exchange each other's subjects.

This is a banquet with a capacity of 2,000 people. It is not easy to build such a big tent, and there are so many actors. At this time, Saint Meri's organizational ability can see his ability, and it is really inappropriate for him to be Parma's state counselor.

Then she discovered General Andrei of "Idle Fu".

Roseton had already left for London to serve as the ambassador to the UK, which was originally Andre's position, and his face was ugly.

She may have provoked a "political enemy" for herself, although the other party never liked her at all.

The disadvantage of living in isolation is that she doesn't know many people, and she can't find the right person from among those she knows, and introduce her to Parma as State Counselor, even though there are many people who want to go to this position.

Sometimes she has to admit that Josephine also has great arrangements and plans, although "in the future" Napoleon's queen Marie Louise will inherit the Duchy of Parma, it is also because she is the princess of the Habsburg family, let her inherit a duchy It can be regarded as well-deserved.

Before there is no master, Palma can first appoint a "steward".

The Renaissance is not just a "Renaissance" renaissance, it also opposes ignorance and superstition, allowing people to understand the world in the way of natural science speculation and practice in ancient Greece.

Man sometimes can't tell whether he is a man or God, especially when he is intoxicated by flowers and applause.

Georgiana was a little worried about whether Fresnel would be "backed up". Young geniuses could easily get lost in the forest, not to mention that his theory was first proposed by Condorcet.

He is very talented, but scientific research requires money, who in the Moonlight Society is not a rich man?

Even if you want to drive him back to class, it must be after the celebration, otherwise he will always think about it, who doesn't have a young and fun time.

It is not our abilities that determine our destiny, but our choices.

She hoped she wouldn't ruin a genius by meddling in her own business.

After all, experiments are the standard for testing "truth", so let time prove it in the future.


Georgiana, who was directing at the scene, turned her head.

"A lady asked me to give you this." Figel said and handed a small golden ball to Georgiana.

"Where is that man?" Georgiana asked.

"It's just over the stage." Figel pointed to the stage being built not far away, and a woman in a cloak was standing below.

Georgiana took the Snitch from Figel's hand and walked towards him.

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