Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2034 Alliance Festival (3)

Some people may have this feeling that it is not difficult to make money when you have money, but it is really difficult to make money when you have no money.

This is not listening to what you have to say, such as listening to nonsense. In the 20th century, who still remembers the glory of the textile industry, the hot money went to the Internet and real estate, and even France switched to Michelin tires after World War I.

Even if women are not interested in cars, they should have seen the fat cartoon character and the Michelin restaurant. At that time, France had already focused on the fields of chemistry and medicine that it was good at.

However, human productivity has risen with the continuous upgrading of machinery and technology, while the population has declined. In other words, the predecessors squandered the demographic dividend, and the people behind have to repay the debts, and the birth is like a debt collection.

Paying off debts is long, painful and strenuous, just get used to it. This is the life of the poor, but what the poor owe is money.

Why do people work so hard and don't listen to advice?

If people's enthusiasm were so easy to mobilize, there would be no great men, and no one would tamper with history.

Zhuangzi has a philosophic saying that saints never die, but thieves never stop. When the Han Dynasty replaced the Qin Dynasty, it was said that the Qin Dynasty had severe punishments and cruel laws. When the Tang Dynasty replaced the Sui Dynasty, it was said that Emperor Sui Yang was licentious and immoral. . William the Conqueror's slander of Edward the Martyr was also paving the way for his own rule, always consolidating his "orthodox" position.

It's just that the Normans' approach is more straightforward, saying that Edward is the illegitimate child of a nun, which is full of barbarian narrative style.

The emergence of saints is often related to changes in the world. Everyone has a balance in their hearts. They will weigh according to benevolence, righteousness, morality, etc., of course, thieves will not be like small thieves who steal hooks. For those new industrial For the cities, they know that the people desperately want their voices heard in Parliament, and what the common people don't know is that the people who are most vocal about the factory laws are the people who give them jobs.

This logic is a bit convoluted. Not all rich people are bad. For example, some industrial leaders support legislation, and they are already considered people who have landed. Robert Peel and Bolton are examples. One of them has a big factory and has become a member of parliament, and the other is destined to appear on the face of the British pound in the future like Washington. What about the small and medium-sized enterprises who have not landed?

Bolton has already monopolized the privilege of steam engine manufacturing. If the country introduces other laws to restrict the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, it will lead to the formation of monopoly by big bosses like Robert Peel. They will raise the price of cotton products, and the wages of workers will not increase. The same will cause contradictions.

At the beginning of the 19th century, most workers and peasant families spent about one-third to one-half of the total expenditure on food, which Georgiana and the others knew after visiting. Many families can't afford olive oil and butter at all, and use lard and rapeseed oil more. Their cooking method is still mainly based on the medieval hearth pot. In a pot, soup is stewed. No matter what ingredients are boiled, they can be eaten. , There should be a lot of garlic and other spices in it. Bread cannot be cooked at home, so it needs to be bought outside.

Napoleon once thought of using pawnshops to provide loans, and the Republican MPs also had the same insight, but it was finally rejected by the bankers.

How can a home be without furniture? Even though furniture is the last thing people need in times of trouble, humans tend to have an emotional attachment to objects. Some people still have the crib they slept in as a child, and its sudden loss can cause serious emotional damage.

The French are not lacking in emotion, and the royalists took advantage of this to make people sympathize with what happened to Louis XVI and intend to restore it.

He is a good man, but a bad king.

Some people can understand this line, and some people can't understand it. Where is Louis XVI bad? The obvious bad was the extravagant Austrian Marie Antoinette, who squandered the treasury.

Men have larger social circles and are well-informed, while women's news is mainly spread in salons and living rooms, and men hope that women can be as elegant and pure as they want, dignified like a goddess and "distinguish right from wrong", basically Messages are filtered. At least most women don't know what Spain's complete loss of maritime hegemony means to France after the Trafalgar naval battle.

Before the French navy grows up to have combat effectiveness, it will be beneficial to France if it can avoid a full-scale war with the United Kingdom, at least the line of communication leading to the north will be repaired.

Another one is that for the United Kingdom, a United States that has not acquired Louisiana does not pose a threat for the time being. As for the French Navy... It is better to expect Napoleon to design a Zeppelin airship to surprise London if they can beat the British Navy. monster.

This is where the French wizards are better than the British wizards. They don't seriously enforce the International Statute of Secrecy, or they live with liars. Astrologers these days are ashamed to come out without the title of "Professor". , unless she intends to imitate a gypsy woman.

Fortune tellers and psychics will advertise together with quack doctors, and almost every community will have one or two wizards, who can provide services such as exorcism, medical treatment, delivery, and massage. Often wealthy, with three or four houses to their name, they were both suspected and feared, and they were called "healing saints" who could protect farmers' livestock and themselves from disease.

St. Edith's has no cemetery, it's just a small abbey, and in Normandy funerals are organized by fraternities.

Some men are thinking about business matters when they are dying, or they are still jealous about their wives in their minds. It is difficult to predict how a man will behave when he is dying.

You also can't predict what a fraternity man at a funeral will do by letting straws fall out of his wooden shoes, or by getting drunk and dropping dead bodies on the floor.

Such funerals are raucous and do not have the Catholic "rest in peace" attitude to death.

What the big shots inside were talking about, people outside didn't know, anyway, people outside were talking nonsense, because she was cold and hungry because she hadn't eaten, and then Stanley ordered a bowl of hot chickpea soup from the dean.

The real monastic food is just a little salt, not even oil, let alone meat.

Not to mention those princesses and noble women, Georgiana herself couldn't stand it, and it was not easy for Saint Edith to persist until death.

Sometimes real history is stranger than fiction, and she runs a mission library, and she won't let the books sit there unread.

It’s just that she was a little negligent. She asked many poor scholars to help him translate, but it seemed that someone had mixed in. They quietly hid some “unsuitable” materials, such as Udine’s religious Tribunal record.

That "wizard" is also a healer.

She feels that she is going through a "treatment process". Not necessarily if she is kind and helps others, others will repay her with kindness, especially when she finds that if she refuses others' help, they will instead go to the Inquisition to sue her.

This is human nature, but is human nature really selfish?

She took a sip of the hot soup and let out a long sigh.

The heat formed mist on this cold late autumn day, only to dissipate quickly.

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