Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1971 Behind closed doors (5)

Although it was originally said that they would delay for a day, they set off again not long after lunch, and this time they were going to Yifuto.

Because of the delay in the ancient battlefield, they missed the cloth fair held in Louvier, but he took the time to go to Romily's copper forge, after all, this place is not far from Rouen.

The iron that Georgiana smelted in the laboratory was similar to the crucible stirring iron method, which can produce a metal similar to Damascus steel. But its output is very low, and the current European blast furnaces cannot reach the temperature of the magic flame.

Copper or bronze will not rust, but the cost is too high, and copper itself has a certain value, so someone will inevitably steal the track.

And using wood is not a long-term solution. The wrought iron produced by John Wilkinson's steel factory is made by rolling mills. It is different from human beating. Although human power cannot produce such a large force, it is also more refined.

All in all, after a bumpy afternoon on the road built during the Louis XIV period, they arrived in Yifuto at night. The local government heard that they were going to receive the First Consul, but they didn't know that they would spend the night in Yifuto. Arranged in a farm.

Although she doubted whether the stone castle on this farm was left over from the Hundred Years' War, it was still much better than the wilderness, and it was quite warm with a fire, not so cold and humid.

The pillows and quilts she bought in Rouen came in handy at this time, although she just wanted to set up a place where everyone could roll around on the floor, and then lie down and eat.

Autumn is the time when animals store up fat for the winter, even the mice, and when the castle mouse scares the girls into shame, Georgiana throws it out the window with her wand.

Tomorrow the officials had to get up early to inspect the mills and the fair, and Georgiana had something to do for herself.

The first is to meet Luke, who somehow left Rouen with the convoy and is still waiting for her to meet him, and the other is Rose Berdan.

She wants to find a craft for herself, obviously knitting sweaters is not enough, and she doesn't want to weave tapestries like Josephine, just so she can follow Berdan to make the kind of fragrant floral decorations made of tulle.

Fortunately, Yifuto called some staff from the hotel, and with their help, he managed to arrange a comfortable sleeping place for these VIPs at night.

It's like a freshman reporting for the new school year, except she's looking after a bunch of 11-year-olds who just left home, and she's using house-elves instead of Muggles.

If it was Josephine, she would meet those local government officials, while Georgiana would mainly meet businessmen. But no matter who you meet, this kind of occasion is basically going through the motions and will not solve any problems.

Big meeting never do anything, this is the experience summed up by Britain, which has a parliamentary system for hundreds of years.

Just when she had settled down and was about to wash and go to bed early, Matilda came.

She also brought someone into her bedroom, Mrs. Barryon.

"Good night, ma'am," said Mrs. Barrillon.

"Good evening." Georgiana looked at her and Matilda. "What are you doing here?"

"You don't want to know why the First Consul is so angry all of a sudden?" Mrs. Barrillon said.

"You don't know what's going on 'over there'." Matilda said angrily.

Georgiana felt a pain in her stomach, and she had a strong premonition.

"We received a letter from Paris in the afternoon, saying that Cardinal Fish is unwilling to go to Lyon to take up his post." Mrs. Barrillon said, "Do you know what Josephine did?"

Georgiana didn't answer. Caprara's position as Archbishop of Paris was arranged by the Pope, but Fish was Napoleon's uncle.

At the same time, Caprara also blessed Louis and Hortans, which means that they held a religious wedding, while Napoleon and Josephine only had a secular wedding.

She finally knew why he suddenly became like that.

"What did she do?" Georgiana asked.

"She refurbished the entire Burgundy mansion. I don't think you will recognize it when you go back," said Mrs. Barryon.

Georgiana was not angry at all, she took someone else's place, so it was not surprising that Josephine was annoyed.

And she couldn't say anything about asking Josephine to go to church, which would make her sound like a woman.

"In addition, there are those family-by-family microfinancers who hope to set up a bank so that they can recover the losses from the bakery loan losses." Mrs. Barrirong said.

"What's the price of bread in Paris?" asked Georgiana.

"Not so much trouble," said Madame Barryon, "but the price of meat has risen to six sous."

"You don't even have a place to live," Matilda said angrily.

"Don't make trouble," she said to Matilda, and then looked at Mrs. Barryon. "Who gave her authority?"

No one spoke.

A sudden inspiration struck Georgiana, and she remembered the little house in Victory Street.

It was where Napoleon lived before his hairline. The location is not very good, but the interior decoration...

"What do you suggest?" Georgiana asked Mrs. Barryon.

"You can cry to the First Consul," Mrs. Barrirong said.

"I do not want……"

"It doesn't matter if you want it or not," said Mrs. Barrillon. "Don't be naive, Georgiana."

"Let me think about it." She said with a headache.

"When you arrive in Belgium, you have other challenges." Mrs. Barryon laughed mockingly. "In the past, Josephine asked her female companions to keep those 'predators' out."

She thought that look extremely ridiculous.

"I'm not his wife." Georgiana sneered. "What right do you have?"

"Don't you have any idea?" asked Mrs. Barrillon.

"what idea?"

Mrs. Barrylon did not answer her question.

"The men I like have one characteristic, they are very specific." Georgiana smiled wryly, "But I am the one who makes them no longer specific, that is, the kind of woman I hate the most."

If he loses this quality, then she can think about how to leave, and find a way not to make herself an excuse for him to attack England.

"You hate yourself?" asked Mrs. Barrillon.

"What woman doesn't hate it?" said Georgiana, and turned to comb her hair in the mirror.

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't dislike you?" said Mrs. Barrillon.

"You want to help your husband?" Georgiana asked.

"That's right," said Mrs. Barrillon.

Georgiana put down the comb and looked at Matilda.

"You took bribes?"

"We did her a small favor," said Madame Barillon. "With your letter, any bank can go to Sevres to ask for money, but Mademoiselle Morandic only asks the Recamier Bank. There's no business in Rouen."

"Really?" asked Georgiana.

Mrs. Barryon smiled and said nothing.

"I think you also know that Josephine was involved in a corruption case." Georgiana said helplessly, "I don't want to be like her, and I don't have a legal identity yet."

"I think you are getting used to your new way of life," said Mrs. Barryon.

Georgiana shook her head. She thought it was ridiculous.

"You think these little girls will keep your ardent suitors at bay?" said Mrs. Barrillon.


"Flowers and love poems, many young people want to see you."

Georgiana didn't quite understand what Barryon was saying.

"This is part of a new life." Mrs. Barry said with a smile, "The first ruler is very worried."

Georgiana remembered his earlier "high talk" about pillows.

The brain seemed to have lost the ability to think, and was speechless for a long time.

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