Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2021 The Hidden Monster

At around 8.30pm on September 29, 1888, Catherine Eddowes was found drunk on Algate High Street, London. So she was kept in the detention center and was not released home until she was sober enough at 12:55 p.m. the next day.

She left by giving the police a false name — Mary Kelly, which happened to be the same name as Jack the Ripper's last recognized victim, 25-year-old Mary Kelly.

The 25-year-old Mary Kelly is different from other victims. She is young and beautiful, and has many men to support her. Georgiana once had a deduction that the young Mary was formerly in the service of high society. If she was connected to a political figure, and that person didn't want to be involved in a scandal, then he might buy the murder.

The killer went to the prison first, where he found Kathleen Eddos, who had given the pseudonym "Mary Kelly," and later found the real Mary Kelly, who he disguised as Jack's victim.

That sounds conspiratorial enough, but both Kathleen Eddowes and the real Mary Kelly share a name. The national conditions of the UK are different from those of France. Once scandals in this area are involved, the political life of a politician is over.

Georgiana admits that she is not capable, but it does not mean that she can become a housewife with peace of mind. She also had her own family before, so why did she get involved in other people's marriages?

She didn't expect Josephine's position, which is what many women would dream of. They thought they could replace her.

This is human nature, before she also hoped that she could replace Lily, but she lost, and then she hoped to win back from other men.

So what if Bonaparte was emperor? She doesn't care about those riches, luxury and luxury.

From a certain point of view, she is worse than Baolin. At least Baolin is still young and has the hope of having a child. Napoleon tempted her with marriage. Although he was out of revenge, why not because he wanted to taste the success of the winner? that taste. He has become famous, he can choose women, not women choose him.

She didn't see a person clearly, and according to the legend, she thought that Bonaparte was really very devoted, and she only loved one person in her life.

She got a lot of things wrong, whether it was Severus who really only loved one person in his life, or Bonaparte, they didn't think she was irreplaceable, even William Pitt's marriage proposal, and How much is because he loves her, rather than based on a man's desire to conquer?

Because she was labeled as Napoleon's woman, she got herself into trouble.

Just like the 25-year-old Mary Kelly, she may not know who she provoked, and then she was killed by the killer who imitated Jack the Ripper, even though this trouble may not have anything to do with the London mayoral election, but A coincidence of timing.

Jack the Ripper was once considered a respectable man, and the man who gave this testimony was perhaps a born writer who made up a story so that the suspects were not limited to the bottom.

For the people of the upper class, they have all the material things, but there is a desire deep in the soul, and this cannot be bought with money, so they come to the slums that they would not usually set foot in, and ask those 40 Women who are many years old and do not have a strange place to do it.

However, even if they are prostitutes, they still have to be legally responsible for killing them. This is where the "drama" is contradictory and conflicting. Even if they are regarded as useless garbage, those rich people cannot take their lives at will. This may be the only equality in an era when wealth determines social status.

People formed patrols to maintain order after the accident. In the dark, what is the difference between a prostitute and a female worker returning home from the night shift?

People in the affluent area took a theatrical attitude because they thought Jack wouldn't go to their neighborhood, but Mary Kelly made their world relevant to the ghetto.

Wouldn't there be a woman like that? Under the threat of pregnancy, they were asked to divorce their wives and marry her, otherwise their reputations would be discredited. Or maybe they had engaged in some kind of shady deal, and she had his evidence, and that ridiculous false accusation became possible.

Although there are some scumbags in the prison who will kill for money, once these people have the evidence of the rich, they may use it as a blackmail, so he needs to find a professional killer with "professionalism".

The killer doesn't know what Mary Kelly looks like, but rich men love women they "socialize" with by their real names. This kind of girl often makes wrong choices and ends up in a place like a prison, so she found "Mary Kelly" from the release list of the London prison.

The killer may be a respectable person, maybe he had a bad life for a while, but he lost touch with the original world because of the good life, he didn't know that smart girls don't use their real names on the street, and neither did they in the 19th century Things like ID cards.

This is what makes those people feel boring. They hope that others are true and ensure that they will not be deceived, so they design a set of legal and moral communities to restrain and guard against.

They also like children because they are obedient and obedient, and will not resist. When they encounter rebellious and disobedient children, they think they are bad children. "Naughty Jack" played such a horrible "hide and seek" game on the street. If the police and the civilian patrol team did not cooperate well, a loophole would be formed, so there were two murders in one night, and no one found the murderer.

In the eyes of many people, a good boy will suddenly show an unknown side one day, just like the old Buddy Crouch looked at the little Barty Crouch in court and said "you are not my son" in amazement.

However, he was still a father. After calming down, he agreed to cooperate with his wife to complete the plan. Mrs. Crouch drank compound potion and accepted the kiss of the dementor, while the real Barty Crouch Jr. returned home. But even at home he has to live with an invisibility cloak, otherwise he will be seen by his neighbors who like to "observe humans" through the windows, and everything will be in vain.

It has always been "Jack" who leads people around in circles. The "hunting" desire to catch Jack makes people crazy and irrational, but at the same time ignores some obvious clues, and at the same time is disturbed by false clues.

"Jack" may not be just one person, just like carrion will attract crows, at first one, and then more crows will gather around to participate in this "gluttonous feast". They killed those who fit the goal of "Jack" for various purposes, and then pretended that it was all done by "Jack" alone, and all this was caused by the dark, complex maze-like streets and loopholes in London's slums. police system.

Nietzsche once said that when you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you. Those who fight monsters should be careful not to become monsters themselves.

Now Georgiana has a crazy plan in her head, but some people are cold-blooded and ruthless, and their women and children can be abandoned, such as old Tom Riddle.

Therefore, if those who only care about interests really care about the education of other people’s children, they will not only kidnap their children, but also cause social effects and panic like the kidnapping of children in Paris during the Louis XV period.

Generally, children don't trust adults, their parents will warn them not to walk with strangers, but they can easily trust their "brothers and sisters".

Child workers can play with those lonely children in school, and then disappear. Those middle-class parents can go to the factories in the countryside to find them one by one. They have the right to vote. Who told them to vote to pass the factory law is charity law rather than supervisory law?

It is better to be a monster than to be deified.

The mixed-race Veela is a "monster" in itself, so why does she pretend to be pure, kind, and virtuous?

It may be that the "sage" side of her is clamoring to kill her, and she always thinks of self-destruction, just like Lupine the werewolf, even though he knew that the "poison" Snape gave him might be poisonous, he still didn't hesitate Gotta drink.

She heard the scream again, but she couldn't tell whether it was a scream of terror or the cry of seagulls.

Is it the cry of a child, or the cry of a woman.

She felt sorry for Josephine, she should not define her relationship with Bonaparte by "remarriage".

It's shameless to have an affair so blatantly, and everyone knows it.

She would rather believe that Bonaparte used her, but what would happen to her in the future?

No matter how miserable she is, she deserves it.

Fortunately, she can still prepare poison, and she doesn't need to coerce others to do it for her like Albus. But before she dies, she can use her current identity to do something.

It's scary to be a person who can even plan to use her own death, but Pomona thinks that at this moment, she is surprisingly calm.

"Were you like that too, Albus?" she asked.

The blue-eyed wizard with half-moon glasses looked at her sadly.

"Compared to 150 years old, my age is very young, but I don't want to live as long as you." She said calmly, "It's really strange, why would anyone want to live forever?"

"I hope you're happy," said Albus, or the vision she had seen.

"You gave me a happy first half of my life, but when you choose to die, you should know that I can't rely on you." She stroked the bracelet on her hand, "I must be independent, after all, men are unreliable."

"I'm a man too," said Albus.

She smiled and didn't answer.

How can a man be the same as his father?

"Why don't you go to Grindelwald?" she asked.

He didn't answer.

"Now, no one will stop you from being together," she said.

"Men are unreliable." Albus winked at her jokingly. "Besides, I'm too old to be hurt by love."

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