Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2023 naughty wind (a)

"Don't worry, I absolutely do not use child labor here."

Early the next morning, Georgiana was taken to visit the local textile factory in Le Treport. Although she suspected that it was arranged in advance, she did not see any minors at the scene.

In fact, even the Soho Company, which prohibits the use of child labor, inevitably has apprentices, but Bolton stipulates that they are only allowed to work for 10 hours, and the air is ventilated, and there is no cotton fluff floating in the air like clouds.

This world needs love and faith.

Even knowing it was fake, Georgiana still smiled at the factory owner, and then he was "petrified" as if under some kind of spell.

"Satisfied?" asked Bonaparte.

She nodded and left the factory on his arm.

The imperial era was also known as the era of thin clothing. Women were popular in wearing loose dresses made of "white muslin", which required high-count yarns from the UK to weave.

The light clothing was not suitable for the cold climate of the Little Ice Age, which caused many respiratory problems, such as influenza, tuberculosis and other diseases, plus those children who had fever, it seemed that people were coughing everywhere.

To keep themselves from catching a cold, people often put on coats, cloaks and the like. There is generally no fixed standard for the length of the skirt, but the designer who made the dress for Georgiana followed the popular style in Paris. Persian white satin, embroidered with silver thread, is low-key and luxurious.

There was such a big drama yesterday, she couldn't give him face today. Although they all put on "casual clothes" and walked by the seaside, many people recognized the First Consul at a glance. Le Treport itself is a tourist attraction, and many Parisians will come here to "breathe fresh air". He was so polite that he greeted the other party, and after the other party also greeted each other, they continued to walk on the beach with their female companions.

At this time, there was a gentle bell ringing from the church in the distance, and she subconsciously looked up. Was the bell ringing for them?

"Country people are very superstitious. They believe in Roman witches and Gallic witches." He said suddenly at this moment, "Controlled superstition is allowed."

"Do you think I will promote superstition?" Georgiana asked in disbelief.

He stared at her without answering.

"I'm not going to do that, Leon, it's ridiculous to rule with witchcraft," Georgiana said with a smile, "and I'm not going around trying to convince people that there's magic in this world."

He laughed, "A great country should not be composed of immature thoughts and ideologies. Here I prefer to call it the soul. If a person's body is mature, their soul is still immature..."

"The strength of a country is determined by the intelligence of the people." Georgiana interrupted him, "But intelligence takes time to develop just like physical strength. I don't think even a wizard can make a person spend most of his time After work, there is still time to find time to study."

"The real conquest, the only conquest that is not regrettable, is the conquest of ignorance," said Napoleon.

"I should find a notebook and write it down, maybe it will become a famous aphorism in the future." Georgiana said.

"You also said the famous saying, 'The world has no shortage of people who want to be leaders, but no people who support them'. How did you come up with it?" asked Bonaparte.

Georgiana looked at the other side of the sea, which should be in the direction of England. At this time, many people could not stand the suffocating air and the red tape of talking to the "high class" and touching the brim of their hats, and decided to emigrate to the New World by boat. Seek freedom now.

It won't be long before Malthus's population theory will be shelved because of the lack of labor in England. At that time, no one will say that the means of production are not enough.

"This is what I understand from reading Hobbes' Leviathan." Georgiana pursed her lips and said, "If you agree with the law, those who participate will not make people feel unfair."

"You must know that it is not so easy to restore indirect taxes, which will bring serious opposition, and in 1790 even legislated to abolish indirect taxes." Bonaparte said "A good indirect tax should make the smallest taxpayer feel Instead of being forced to extort or be cheated, cider, wine, and beer will all be taxed in the future, and you should think about what kind of good cider is used for." Bonaparte said.

She looked at him strangely.

"What?" he asked strangely.

"Cunning." She looked at him and shook her head, "actually using women and children as an excuse to collect taxes."

He shrugged rascally, "I heard that the British would use the hops left over from brewing to feed their cattle. Is that the trick for British cattle to grow particularly strong?"

"I will experiment." She said cautiously, "Also, I think the waste water should be treated before being discharged."

"Beer produces waste water?"

"No, it's industrial alkali and waste water from beet sugar production." Georgiana said, "I heard about a chemist, and I want to find him to continue his service. However, he once served the Duke of Orleans."

"As long as he is willing to serve the Republic, I can pardon him." Bonaparte said calmly, "The French have given me the power of amnesty."

Georgiana did not make a sound, because this power was passed by a referendum, although the 1802 constitution did not include Napoleon's lifelong ruling.

Some people and things are unforgivable, but the people gave Napoleon the power to amnesty, then he can amnesty, even if some people refuse to accept, they can only endure it, and it is this that makes a large number of exiles return home.

"In France, the details are the big things, and sometimes sanity is worthless." He looked at her and said, "Have you recovered your sanity?"

"Oh!" she exclaimed angrily, but Bonaparte laughed.

"I don't think the French love liberty and equality. They have only one emotion, honor, and orders."

"The British are similar. Did you know that Wedgwood has a showroom in London?" Georgiana said. I am equal to all people."

Bonaparte was silent.

"The arrogant attitude of those people made this young master feel that it would be degrading to continue to serve as a showroom receptionist. Later, he married a daughter of a noble family."

"And you? Which nobleman's daughter are you?" asked Bonaparte.

"I'm not an aristocrat," Georgiana asked.

He stopped and took her hands.

"Only commoners will learn noble etiquette, while nobles are constantly trying to break free from them."

"I don't think there are nobles who abide by etiquette and rules."

"I'm talking about the British aristocrats, did you know that it's fashionable for women across the Thames to wear men's clothes now?"

Georgiana froze for a moment.

"You've got a fashion, Georgiana," laughed Bonaparte. "It seems we're going to share a wardrobe."

She felt that she was about to be struck by lightning.

"Is there anything you want to give me?" Bonaparte asked. "Josephine gave me the red parade uniform."

She looked at the black scarf around his neck and felt that it could be changed to another color. No one in the world was more suitable for Tyrian purple than Napoleon.

But that purple scarf always reminded her of someone else, and she also gave Severus a purple silk bow tie, hidden under his drab black coat, which could be seen occasionally.

"Why did you ask me for it?" She asked with a smile.

"My birthday is coming up." He asked directly, "What gift are you going to give me?"

"Porcelain." She said firmly.

He showed an unpredictable expression.

"Don't you know that Wedgwood is occupying the porcelain market of European high society?" She said philistinely, "I will also give it to other royal families on their birthdays, and by the way, it will be an advertisement for Sevres ceramics."

He shook his head.

"What do you want?" she asked again, and she figured he wouldn't want a chamber pot as a present.

Bonaparte, with his hands behind his back, looks like a pensive man.

Georgiana shrugged her shoulders and went on walking, arm in arm with him.

Waves, waves, kissed the hard rock on the shore layer by layer until it was washed into fine sand.

Perhaps only a person with such a firm will would be so stubborn enough to want to conquer her. Normal people would have already changed to something easier.

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