Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1928 Under the Lion's Claw (10)

If one is traveling with a large number of magical beasts, it is best not to travel with Apparation, Floo Powder, or Portkeys.

However, Newt Scamander probably didn't think so much when he smuggled out of the Dover Strait. Fortunately, there was no accident at that time.

Wizards sometimes borrow Muggle transport, but Severus intends to use the carriage as his "green box", and the Paris Zoo is near the Jardin des Plantes, and he releases all the animals from their cages.

Conseil and the others made a lot of noise in the Natural History Museum, and many animal fossils were turned into powder.

Magic makes things move, but doesn't give them life, like Inferi. In essence, there is not much difference between animal specimens and mummies, and even the former is more lifelike.

But that's not life, no matter how lifelike that stuffed twelfth-stringed bird-of-paradise looks in motion.

While hunting spiders in the Forbidden Forest, Pomona once turned leaves into butterflies, which glowed green and fluttered through the forest.

That's different from the Yin corpse emitting green light in the pool.

There is a butterfly called Lunar Eclipse Swallowtail. It has bright yellow wings and black stripes. The stripes are shaped like a crescent moon, hence the name.

But people doubted its existence, because the butterfly specimen that was used as evidence was actually fake.

The chestnut cake they ate on the "international train" was a bit too sweet, but it was the same taste as the one eaten by the Austrian queen more than a hundred years ago, and the recipe has not changed.

He was reading a book at the time, which happened to be "On the Origin of Human Inequality". She sat on his lap and turned to a page, which recorded how the primitive man beat the person who bullied him, and then said Run away, wait for him to relax his vigilance and come back to fight again.

He didn't remember what had offended her, but he remembered the kiss filled with sweet chestnut-flavored cake, whether it was fruit, cake or biscuits, she always associated food.

The animals released from the zoo should have been fed, so they were not in a hurry to feed or run away.

Animals like cats will play with their prey for a while before eating. Dogs or wolves do not have this habit. They will eat food quickly and rarely have fun.

Yet the beast in the wagon killed more than a hundred people without eating them, as if it were hunting for pleasure.

When humans stand at the top of the food chain, they can hunt other animals for fun. Once they slip down from the top of the food chain, they will become the objects of "fun" for other species, whether it is a giant or a giant wolf.

The theory of evolution removes God from the world and reduces the uniqueness of human beings in it. Humans no longer rule the world on behalf of God.

If nothing is unique anymore, why did they let the goblin find a random replacement in Lestrange's vault when the goblin asked for the sword of Gryffindor?

The Patil sisters are not like the Weasley twins, one is in Gryffindor and the other is in Ravenclaw.

The twin sisters were no small allure to eighteenth-century Indian imaginations of the English and French, and the plethora of social balls would have dazzled these two pretty girls, who would be like everyone else Lost in that world?

It was very risky to take Parvati, but she wanted to save her sister so much that, like Gryffindor, she got into a carriage driven by someone she didn't know very well when she heard some clues.

She really didn't have time to hesitate, and there was not much time until dawn, and they didn't have Hathor's power to protect them.

Many men like twin sisters, especially a successful man like Napoleon. Will he focus his attention and interest on the Patil sisters because of his fascination with India?

They were his students, and it was logical that he should protect them.

They were grown women, though, and he would respect that and not discipline them like they did at school.

"You're free," Severus said, as he charmed the animals together and let them in through an open door that opened onto the Champs-Elysées.

The "army" composed of giraffes, zebras, elephants, alpacas, and antelopes is slowly advancing under his driving, while lions, tigers, leopards, and bears lie lazily on the ground, watching the prey in front of their eyes. walk by.

So Severus himself called up the beasts one by one and forced them to go to the door, and now they had the ferocity of beasts and growled at him in a low voice.

At this time, he released the "giant beast" specimen and used a spell to make it look alive. After seeing the giant beast, those beasts also began to pass through the door like herbivores.

At first, the Muggles outside the door did not respond, because the exit was in the park next to the Champs-Elysees Avenue. It was not until a tiger jumped out that it caused a commotion. After the giant beast appeared, people started screaming and running away.

Severus closed the door and took the key. When he opened the door again, there was a barn with a lot of hay.

The zoo without animals is quiet, but he still prefers this kind of tranquility to the "Grand Parade" on the Champs Elysees.

After finishing all this, he left the zoo, went to the bird area, and "sent" birds such as flamingos, emus, and pelicans to the Elysee Palace.

This he learned from his students, who threw a few Nifflers into Umbridge's office.

When the last flamingo passed through the door and the commotion started in the hallway, Severus closed the door, and after all was arranged, he got into the carriage.

"Where are you going, sir?" asked Orlando, who was driving the carriage.

"Back to Luxembourg," Severus said.

Orlando waved his horsewhip, and the Speys immediately ran, and with the flying hooves, you could see lightning and thunder.

After driving about a block, Severus saw an ancient Roman Colosseum through the car window.

It was built in the Roman period of Gaul and is surrounded by Ottoman buildings.

This is also the relic dug out of the ground when Ottoman transformed Paris, and it is now open for free as a street garden.

Not long after the carriage passed by, some people on broomsticks landed there. Among them, Severus still knew a face. It was Dean Thomas, who lived in Harry Potter's dormitory. Ginny dated, and now he's an Auror for the British Ministry of Magic.

Severus laughed in the carriage.

How did Harry and Dean get along peacefully when both had dated Ginny, and Ginny was now Mrs. Potter?

Not long after, he remembered something and took out Victor Hugo's memoirs.

Hugo said that he saw the aurora "aure", which is only one letter "e" missing from Auror "auror", just like the mermaid "sirena" and Siena "siena" are only one letter "r".

Is that possible? What Hugo saw was not an aurora, but an Auror.

How did Victor Hugo know about Aurors? Could he be a wizard too?

Severus' smile widened.

Then he closed the memoir and looked at the scenery outside the window. After passing the arena, the whole area was the school.

The school is Dumbledore's final destination, and Napoleon's final destination is the Seine River, so where should his final destination be?

After all, he can't wander freely forever.

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