Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1977 Behind closed doors (11)

In many cases, the toll tax used for road construction is often not really used for road construction.

Smelling the smell of fresh paint, Georgiana looked away from the map.

Obviously, the roads in ancient Rome were well built, and the barracks of the stone castle were also very strong, and there was no need to spend money on maintenance, so this command post for the gathering of senior officers came into being.

Borbec is not the feasting Paris. There are no entertainment facilities, no churches, but there is a large cemetery, a market, and some workshops for repairing carriages and blacksmiths. It seems that what it looked like in the Middle Ages is what it is here. appearance.

Beacon towers are still being used in this area, but telegraphs are already being used in northern France and Ghent.

To be honest, living in this house is much more comfortable than last night, and she can feel the atmosphere of civilization here. The environment outside reminded her of Roharart's novels, where both werewolves and vampires could appear.

When Napoleon was in Egypt, he would organize people to perform operas. She estimated that these officers would not do that.

Last year, French troops stationed in Turin attacked a fort guarded by Italians and flying the French flag, which was known throughout Europe.

It's like this without drinking, and it's obviously a bad idea to transport wine and brewing equipment here.

It wasn't long before Brittany was calm, and although it wasn't completely calm, these people couldn't stay idle.

Although the countryside is peaceful, it is suffocating. Only when something happens, life will feel fresh.

Bonaparte said that what he liked about armies was that at least they knew not to ride a general's horse.

"Damn bastard." She said, clutching her aching head.

It never occurred to her that she would be part of an affair.

At this time, the heavy footsteps of war horses on the grass came from downstairs. Before she could go to the window to look, Matilda had already bluffed and ran over.

"Ma'am, the First Consul is back!"

She didn't know what to get excited about.

She put away the map, revealing the unopened letter. She was really not in the mood now, so she asked Matilda to put it away, and told her not to let Ferrier know.

She remembered clearly that Madame Dubarry was reported by a former slave who served her.

After explaining to her, she realized that she hadn't washed and dressed. If it was Josephine, she might have spent all the time dressing up, and Georgiana was still wearing her previous dress.

She tidied up the folds of her clothes like a remedy before a last resort, and then greeted "Caesar" just like that.

Soon she heard footsteps, and it was not long before Bonaparte entered her room.

He looked her up and down, but said nothing.

She looked at the mud on his boots and said nothing.

"Are you perfunctory?" He said in a haughty tone after holding back for a long time.

"Actually not." Georgiana smiled coldly. "I and Josephine are women of different natures. I can't change three or four sets of clothes a day."

He looked out of the window, thought for a while, then turned his gaze to her.

"Don't you like to play the game of pretending to be an oil painting? How is it the same as last time?"


"The girl with the pearl earring." He took off his cloak and threw it on the sofa. "I want to admire it."

"Are you okay?"

He ignored her and went directly to the low cabinet to pour a glass of water.

His profile does have a Greek classical temperament, but his soul is not a philosopher like Aristotle and Socrates wearing a robe and debating in the Academy of Athens.

Compared with yesterday, today was smooth. She didn't want to cause trouble with him at this time, so she went to change clothes next door.

Matilda and Margaret were eavesdropping and pretended nothing happened when they saw her coming in.

"Go get those cloths from Rouen," she said to them, and went to the dressing table.

She didn't know if Bonaparte had heard of painting of living people when he was in Italy. It was a very popular way of playing in the upper class of Naples, and it looked a lot like paintings in the magical world.

Then she remembered last night, how she shouldn't have used her wand to change the clothes like that.

"Ma'am," Matilda said cautiously, holding the blue curtain in her hand.

"You all get out," she said, and the two girls dropped their found cloths and left her bedroom.

She took out her wand, turned her clothes brown, wrapped the blue cloth around her hair, and put on pearl earrings.

When she was ready to go out, Bonaparte sat on the sofa with his back to her, his dark gray cloak hung in front of him, and the "model" was just short of taking his place.

She walked over slowly and stood still in front of the cloak, her breathing and heart beating rapidly.

"Look at me." He said solemnly.

She did as he said, his eyes were focused and his expression was very serious, not like he was joking at all.

"Did you curse me?"

The blurred and ambiguous atmosphere suddenly disappeared.

"Who told you that!" She asked angrily, piercing her waist.

"You are a witch, and witches will curse for love." He said seriously.

She gritted her teeth and stared at the dwarf.

Why is she not normal? Find a tall and handsome man!

"I won't prove myself," said Georgiana. "You know French wizards too, and they can check for you."

He continued to stare, and suddenly said emotionally.

"If you didn't put a curse on me, why are you all in my mind?"

This change was a bit huge, and she didn't realize it.

"Did you miss me?" he asked.

"We met at noon," she said.

He stood up, walked to her side with a charge, hugged him and kissed.

"I must be dreaming," she said with her eyes closed.

She must have lost her mind to have such delusions.

"I love you, Georgiana," he said uncontrollably. "What would I do to replace him?"

"We have been together for thirty years." She said wearily, "You agreed to wait until next year's Portuguese month."

He hugged her tightly.

"Tell me, what do you want to say to me on the beacon tower?"

"how do you know?"

"I saw you hesitate to speak, and then I remembered this picture, and the girl with the pearl earring opened her lips."

"Listening to it now may spoil your mood." She said helplessly, "I warn you, it's not a love story."

"Tell me." He kissed her neck.

"Someone told me that Normandy's textile industry is the largest and the most backward. It seems to be prosperous, but in fact the contradictions between workers and employers become more and more with the expansion. Don't be fooled by the illusion, Leon."

"Go on." He put his arms around her and said easily.

"And those defenders, their life is too boring."

"Probably because they're not as interesting as I am."

She couldn't answer the phone anymore.

"Is there anything else you haven't told me?" he continued comfortably.

"What do you mean?"

"Napoleon's theorem," he prompted.

The first thing she thought was that her thesis had been peeked at, but then she thought it might be Phil who had told her the secret, because she had the proof question in hand.

"You're right," she said. "I don't find it strange to memorize a theorem."

"Are you surprised that Farron can't stop talking about chemistry with you?" He continued to say comfortably, "You can understand, right?"

"I'm a teacher, if you don't understand this, how can you teach children?" She asked back.

"Give me a baby." He whispered in her ear, "She'll grow up to be just like you."

She endured and endured, "Do you still think a woman who can give birth is the best?"

He kissed her again, as if he thought she was talking too much nonsense.


"You want to eat fish." He interjected, "I made someone do it."

"You don't even know what flavor I want to eat." She said anxiously.

"You must have cursed me. I want to occupy your time every day, and I don't want to leave for a minute."

She covered her ears.

As a result, he still had to talk about love.

Don't listen to any promises from a French man who isn't divorced, no matter how nicely he says it.

She remembered that she bought "Lover for a Day" in the British Museum that day, commemorating Cleopatra and Antony, how it became longer and longer, and he wanted her to stay forever.

What a greedy ghost.

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