Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1975 Behind closed doors (9)

Georgiana sat in the carriage, watching the people outside the car window, listening to their cheers.

Compared with the small towns passed along the way, Yivato is indeed a city, although it is not as good as Rouen.

It doesn't have a city wall because Richelieu ordered it to be demolished, but because it didn't exist at all, and its current scale was gradually expanded because of the textile industry.

Accumulating wealth by extracting workers' working hours and wages, the final result will be the same as Perrier said. As the number of factories increases, the contradictions between workers and employers will also increase. Paris is an example in a sense.

Madame du Barry's exaggerated Marie Antoinette's luxury contrasts sharply with the misery of the common people, and he cannot bear the difference when a person is dying of hunger and next to a person who is full to vomit.

People in the city yearn for the idyllic pastoral, while people in the countryside yearn for the prosperity of the city. Although the natural scenery can make those who stay in the city feel happy and bring many tourists, Georgiana does not intend to keep Brittany so "natural".

It still needs industry, but not just the textile industry. It happens that Farron can distill. At the beginning, there was no brandy. Later, with the distillation technology, there was brandy. Oak barrels are also needed to make brandy, so the manufacturing of distillation equipment and the barrel making industry. There is.

She wouldn't be so stupid as to turn Brittany into a second Ireland. It is unrealistic to jump from the primitive state to modern civilization at once. At least there are industries that can absorb the unemployed population generated during the transition from labor-intensive, avoiding the situation similar to smashing machines during the Great Revolution.

The same is smashing the machine. The Luddites destroy the machine because they hate the machine for taking their jobs, while the workers of the Paris paper mill heard the rumors and hated the employer for cutting wages, which destroyed his property. are different.

She still hopes that the church can write some scriptures on the bottle, "Smoking is harmful to health", although she guesses that people who drink will not read it at all, and directly tear off the label, or ignore its existence.

Distilling vessels can not only make cider, but also distill whiskey. Of course, this industry is probably not going to be very big, and other industries are still needed.

"Give me the map," Georgiana said to Ferrier.

Mrs. Barryon looked at her with interest.

"What?" she asked uncomfortably.

"You and Josephine are quite different kinds of women," said Mrs. Barryon. "She loves to talk."

"I'm as quiet as a grave here?" Georgiana wryly asked.

"I know that the First Consul has a hobby. He likes to look at you." Mrs. Barrillon stared at her and said, "I understand why now."

"The map you asked for, ma'am," said Ferrier.

Georgiana took the map and looked down at the map of Brittany without asking carefully, as if the bustle outside had nothing to do with her.

Those who cheer for them today will one day send them to the guillotine. Georgiana has always been called a British female spy, which is essentially no different from an "Austrian woman".

Love is irrational, it’s the same for liking someone, and it’s the same for hating someone. If others don’t accept it, no matter how much she does, others won’t appreciate it. Wishful thinking often doesn’t get any response.

This was the conclusion she had already reached, but the fact of Mikay's arrival gave her a new understanding.

The difficulties in the early days of the business needed help. Christmas in 1781 was not so happy for Boulton and Watt. The invention of the steam engine did not make money at the beginning. Watt worked in the Roebuck factory before joining Soho, and later Roebuck Soho, which he joined only after bankruptcy.

He moved the machine previously developed in Roebuck from the Kinnell Pavilion to Birmingham, and it began to operate normally only after being assisted by skilled workers trained by Bolton Thorn, just like a woman's dowry.

Even though Bolt did not give up other industries because of the steam engine, the workshop at that time had already been handed over to Watt. This is why Georgiana asked the United Kingdom for help but did not get support.

The "factory system" is by no means similar to the factory system. The workshop is still a large-scale handicraft workshop, while the factory is a large-scale mechanized production. In the workshop, the master has to bring apprentices to work. The wife's dowry, the wages of the workers were only paid on Christmas Day, and not all children's Christmas gifts were Firebolts.

Georgiana wants to send some of Farron's six distillation equipment to Brittany. Anyway, there are craftsmen in Paris, and Sevres can also contribute. He can make several new products after his improvement. In addition, Perry Egypt also has factories that can be financed.

But she glanced at Mrs. Barryon in the magazine. Her husband is also a banker. Besides, Perrier also has the Anzain coal mine. For the coming winter, coal is a fuel that must be in short supply.

She didn't need to think about it to know that British equipment is not a floral cloth in a grocery store, you can take it away after paying, and there is a delivery date...

At this moment, the carriage stopped, and Georgiana handed the map to Matilda, telling her to put it away quickly, and the door was opened not long after.

It was Colonel Coulancourt, Napoleon's adjutant, who opened the door for her. She got out of the car holding his hand, and the fresh air and the cold wind blowing on her face made her more awake.

She looked around, it seemed to be a canyon area, and the city was built in a low-lying place.

"Where have we been?" Georgiana asked Colonel Coulancourt.

"Borbec, here and Lillebonne in the south are the necessary places on the ancient Roman road." Colonel Cogolin replied.

That is to say, it is a military important place?

Georgiana looked at the residents, and she saw enthusiasm, not rejection.

Of course, those who like the garrison will come out to greet them, and those who don't like it probably won't appear either.

This time she went to the square in front of the city hall with other accompanying officials, where a stage had been set up, and Napoleon gave a speech under the leadership of the mayor.

In short, he is a leader, and he speaks without a script.

Judging from the map, Borbeck is located in a confluence of river valleys, not far from the Seine River. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the ancient Romans regarded this place as a military important place.

After he finished his speech, the others went to the next location.

Although there is a river passing through Bornac, this river cannot assume the function of a canal. There are many ancient Roman ruins along the river.

These cities were once destroyed by Caesar, and later rebuilt by Augustus. Beacon towers were built in the Middle Ages. There is such a building on the top of each hill.

She thought it was only found on the Great Wall.

Different from the beacon towers of the Great Wall, these beacon towers are independent, each has a solid city wall, as well as Roman-style blockhouses and barracks, which are a little far away from the town. , You can also see the beacon tower farther away. After Napoleon boarded it, someone lit the beacon fire, and then the beacon tower opposite was also lit.

The beacon fires during the day are different from those at night. What you see is not the light of the fire, but the thick smoke. Like a relay race, smoke rises one after another from the beacon towers until they are out of sight.

Napoleon was very happy, he liked this kind of big scene, but Georgiana remembered the story of the lords playing in the beacon fire.

Legend has it that King Zhou You fell in love with Baosi, a beauty who didn't like to laugh. In order to make her laugh, King Zhou You lit a beacon and watched with Baosi.

Seeing the beacon fire, the princes thought it was an invasion by dog ​​soldiers, and sent troops to serve the king overnight. However, when the army gathered at Mount Li, they realized that nothing had happened. Thousands of troops were being played like a child's play, and Bao Si standing on the tower saw this scene and laughed happily, and King Zhou You was also happy.

Is it interesting? Georgiana found it amusing, which was a bit like a prank, but the princes who were being played did not find it amusing.

I played with the princes several times, but later the princes stopped being fooled. When the real dog soldiers marched into the capital of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Haojing, no one came to rescue them, and then the Western Zhou Dynasty perished.

King Zhou You favored Baosi, and forgot about the order of his elders and children, and planned to make his concubine Baosi's son Ji Bofu, which made the queen's father, Shen Hou, very angry. After Shan killed Queen Zhou You, he supported his grandson Ji Yijiu to succeed him.

She looked at Napoleon, who was happily talking and laughing with the local defenders, and wisely chose to shut up.

Even if you want to give advice, it depends on the situation. Now is obviously not the time. Besides, what does the French have to do with an English woman to play with the beacon fire?

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