Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2014: The Thickness of the Crucible (9)

In the 1740s, when there was rinderpest in the Midlands, an educated boy would pray instead of blaming the wizard and finding a "wizard" to do it, as people did in the Middle Ages. guilt.

Joshua Wedgwood was originally born and grew up in Staffordshire. Like many apprentices, he followed his elder brother to make pottery in the family workshop left by his father at the age of 9. However, the rinderpest made many people instantly Losing the most important property in the peasant family - the cattle, they had to work in the factory.

Staffordshire is also considered an industrial area, but Wedgwood went to Birmingham as an adult. It was indeed a noisy, dirty, chaotic, and unplanned city, but its freedom from rules, freedom from ancient guilds, and creativity that "boiled the brain" made it one of the centers of the "Enlightenment" of the Industrial Revolution. one.

At that time, Birmingham had no large-scale steelworks or manufacturing plants. It was mainly composed of independent self-employed people. Many escaped apprentices came here. At that time, the Bolton family was still in the business of belt buckles, and the manufacturers at that time would go out on horseback with a pair of pistols on their belts so that they could defend themselves against robbers on the road.

Even if some people are not Robin Hood, they have the intention of "robbing the rich and giving to the poor", and these manufacturers may join forces with Manchester textile manufacturers, Sheffield knifemakers or Staffordshire potters on the way. Robbers blocking the way.

It is not as wild as the American West, but the road is definitely not like that described in "Pride and Prejudice". A girl and two elderly couples can travel freely in a carriage by themselves. The law and order under the rule is also an assessment of the sheriff. one.

It is also possible that the law and order in Pemberley is really good. Anyway, Elizabeth arrived at Mr. Darcy's manor safely, and was shocked by his wealth.

Georgiana counted the time. Jane Austen seems to be still alive, but she has not yet started her writing career. How can Georgiana express to her that she has "respected her name for a long time"?

All in all, Georgiana felt that it was necessary for her to investigate the Moonlight Club. Many dreamers may have good dreams at the beginning, but they changed when they became reality. The voting rules designed at the U.S. Constitutional Convention are an example. The second best may not be willing to cooperate with the first best, and they may also conflict because of political differences.

Albus had said once that what a child says doesn't matter to anyone who has forgotten how to listen.

The Victorian politician Palmerston had a famous saying: There are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.

The steward of the diocesan orphanage signed an agreement with the factory because it was profitable. Although this kind of abandonment of the future has basic shortcomings, thanks to the "apprenticeship system", Britain has formed a high-count yarn monopoly in a short period of time.

Machines, which may have begun as a labor-saving tool, are now a tool for inequality, unrest, and suffering.

Wedgwood and Bolton engaged in Irish tariff and trade negotiations, turning the treaty of commerce in their favour. These two people not only this time, the teapot that Napoleon dropped when the "Campoformio Treaty" was signed was produced by Wedgwood, and the teapot was given to Count Cobenz by Queen Catherine. In 1774, Wedgwood made more than 900 sets of off-white tableware for Ekaterina, and Wedgwood had the title of "Queen's Ceramics". With this title, he and Bolton entered and exited high society and promoted Wedgwood together. Porcelain, which allowed Wedgwood's business to flourish even though many businesses were in depression after the Seven Years War.

He is an ambitious potter. A man may not understand what women think, but he can hire women to design patterns for pottery. Generally, only women care about what patterns are on pottery.

"Do you remember the pattern on the teapot you dropped at Earl Cobenz's?" Georgiana asked suddenly.

Bonaparte, who was drinking coffee, was stunned by the question.

"Don't worry about it." Georgiana said blankly, continuing to read the Times in her hand.

Wedgwood has trained many amateur artists, especially educated women. The "queen ceramics" they designed are not in the Rococo style, but in the neoclassical and Renaissance style. The most important thing is that their new porcelain has The Idrunian models were advertised in newspapers.

Georgiana also sent a lot of Sevres porcelain to the European royal family. She chose the pattern of flowers and plants, which looked very "pastoral".

Whether it is pottery or glass, the process of glazing requires the use of alkali. During the Seven Years War, the supply of alkali in Spain stopped. At that time, Spain also provided plant alkali from pigtail grass. In the past, the alkali used by people mainly came from "pearl ash" extracted from charcoal, but with the decline of Scottish forests, " The supply of soda ash can only be found in another way. Kelp ash, grass ash from northern Europe, and "pearl ash" from the United States are not very effective. Has Georgiana thought of restricting the export of soda ash from France in order to improve the competitiveness of Sevres ceramics? She didn't, she still thought about fair competition, how to surpass Wedgwood in porcelain design.

I'm such a kind person~

She slammed the job-advertising newspaper on the table with a thump and began to eat her breakfast.

Bonaparte looked at her strangely, as if looking at some kind of rare animal.

"What?" she asked ferociously.

He shook his head and continued to read the newspaper.

She couldn't understand what was so interesting about the newspaper, but she said nothing. Now newspapers in Britain and France are very restrained and have not attacked each other, except for a very few people.

The scandal between Napoleon and Hortense spread to England, and even Dieppe knew about it. This was the information provided by Matilda in the morning, and she overheard the maids who served them last night.

And the culprit who printed this scandal has been arrested by the UK. He is the one who likes to perform decapitation of chickens with a guillotine in his backyard.

The blame is here, she easily believed that this was a scandal, even though everyone said it was true.

But she had always suspected that Severus was still thinking about Lily.

This may be because it was the memory that belonged to Severus that Harry saw from the Pensieve. He did not suspect that the memory was falsified. Harry also encountered that Slughorn made In order to obtain a false memory, he also used Felicia in order to obtain a real memory.

Is it because she desperately hopes that it is a false memory? But she knew very well in her heart that it was true, and everything else was her imagination.

And the man sitting across from her at this moment, eating breakfast and reading newspapers in house slippers, has committed war crimes.

She felt a strong nausea, but she didn't condemn him or call him dirty.

"What are you reading?" He stared at the newspaper and asked indifferently.

"You told me that it is a blessing to be able to make full use of your talents," said Georgiana, "but I also want a pure soul."

He turned his gaze from the newspaper to her.

"Don't you think I'm ridiculous?" She smiled wryly, "I think I'm more and more like Melanie, because I need to rely on Scarlett to live, so I choose to tolerate it."

"Who are they?" he asked.

"My tolerance is limited, Leon, after all, I am not a virtuous woman."

He put the newspaper on the table and took her hand across the table with the braceleted hand.

"Your opinion is useful to me, and you will know it when you get to Antwerp."

"Why Antwerp?" she asked.

"Mystery is not unique to you women." He said with a smile, then withdrew his hand and concentrated on eating breakfast.

She felt that no matter how she clarified, she might not be able to convince others that she had no intention of cheating at first, let alone him.

But the matter has come to this point, it is useless to say anything, but it is better to take advantage of the benefits it brings.

Salazar Slytherin once banned Muggles from entering Hogwarts to study. She felt that she could not be as absolute as him, but strict screening was necessary.

It would make people think she's a purist, but she's already sleeping with a Muggle, so how can that count?

Power cannot be given to the wrong people, otherwise they will do more harm than without power.

If Voldemort had been staying in a Muggle orphanage, he would have been a horrible kid at best and not a dark lord.

"I haven't finished the story on the beach last night. In the British Museum, I saw a silver cauldron with a horned snake on it."

"I see it," said Bonaparte. "You call it the horned water-serpent."

"Some scholars believe that the native place of the horned water snake is the United States, but this silver pot and other documents prove that it is from Western Europe..."

He listened to her patiently without interrupting.

She watched his expression, trying to tell if he found her annoying.

In other words, he felt that what she told were all stories, and he didn't take it seriously.

After all, they don't live in the same world, and she doesn't want to convince him to agree with her.

The occult was something a Muggle didn't care much about, and she wouldn't ask him stupid questions like whether he believed in magic or not in the future.

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