Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1930 Under the Lion's Claw (12)

Compared with the gorgeous French bindings, British bindings are more simple and cheap. This may be because British literature pays more attention to dissemination than collection, and ordinary people cannot afford expensive bindings.

Vellum binding is relatively common in British binding. This kind of binding can be regarded as "ordinary" and "cheap" binding. During the Renaissance, vellum replaced vellum and became a common writing and printing material. The great flood in Florence in 1966 destroyed more than 300,000 precious ancient books. At that time, almost all the books were submerged in water, soaked in mud and oil stains, but one kind of book survived by floating on the water. .

These "survivors" are "cheap bindings" made of vellum. Although vellum also absorbs water, this simple binding has no wood or cardboard, so it is generally lighter and floats on the water.

Of course you won't find a book in this binding in this rare book store, and Severus took a book from the shelf, and it turned out to be glass bound. It was a herbarium, to be precise, and beneath the thin glass was a chervil, a common flower sometimes called a pincushion, or a wee-morning bride.

He turned the pages of the book and found that it was a book about botany, which contained very exquisite plant illustrations, but when he turned another page, it was about rose windows. , with the Eiffel Tower painted behind it.

He had to stop and read carefully.

The Crystal Palace, where the first World Expo was held, referred to the bottom pattern of Wang Lian. It is solid because of its densely distributed leaf veins, and it is connected from the side. The plant tissue covering these leaf veins is not tight, but wrinkled. The designers of the Crystal Palace took advantage of the structure, where the steel and glass were not laid perfectly flat together.

The Eiffel Tower also mimics nature, the human femur to be precise. Although the Eiffel Tower is named after Gustave Eiffel, its designer is one of his young Swiss engineers, Maurice Kershland. In order to solve the problem of weight distribution of the giant crane skeleton, he consulted his own Swiss engineers. Compatriot Karl Kullmann, who has just come up with a construction model that mimics the human femur.

While Kuhlman was also racking his brains on the problems plaguing Kershland, he was visited by a Swiss anatomy professor. In fact, the femur is equivalent to the cantilever of the spine, and the spine is hinged to the femur. When you look closely, you will see many bundles of fibers. They can shunt the force lines generated by the weight of the body, so they can stably divide the vertical gravity into the horizontal direction. . By calculating and simulating the distribution of femoral bone fibers, Kuhlman succeeded in creating a crane that can build iron towers.

How the church of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence was built is not well documented, especially the design of the crane, which has been lost. Severus could understand this article because it was written in German. In fact, there are two types of lotus, one is the Amazon lotus, and the other is the Victoria lotus. Among them, the Amazon lotus is in It was discovered in 1801 by a German botanist named Haenke in a tributary of the Amazon River.

Compared with the Lily of Victoria produced in Argentina, Lily of the Amazon prefers a warmer climate, and the petioles are covered with thick and dense thorns, and the color of the flowers is brighter than that of Lily of the Victoria.

The Germans liked popular science very much, and Severus bought the book without much thought. He still remembered the idea of ​​building a Crystal Palace that Paul had heard in the Saint-European-St. Cecil Church before.

The Crystal Palace is not so easy to build, even if it is made of glass and steel frames, besides, with the level of metallurgy in the early 19th century, can it cast qualified steel?

With the "specimen" in his pocket, he continued to search among the bookshelves, and soon found a book bound in dark green Moroccan sheepskin, and he took it out of the book.

Napoleon's expedition to Egypt was considered a failure, but he brought ancient Egyptian civilization to Europe. At that time, he asked many scholars to compile a book.

He used a very gorgeous binding. Even if the book in Severus' hands was not the first edition, it was still relatively early. In short, Napoleon Bonaparte used the splendor of ancient civilizations to cover up his failure.

Severus sneered, and put that book away as well. He took the two books in his hand, and the previous Ten Days Talk, to the counter to check out, as if he wasn't buying a rare book, but a rare book. I went to any bookstore and wandered around.

The clerk knows that he has met a big customer, and he will serve him with a smile on his face.

Both banknotes and books are made of paper, but these three books probably need a briefcase of banknotes to take away, but Severus used gold bars to check out, which surprised the clerk a bit.

"You can get an estimate." Severus said, "I can wait for you."

The clerk quickly picked up the phone, and at the same time Severus continued to wander around the bookstore in a leisurely manner, only this time his eyes were more focused on the other side.

The turmoil brought about by the "Carnival of the Animals" will not last long, even with Revo as a behemoth.

Appetite is the most biological instinct, but the basilisk is a weapon. It is essentially similar to a tank, except that the tank burns oil and needs to be refueled, while the basilisk wants to eat mice. Once the basilisk dies, Hogwarts will die. There will be more mice in Ci.

Destruction and killing are the instincts of Revo as a giant beast, but Severus has strengthened its instinct to escape. When attacked, it will not roar like a normal beast, but run away. Even if its strength is not as good as before, it will still Enough with the French Ministry of Magic and the Aurors.

Just as Severus was thinking about countermeasures, the store door was opened again, but no one was seen. Severus lowered his head and found that a dwarf walked in.

Not only wizards can make disguises, but also goblins. This goblin, which looks a lot like a human dwarf, and Severus glanced at each other and immediately recognized each other's identities.

"Good evening, Mr. Bandy-legged." The clerk stood up and said, "Please show me the gold."

The grumpy goblin stared at Severus disrespectfully for a moment, walked behind the table, and climbed up to the table like a mountain.

Severus couldn't help laughing when he saw him.

"What are you laughing at?" said the bow-legged goblin viciously.

"It's nothing." Severus said lightly, no longer looking there, and continued to look at the other side.

The French goblin and the Muggle clerk were muttering in French, and although he couldn't understand what they were saying, he didn't expect it to be anything nice.

The goblin had with him a little box containing the scales and weights, which he quickly weighed.

"It's all true." The bow-legged mouth curled up and said, "You still have to make up for it."

"No, you keep it." Severus said, then picked up the rare book on the table, and left the bookstore.

Instead of going to Luxembourg, he returned to the carriage. Orlando had already left, and only Kreacher was still waiting by the carriage.

"Put these books in the study." Severus handed the rare book he just bought to Kreacher, but before he finished what he explained, a puff of black smoke flew over his head.

All the lights where it flew were extinguished, as if carrying endless darkness, it flew straight towards Luxembourg.

"You will come back later after you open the entrance and drive the carriage in, so you don't need to use it." Severus said, "You stay here and play by ear."

"Yes, sir," Kreacher said, watching Severus disappear around the corner.

Defensive magic was cast on the outskirts of Luxembourg, and Black Smoke broke through two or three times without breaking through, but those hidden Aurors appeared, and they pointed their magic wands at Black Smoke.

Severus raised his wand, and with a flash of white light, the defensive magic vanished.

This is the spell created by Voldemort, and it is the same spell that he used to destroy the school's ancient defensive magic in the Battle of Hogwarts, but in terms of strength, Severus' blow is not at the same level as Voldemort's .

As he had said in the dock, he was still great, but the Elder Wand had let him down.

After the defensive magic disappeared, the Aurors were a little panicked. They divided into two groups, one to deal with the Obscure flying in the sky, and the other to deal with Severus, who easily blocked those spells.

He moved forward very calmly, while the Aurors fled in embarrassment because they dared not face the Obscure. At the same time, Severus raised his wand and waved it around, a blue flame like a bird with wings spread Flew out like a giant bird.

It was flying sand and rocks, but someone yelled "Grindelwald", and Severus couldn't help laughing even more happily.

Grindelwald's blue flame black magic is amazingly powerful, however, these Aurors really misunderstood.

He really has no interest in ruling the world, only a madman would think that.

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