Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1920 Under the Lion's Claw (2)

The dawn dispelled the darkness, the deep blue sky turned light green, and the flowers on the grass bloomed. After the young men and women who had left Florence to avoid the plague arrived, they followed the queen and walked slowly to a grove not far from the villa.

Because of the plague, no one came in to hunt in the woods. The goats, elk and other animals seemed to have been tamed, and they would not avoid strangers when they saw them.

The sun began to rise, and the young men and women wore crowns of holm oak leaves on their heads and sang songs with fragrant flowers in their hands.

The servants brought picnic baskets with rich food, and the governor brought the dishes, and everyone ate happily.

After drinking and eating, when the appointed time came, everyone began to take turns telling stories again.

King Solomon's wisdom is well known, and what is even more valuable is that he is approachable. He never refuses anyone who asks him for advice. Therefore, people from all over the world will come to see and ask for advice when encountering difficult problems.

There are two rich boys, one wants to ask Solomon how to be loved by others, and the other wants to ask how to tame the shrew at home. The two traveled together to Jerusalem, and were introduced by King Solomon's court attendants to ask their questions.

"Love," King Solomon said to the young man who asked how to be loved.

"Go to the Goose Bridge," said King Solomon to the young man who asked how he could tame a shrewd wife.

The two pondered for a long time, but they couldn't figure out the meaning of these words. They felt that they were helpless to solve their problems, and they were very upset and went home.

After driving for a few days, the two came to a river. There was a beautiful bridge on the river. A large herd of camel donkeys were crossing the bridge. All the animals had passed. Only one mule lost his temper. The owner of the mule took a stick to do it lightly, but the animal still refused to cross the bridge, so he was furious, and the stick in his hand rained down on the mule, but it still didn't work.

One of the young men couldn't see it, and scolded the mule's owner, "Are you going to kill him? What's the use of beating? Why don't you think of a way to make it go away by itself."

"You ride horses, I will drive mules, mind your own business, I will deal with my mules myself."

As he spoke, he beat the mule again and again. The mule finally crossed the bridge, and the two followed him across the bridge.

At this time they asked a man sitting at the end of the bridge, what is the name of the bridge, and the man replied, "Sir, it is called the Goose Bridge."

The man who asked how to tame his wife suddenly remembered what King Solomon said, and said to his companion, "Now I understand what Solomon said."

A few days later, they will arrive at home. The shrewd wife is quite happy to see her husband coming back, and asks the guest what he would like to eat. Didn't I tell you what's for dinner tonight?"

His wife retorted, "Really? If you don't like it, don't eat it. Say what you say, let me do what you want, eat it or not."

The guest was a little surprised, but the husband said angrily, "You are still the same, I told you to change your temper, wicked woman."

The wife was unmoved, and went back to her room cursing. The husband followed, picked up a stick, grabbed her by the braids of her hair, threw her to the ground and beat her with his hands.

The woman would curse and yell at the beginning, but later she had to beg him not to do anything, and promised that she would not disobey him in the future, but the husband still didn't stop.

He beat his wife until there was no more good flesh on his body, then he took a short rest, washed his hands, had dinner with the guests, and then went back to sleep in their respective beds. She got up early and asked her husband what he wanted to eat, and the two looked at each other with a smile. Since then, the aggressive woman has become obedient.

The young men laughed loudly when they heard the story, but the young women whispered in low voices.

Suzanne was in Flora Café, she was wearing the lotus gold cubit full of Egyptian style, and she was not in a hurry to drink coffee.

There is also Café Flore in Piazza San Marco in Venice, but there are no "real" flowers in that cafe, while the second floor of Café Flore in Paris is full of flowers.

God of flowers, how could there be no flowers? Just like using flowers to make a spring theme, it is really creative.

Severus, who landed at the corner of the street, walked to the opposite cafe. As a scenic spot, even though there were still many tourists at night, he sat down opposite Susanna. Susanna, who was reading a newspaper, raised her head and was obviously stunned. For a moment, he might have seen Severus' golden eyes at the moment.

"Why alone?" Severus asked leisurely.

"Why didn't he come with you?" Susannah asked.

"Count Leroy talked to his brother." Severus paused. "I believe he betrayed me."

Susannah showed no expression.

"Tell me, what is your real purpose?"

"I just want to know if you have done anything illegal. If so, I will call the police." Suzanne brushed her hair, crossed her arms and sat on the back of the chair. A giant outdoor magic show was held in Vincennes Forest under the declared circumstances."

"Is that what you heard?" Severus asked.

"It was reported on the radio, and many people have seen it, Giant." Suzanne pretended to be mysterious and said the last word, "Grindelwald is not like you, at least he was acting secretly before he summoned everyone, you guys How many troubles have you caused since you came to Paris?"

"I'm not Grindelwald," Severus said patiently.

"Your girlfriend asked me why I chose to stay in the Muggle world instead of the wizarding world. I told her that the Muggle government was the victor in World War II, but we were not. We were the loser." Susanna Pursing his lips, he looked unhappy, "Louis XVIII promised not to establish a conscription system, just like the defeated Germany, Napoleon I's every triumph is like giving the city a shot in the arm, how can you make me bear it? "

"I heard that the International Federation of Wizards has a lot of restrictions on you," Severus said.

"The former president of the Wizarding United, the great Albus Dumbledore obviously didn't like pure blood, and I heard that your life is not easy either." Susannah said.

"Yes." Severus smiled, "How did you end up like this?"

"Didn't he tell you?" Susannah asked.

"I was concentrating on the study of magic," Severus said.

"The way for the Ministry of Magic to obtain activity fees is to sell potions and medicinal materials, but our new consul, Bernard Tremblay, has a whim to implement reforms to the Ministry of Magic, and we are not allowed to sell potions anymore. In order to absorb fresh blood and rejuvenate the shrunken noble class, the seats of the Great Council were resold to some approved and wealthy non-pure blood wizards, but his doing so was counterproductive, not only the poor The nobles had no source of income, and these so-called 'new blood' did not marry the old nobles to solve the problem of extinct families. At that time, many people who attended the Grindelwald meeting were poor purebloods who hated the International Statute of Secrecy ..."

"So they were eager to smash that chain," Severus said.

"I really don't understand why we have to ban love potions even though they are not banned in England."

"I think he has historical considerations," Severus said.

"Lestrange was one of the first exiled nobles to return to France. They have property. It is strange that the richer the nobles are, the less willing they are to marry, while the poor continue to live."

"I know a family that has eight children," Severus said.

"You mean Weasley?"

"Have you heard of them?"

"They are also famous." Suzanne sighed incomparably, "Being a hero, they are still so fertile. We all thought that Corvus Lestrange would never get married or have children in this life, but in order to gain his support, Bernard Tremblay married his niece to him, after that dreadful scandal. When his son died, the Lestranges in France ended."

"Have you heard of Prince Eugen?" Severus asked suddenly.

"The German god of war?" Susannah asked. "Why do you ask?"

Severus folded his arms, lost in some kind of thought.

"Who was the first person to design the organizational structure of your Ministry of Magic?" he asked after a moment of thought.

"Cyril Lestrange I, it was he who gave the Lestrange family an important position in the French magic world." Susannah lowered her voice and said, "He married Darena Moreau."

Severus looked shocked.

"I knew you were going to be wrong. Moreau is one of the most common French surnames. She has nothing to do with that 'Scipio'." Suzanne said with a smile.

"We have a superstition over there. Wizards cannot join the Muggle war, but Henry Potter insisted on joining. Similarly, I don't think it is a good idea to sell the love potion to Muggles. It will attract curses." Sif Les said.

"You said it so lightly, do you want us to use political donations to pay the employees of the Ministry of Magic like you?" Susannah shook her head, "When Napoleon I was in Italy, he replaced the Republic and paid the soldiers. I remember It is also because of this that the Malfoy family is very powerful in the British Ministry of Magic, and even controls the Minister of Magic behind the scenes. What's more, there is supply when there is demand. Even if we don't sell potions, you will sell potions to Muggles. Has the love potion been banned first?"

Severus stared at Suzanne, she proudly picked up the cup, took a sip of coffee, and said with a smile, "We're all decimated, guess if the U.S. Ministry of Magic will send Aurors like you did back then catch you?"

"I'm not Grindelwald," Severus repeated.

"But you are a dangerous person. Didn't Count Leroy and his brother notify the Aurors to arrest you?"

"You're still interested in him?" Severus asked.

"What does it matter?" Suzanne asked strangely.

Severus thought for a long time, but couldn't figure out how to express it.

"Oh, I understand." Suzanne laughed. "You think I'm going to have a long-term relationship with him? Like lovers."

"Isn't it?" Severus asked.

"Do you still think about getting married?" Suzanne asked with a sneer.

The pure Sev spread his hands.

"What I'm thinking about now is how to make him fall in love with me. He obviously likes young women." Suzanne said, "But I can give him what young women can't give him."

"You take him as a lover?" Severus asked.

"If he can make me fall in love with him, I will also consider marrying him. I'm not the kind of person who plays games in the world." Suzanne said coldly.

"Can you just tell me what you were thinking?" Severus asked.

"Isn't that obvious?" Susannah said gravely.

Maybe it was because he thought he couldn’t comprehend this rotten piece of wood, but Susanna finally said mercifully, “Your rules may think that the marriage is already settled when the man brings the girl to meet his parents, but it’s different here, the girl Meeting the man's parents doesn't mean we must marry him, France is where men revolve around women, he wants to spend his mind on me and make me happy, do you understand?"

The "devil king" showed a surprised expression that didn't match his aura.

"Oh, my God, you don't know?" Suzanne said with a smile.

"Sounds complicated." Severus said modestly.

Suzanne smiled and shook her head, picked up the coffee and took a sip, her lipstick left a faint imprint on the white porcelain cup, paired with the "cafe of flore" written in green cursive, it looked like a deformation Blooming roses supported by green leaves.

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