Georgiana's guardian, Citizen Lyoncourt "The Great Good", was a Lafayette liberal aristocrat. In the Middle Ages, nobles wanted to fight for the king, and they needed armor, swords, arrows, etc. to fight. In the Battle of Alcuquin, the longbowmen led by Henry V faced the French noble heavy cavalry, and the cost of raising horses, armor and maintenance was not small.

In the 19th century, the 200 French steel giants were all nobles, especially in the north and east, but the nobles seldom went to work in the factory, but regarded the steel factory as an investment, and only a few such as Francois De Vandel will take care of it himself, and 11% of France's steel production is produced by his factory.

But Francois's dream is to be a sailor, and his eldest son is not interested in the family business. He chooses to be a farmer. His youngest son is still studying, and his only daughter is married to a technician. "Patent workers", so the company is guaranteed in terms of technical confidentiality.

It is not easy for the aristocrats to return to parliament and re-engage in politics, and the French are not as good at finance as the British. To expand the scale of production, equipment needs to be purchased. There is a rolling mill, but it costs money to buy it. The way of crowdfunding is very slow, and usually it is the most convenient to get a loan.

But the French bankers lack the adventurous spirit of the British bankers, and it is precisely because the British bankers loaned money to those textile companies to let them expand production, which not only caused overcapacity, but also caused many other problems, such as vicious competition.

Cotton fabrics are inherently cheap. In order to obtain more profits, cheap raw materials need to be used. In addition, only British people are allowed to enter in many industrial product markets. In fact, every country has its own protection industry. France protects its own textile industry, but the factory owners in Rouen need British yarn. How can the profit of selling yarn be higher than selling finished cloth?

The geological situation in France is that the Brittany area is relatively barren. The soil here lacks lime and phosphate, so it cannot be cultivated on a large scale, and it is impossible for French farmers to engage in animal husbandry, as stated in the letter Georgiana received Well, farmers look down on herdsmen, and it is impossible for them to engage in a rural cooperative system. They believe that their cattle are tied to their own fields, and they are still fighting for land ownership.

The British raise sheep to eat mutton, the French raise sheep for wool, but the two raise sheep, and the wool production is about the same, and the British have three times more mutton than the French. Compared with raising sheep and cattle, the French prefer to raise poultry, and the meat of poultry can make up for the lack of meat.

Originally, Rouen was close to the sea. If the shipping was smooth, this would still be an advantage. What can we do if we don’t engage in animal husbandry and agriculture, but we don’t engage in industry?

Napoleon would have noticed this data, and the ministers in Whitehall would not have failed to notice it, but, as Jefferson wrote in his letter, Britain forced the United States to ship their iron ingots to England to be processed into products, and then shipped back to the United States. What is needed is to keep the British machine running.

Georgiana still remembers how the fellow countrymen in the cabin commented on the Americans:

"These forgetful Carthaginians!"

They cited the battle when Alexander besieged Tyre. Alexander did not have a navy, and the Tyrians had command of the sea. At that time, the people in the old city of Tyre heard that Alexander was coming to attack, and they all withdrew to the new city in the sea. That kind of geography Relationships are like Venice and Veneto. Alexander's approach was to build a dike, and when the range was close enough, he used a trebuchet to throw fireballs into the city. It is natural that the Tyrians hoped that their richest colony, Carthage, would come to support them, and they had sent their families to Carthage as early as the Alexandria dam.

However, just like Carthage did to Hannibal later, "Carthage" did not support the European battlefield because of its isolationism. In addition, the Royal Navy intercepted American merchant ships and arrested sailors for forced enlistment. Why should they get involved in Europe? What about the battlefield?

The United States has hawks and doves, and Britain also has hawks and doves. In 1811, the United States was the first to declare war on Britain.

Georgiana later thought about the meaning of Bonaparte's words. If he failed, or was imprisoned as in "history", he could go to Elba, and others such as "poor" Compasse Reis was about to face hanging, and those officers loyal to Napoleon might be shot.

The French aristocrats know that they are in exile overseas, of course they can, she can't go back to England, Fox has threatened her, and she still thinks about asylum in the United States.

The best way is for France to remain neutral in the disputes between Britain and the United States, just like those "neutral countries". If she "slanders" and persuades "Your Majesty" to form a coalition with the British to attack the United States, then she is "ignorant". Shang and Josephine thought that Napoleon would welcome Louis XVIII back home just like Lafayette.

"Why do you make such a big detour when you make it clear in one sentence." She muttered angrily, looking at the sumptuous breakfast on the table and losing her appetite.

November 1, 1802 was Halloween, and it was on this day that Harry Potter's fate changed. He originally had a happy family, but became an orphan because of a prophecy.

The difference between a man and a woman lies in this. Prince Eugen was affirmed in Austria and regarded himself as an Austrian, but Pomona still hoped that he could go back one day.

She hoped there would be peace, but it was hard to keep one's sanity around a man like Napoleon, who seemed to have such a huge gravitational pull that one couldn't help but gravitate toward him.

He's glad she's wearing that expensive necklace, or it doesn't matter if she wears a cross as long as it's not the black swan necklace.

"Finally, I found out the reason for being so angry!" She said angrily, and then stood up.

"Where are you going, madam?" Matilda asked immediately.

"Get some fresh air!" She said without looking back, left the suite, followed the path she walked yesterday, and walked to the outer wall of the castle.

The weather in Rouen is as rainy as in England. When she walked up the ancient city wall, the ground was wet and densely foggy. The whole city seemed to be shrouded in a sea of ​​fog, and every building was like an isolated island.

Without sea control, colonial trade is meaningless. When the South China Sea incident broke out, Spain was still the "Invincible Fleet". Now they want to transport silver coins to their own country and need the escort of British cruisers.

In the past, Louis XVI could threaten Charles IV to recognize the French constitutional monarchy, although France failed in the end.

All this was because of the War of Spanish Succession. Louis XIV announced that Philip V became the king of Spain, deprived Philip wizard of the inheritance rights to the Spanish Netherlands and Italy, and he inherited the Spanish America. Since then, Spain has Lost monopoly in the Americas.

The convenience of colonial trade gave birth to Spanish local industries and reduced colonial trade. Spain imitated France's practice and opened many royal factories, such as ceramics, glasses and fine clothing.

In history, apart from the pheasant feast of the Duke of Burgundy, there was also a "Golden Brocade Meeting". The host was still Francois I, who was loved by Da Vinci. Charles V of the Empire was of the same age, and Charles V the Son was the formidable opponent he faced all his life.

To secure England's neutrality between France and the Holy Roman Empire, the two kings arranged an alliance at Valdoux.

At that time, the Hundred Years War between Britain and France had just ended, or the relationship between the two countries was not friendly enough to sleep in each other's camp. In addition, there is no suitable castle in that area, so both sides must bring their own tents. Henry has already prepared them. The tents he brought have been painted and look like bricks. There are Cupid and The fountain of Dionysus, the statue sprays out Bordeaux red wine.

The encampment was curtained and palatial, filled with scented flowers, tapestries, chapels filled with holy relics, and 300 tents for kitchens and servants.

France did not give up too much, using potted plants to connect the king's bedroom to a spacious banquet hall. The ceiling of the banquet hall was repaired to look like stars. Although the tent was not painted, it was decorated with a lot of exquisite and gorgeous fabrics.

There is an arena between the camps of the two countries, where the knights of the two countries can compete.

It never occurred to her that she would one day face off against an English porcelain merchant.

But obviously, the negotiation of the French trade treaty has a lot to do with the disintegration of Wedgwood's organization.

The French added a condition that France's loans to foreign countries must buy their industrial products.

The British originally wanted to open up France and dump the market controlled by France. This treaty was obviously not good for British industry.

It is estimated that someone in London is lobbying around again, and they are going to distribute pamphlets or something, and bring out the "Amiens Peace Treaty" as a verdict of subjugation.

It seems that no matter whether it is profitable peace or unprofitable peace, it is difficult to maintain. In ancient times, commerce represented peace, but today's shopping malls are as full of gunpowder smoke as battlefields, even the text, so where is there peace? ?

She seemed to understand why the "Fairy Tale King" lived in isolation. In fact, even if the Linderhof Palace was not as gorgeous as the palace, a hut on the wasteland would be enough.

Why did the six years there pass in the blink of an eye?

In this world, time flies so slowly.

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