Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1967 Behind closed doors (1)

Schaptal is a rare talent, even if he can't make gunpowder for him like Bonaparte said, he is also promoting the secularization of universities. He hopes that industrialists and governments will notice that many scientific discoveries can be practically applied and Can bring wealth.

However, Shapthal's understanding of guilds is complicated. On the one hand, the abolition of privileges in 1789 ended the system that concentrated all industrial and commercial activities in the hands of a few people. On the other hand, it also ended the existence between employers and employees. A paternalistic relationship.

Not all "parents" are kind, friendly, and willing to communicate well with "children", and some of them squeeze apprentices like slaves.

During the visit, they found that the worker carried a "passport" with him, which stated where he worked and the nature of his work, so that he could take it out and prove himself when he was stopped by the police on the street for interrogation. Not a bum, and then arrested.

Many people will identify a person by their clothes. Well-dressed people are rarely questioned by the police. All in all, the employer will write whether the previous worker owed him money and the performance of the worker, so that the subsequent employer will use it A part of the worker's wages is returned to the previous employer, and the attitude towards the worker is determined based on previous comments.

In order to find a job in the future, many people are forced to swallow their anger, and employers often don't care about the 1781 law of "maintaining the subordination of workers in industrial areas", which leads to two problems. Will not accept loans from employers who are well-intentioned, preferring to borrow usury.

It was the same way when Benjamin Franklin rented a house in London. His new landlady was a widow with two children, and she chose the tenants carefully. She was also worried about Franklin at first, but after inquiring about his performance in the previous residence, she not only agreed to rent a house for Franklin, but also regarded him as a "man who can be relied on."

Having a reliable man in a place with poor law and order will bring a sense of security, even if Franklin is a worker in a printing factory, she is still reluctant to leave Franklin later.

Few people have no past, like pure white paper. Accumulated negative emotions needed a way to vent, and Napoleon's control of speech led to the slogan "The silence of the people is a lesson to the king" posted on the gate of the Tuileries Palace.

The topics discussed in the "School of Athens" are not always so thought-provoking, but some theories are so transformative that it feels like the ground is shaking under your feet.

Newton's law of universal gravitation is to restore the harmony between God and nature, and the church agreed to his publication, but no one thought that his theory would become a "weapon", not only to compete with theology, but also to replace it.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau's book was popularized because of its basis. During the Louis XV period, the social atmosphere was extravagant, and Rousseau advocated guarding against arrogance and extravagance, which is consistent with what the church advocated.

However, no one reads the scriptures. Some pious publishers or bosses only sell these scriptures, and the result is either a loss or a flat balance. It is better to sell some "popular" novels to make more money.

Rousseau's "Confessions" is one of them, but publishers in Paris have monopolized the right to trade books, and publishers in other provinces can't compete with it, so they have to trade in pirated copies.

The inspectors of those booksellers did not expect that Rousseau's book would cause such serious consequences, but who can see so long-term?

After a good night's sleep, Georgiana's mind cleared up a little. She figured it out. Maria didn't say many bad things last night, but it had such a big psychological impact on her. It was because she wasn't sure whether she was right or wrong. .

It doesn't matter whether Napoleon Bonaparte is Attila or Caesar, what matters is what the system they built will look like after 200 years of implementation.

The founding fathers of the United States were also very idealistic at the beginning. Talleyrand refused to give bribes to them, and insisted on following the "clean" and formal way. They probably could not imagine what the Americans would become in 200 years.

Georgiana once said that Napoleon was a man who smelled of gunpowder, and Farron said that in Versailles, someone really put gunpowder into perfume.

Gunpowder can be used in wars and fireworks shows. As long as there is no gunpowder, even if the cannon is recast, it will not be able to fire. Napoleon may have seen through her "trick" and laughed so strangely last night.

She hopes that the peace can last longer, although the peace brought about by the "Amiens Treaty" lasted only one year in history, and the reason why she broke away from the shackles of "following history" is not because she hopes to prolong the peace?

After making the mistake of bovine tuberculosis, she didn't intend to give advice to the French First Consul easily by dictation. She wrote what she thought into a dissertation, although this dissertation was almost a fantasy and had serious flattery suspicion of flattery.

She used Napoleon's theorem, the geometric law that Napoleon published in 1795 when he was 26 years old. At that time, the Jacobins fell, and he was implicated in it. Although he was not imprisoned or lost office, he was idle in Paris, so he had time" Dance with words and ink".

If France is regarded as a scalene triangle, England, Belgium, and Lombardy are three equilateral triangles extended from the three sides of the scalene triangle. As long as the center points of these three places are found, the etc. side triangles to form a new stable structure.

She didn't want England to be thrown into the same perfect chaos as the French Revolution, Voldemort's upheaval in the wizarding world was exhausting enough.

If a person can change so easily, she won't feel so tired. Severus stubbornly insists on black magic, leaving Dumbledore helpless. She can tolerate black magic, but she wants to live "forever" under Lily's reputation. Down.

People always say that Severus loves Lily in a tone like declaring the truth, and the ground under her feet will shake.

But it was precisely because of such an environment that she was born. If she had written with Rousseau that women only read what women should read, she would not be the person she is now.

She will keep the title of "my husband" until the Portuguese month of 1803, and after that she will change it to "ex-husband". Severus can find a pure woman with no past, just like Bonaparte and Joseph Fern divorced and then married the Austrian princess.

She used to ridicule Austrian women for not knowing how to balance the interests of her husband's family and her mother's family. Now it's her turn, and she can't keep letting the British suffer.

The absence of a trade blockade means that Belgium can do business. To do a large business like grain well, more beer must be brewed. In an era of poor water quality, drinking some alcoholic beverages has a sterilizing effect.

The equipment of the beer industry can increase the demand for food, but as long as British ships cannot enter Antwerp, the food cannot enter the inland.

She looked at the map of Belgium on the table. There is a Scheldt River from Antwerp to Ghent. It is precisely because Ghent is the confluence of the Rice River and the Scheldt River. port city.

Flat-bottomed boats are suitable for a variety of inland rivers. As long as Antwerp is guarded and the river bottom reefs are arranged, French ships can pass unimpeded in Belgium. This is another form of "free competition" of "going up to the house and pulling the ladder". The British control the hegemony of the ocean, but the inland river is not necessarily the same. I don't know how many people scold the French like Justin's grandfather up.

This is the same as when the part above the desk looks at the rules in class, but the legs below the desk are kicking each other. When kicking and kicking, they get angry and fight directly regardless of classroom etiquette.

When she saw a French half-breed Veela marrying an English Bill, she naively thought that...

Or is it because so many misfortunes belong only to her, and other women will not encounter them?

"Oh, damn it!" Georgiana wailed.

She thought that the "passport" (passport) is related to free trade and is not a necessity to go to the seaport, but it is needed to go from the seaport to the inland.

"Is this what you are planning, Henry Petty, habeas corpus!" She threw the pen in her hand on the table.

She knew that the non-profit organization was not that simple.

The operation of international ports is mainly controlled by people with more international thinking and profit distribution. If only trade protection is used, maybe the French textile owners will not appreciate it.

Chaputal represented not only himself, but his wife's family was also in the textile industry. She only thought about Rouen, and did not consider other cities.

"Oh, why is it so difficult!" she wailed as she walked up and down the study.

Where is the clothes made by this textile industry, they are simply shrouds.


Matilda, Ferril, and Margaret came, and they rushed in and surrounded her.

"It was so dangerous yesterday, why didn't you let me go with you!" Matilda cried.

How do I know a school can be so dangerous?

But she didn't say anything, she rolled her eyes and hugged Matilda in her arms to comfort her.

A group of girls were crying around her. Although it was not the first time, she still couldn't handle this kind of scene with ease.

Not long after, she saw Chaputal appearing at the door together with the Archbishop of Rouen.

"Go and make some tea," she said to the maids.

Dismissing them, Georgiana went before the Minister of the Interior and the Archbishop.

"When are we leaving?"

"Stay here for a day, and wait for the people who searched the mountain to come back." Shaputar said.

"Let's go in and talk." Archbishop Cambacérez said, and then walked into the small living room next to the study.

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