Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 196 Regeneration Cycle

Every ghost that haunts Hogwarts has a sad past of its own, even Nearly Headless Nick, a haughty, conceited fellow who idly wandered around the court of King Henry VII until one time , he foolishly attempted to make a lady longing for love more beautiful by magic, and as a result the unfortunate lady grew fangs, so Sir Nicholas was stripped of his wand and beheaded by a poor executioner, so that His head was hanging from his neck, and only a small piece of skin and muscle was connected, so he always felt that he was not quite a headless ghost in the true sense.

The lady who unfortunately grew fangs was called Lady Grieve, a maid of Henry VII. It seems that Sir Nicholas de Mimsy Popington just played a prank on her with a big stick in front of her front teeth. To the point of death, but he was beheaded 45 times without beheading. Nick was tortured to death. The night before his execution, Nick was still crying that he could quickly repair the damage to Lady Grieve. After Nick died, he chose to become Gryffindor's resident ghost instead of "going on" because he was afraid of death. From this, it can be deduced that the reason why he is afraid of the bloody Barrow is because he can bring death, and Peeves, who can be materialized, is also afraid of him. That poor man has suffered for a thousand years, and no one knows what he will do next. What has become, every day he "liberates", the whole of Hogwarts will become very "lively", Draco chooses that day to go to the school to hang out, he is a Slytherin but acts recklessly I don't know who will inherit it.

His godfather was a curmudgeon, but Severus never beat Draco, he just humiliated him from head to toe with vitriolic words, and beating children was left to the parents Deal with it, especially if the other party is the sole heir of a pure-blooded family. Because the child is not easy, many parents will be particularly indulgent to their offspring, and it is actually not easy to discipline the Slytherin snake, especially when Hogwarts has a headmaster who is particularly fond of Gryffindor.

Gryffindor is good at fire magic. At that time, the International Federation of Wizards originally wanted to invite Dumbledore to XZ to deal with the snowman. Later, he used Wizengamot's relationship to let her be the representative of the British branch. She was still full of hope, thinking that she was also a fire mage, but her fire magic strength was mediocre, so she was not suitable for participating in that operation. Later, they encountered a snowstorm on the way back to the camp, and they and the people in front were blown away by the wind Yes, Apparation requires a high concentration of attention and a clear goal. In that snowy and completely unfamiliar country, even Severus would not dare to Apparate at will. There are many mountains in XZ. If you accidentally transfer to a certain mountain They couldn't get out, and in that cold valley they encountered a snowman that the entire action team couldn't find. The repelling spell alone will not work, it will work when multiple people use the repelling spell together, but there are only two of them at the time. Cold, hungry, and a blizzard blowing outside, they had to spend the whole night cuddling each other in the cave. If they were alone, they would surely freeze to death. Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley also experienced a lot of hardships that Albert and Ernie McMillan did not experience. Perhaps it was these suffering experiences that prevented them from maintaining a pure friendship.

Gamp's Law of Element Transformation stipulates that there are five things that cannot be changed. The first is food, and the second is living things. Old bats cannot "change" a snake out of nothing. Although snakes are reminiscent of evil, they are also a kind of life. However, the basilisk created by alchemy is not life, but the venom of the basilisk has the function of strengthening the sword of Gryffindor. What really destroys the Horcrux is not the weapon made by the goblin, but the sword. I don't know if those wizards who are dazzled by the victory and don't even know how to protect themselves can understand it.

Serpensortia is a summoning spell, life cannot travel through space at will, but non-life basilisks can, which he didn't know before he became the head of Slytherin. He is indeed doting on Draco, and may even hope that Platinum Malfoy can succeed him as headmaster, but unfortunately Master Malfoy is very unreliable, plus Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom and other people who often get him into trouble Boy, his time as a teacher was like hell.

The melody of the harp is like a spring flowing quietly, soaking into her whole body from the fingertips, she seems to be drowning in this warm spring, panting heavily, at this moment they are conducting an alchemy experiment, the content of the experiment It is human body refining, which is the only legal human body refining ceremony bestowed by God to human beings. All refining rituals that do not rely on the mother's womb to give birth to human beings and violate the laws of nature and social ethics are taboo, and will bring unexpected consequences. disaster.

After Tom Marvolo Riddle was resurrected, the body made with potion had almost no human desires left. God knows what is the point of living like this. He is a poor man, and the people who follow him follow him poorly. As long as he thinks of something, even in the middle of the night, he will wake up that person with the Death Eater mark, and then summon him to him, and treat him day and night. It doesn’t make any sense to say that he lives in the eternal night and cannot see a ray of light. There are many roads to choose in front of him, but because he is lost in the darkness, he slowly leads to a dead end. If Lucius had If there was any hope for him, it became lost after the Dark Lord sent dementors to rescue him and live together under the same roof.

The Platinum Noble feared the Dark Lord, just like everyone else feared the You-Know-Who, but no one believed him, and now Lucius once again opened the room once dedicated to the Dark Lord to let his friend, another man who died and came back to life live. Unlike Tom, who basically doesn't sleep, Ofeyukos is very good at making the best use of this room. Everyone needs to rest after the big war. The leader can do less work while playing with others, and get together with his family. Christmas to New Year is a long holiday, and everyone has their own things to do. Forced to leave home at Christmas time to blow the cold wind in the North Sea to prevent some troublesome people in Azkaban from escaping, and those who volunteered to fight are not Aurors, how should the Ministry of Magic find them? on the head. In front of the Aurors, they used the black magic that they didn't dare to use casually before, but the aura master didn't arrest them at all. The comfortable feeling is hard to describe in words. In a sense, they It was indeed a wonderful Christmas, much more comfortable than the bloody Christmas led by the previous leader.

"You belong to me, Severus." Pomona bit his lip in a moment of ecstasy, and just like the Muggle song called Don't Stop, she finally found A Lily couldn't beat her condition, because she was still alive and had a warm body, and Lily Potter was already buried in the ground.

"The same goes for you, Pomona." The Slytherin, who was bullied by everyone in the past, pushed her over with an air of mastery. "Call my master to come and listen."

"No." She shook her head firmly, "That is the title of the Dark Lord, and you are just his servant."

"You just won't let me do it that easily, will you?" he said angrily.

"That's right, do you want to punish me?" She smiled triumphantly and proudly, as if provoking "Snotling, do you dare?"

"You will regret it." He cursed, and then hugged her tightly. The person who was like warm water just now turned into a raging fire, like ignited alcohol, emitting light blue flames. The gorgeous room The room was soon filled with her screams, as if burned by flames.

"This memory belongs to Newt Scamander," said the White Wizard, standing by the Pensieve. "What do you see, Pomona?"

"Blue flames, and people, they were burned to ashes," Pomona replied. "They must be in pain, screaming."

"That's a spell invented by Grindelwald. All Muggleborns and half-blood wizards will be burned to death. Of course, there are also those who are spared, that is, those who choose to join his camp. He is different from Tom Riddle. He is a real pure-blood Dumbledore looked at her through the half-moon glasses, "The body structure of pure blood and mixed blood is also different. There are no so-called secrets in this world, only the hidden truth, and magic makes all disguises come true. , you should go back to school after the holidays are over, Professor, Hogwarts is where you should go."

The pain from her body woke her up, and what she saw was not the blue eyes of the white wizard, but a pair of black eyes that were as dark and empty as a tunnel.

"Let's talk about it later." He tilted his head and said with a smile as if he had caught her, "You are more interesting than I thought, senior sister."

"Despicable!" she roared, he was actually thinking of using Legilimency to sneak attack at this moment.

What responded to her was a muffled laugh, followed by his more violent attack, this time their embrace was so hot, even though it was snowing outside the house at the same moment as on the snow mountain.

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