Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1907 father's watch (fifteen)

On the foggy Austerlitz battlefield, the anti-French alliance first launched an attack on the Platzen Heights and the seemingly weak right wing.

In the vision of the coalition forces, the right wing can be easily captured, and then together with the central army to encircle and annihilate the French army.

However, the right-wing French army did retreat easily at the beginning, but it did not collapse as the coalition forces had imagined. Instead, it held back more coalition forces. At the same time, the French army reoccupied the high ground. the reserve team.

Santo Domingo can be understood as the right wing that attracts the forces of the coalition forces. If Napoleon, like the commander of the coalition forces, continues to invest in troops, it will form a deadly quagmire, which will not only consume military expenses and forces, but also destroy confidence. Yes, illness especially affects morale.

The people of Santo Domingo will resist desperately, and the slave rebels in Guadeloupe would rather blow themselves up than be slaves. This kind of battlefield where the fish die and the net is broken, and both die together is not Europe, and the prisoners are treated preferentially.

Later, the Poles refused to carry out their orders. The Swiss mercenaries in Marseilles mutinied when they heard that they were going to Santo Domingo before they boarded the ship. Fear, no longer want to go.

Life needs necessities. Human beings exist as a kind of society. It is impossible for everyone to meet all their needs by themselves. The United States of America in the early days of the founding of the country also needed European goods.

Relying on social division of labor and exchange, individuals can find ways to struggle freely, and some of their needs will be met, but some needs, and the most basic needs may not be self-sufficient. As for the large and extensive national defense, it is beyond the affordability of any individual. It is impossible for these individuals to do it, and it constitutes a common interest for the life-and-death necessities of the whole society and each member, which can also be called the public interest.

The common interest covers the needs of all people, and the satisfaction of these needs affects the fate of individuals. It will continue to change with the times, social forms, public psychology, and technological development. The development of science and technology is enough to change the structure of society, such as the change of transportation capacity, the process of changing from animal power to steam engine and then to electricity. The number of horse breeders will gradually decrease, and instead, the number of workers in power plants will increase.

This force is so powerful that administrative law cannot form a code like other laws. The earliest codes in Britain and the United States were real estate codes, because real estate is stable and difficult to change.

The construction of the "superstructure" requires excellent designers. If it is not stable enough to withstand the wind and rain, it will collapse. If the people living in the house are still shaking the pillars inside, it will collapse without wind and rain.

Bentham believed that "the greatest interest" is the greatest interest of the majority of people, which is social, but in actual practice, it is found that everyone acts according to the maximization of their own value and interests. Slavery, the brutal exploitation of workers, the words that the wizard from the East said to Severus "best interests" were very British.

Common interest does not necessarily have profit, so no one will take the initiative to undertake it, but it is a matter of life and death, and cannot be achieved by individual strength.

Unity is important for republics that have common needs and want to achieve common interests. The neighbor of the French Republic, the Netherlands, was already a republic during the time of Louis XIV, and their administrative power was great at that time.

The separation of powers is checks and balance in English, séparation des pouvoirs in French, and Gewaltenteilung in German. These three words focus on "check and balance", "separation" and "power distribution" respectively.

In the representative system of the United Kingdom and the presidential system of the United States, in order to prevent two monkeys from uniting to kill a monkey, the monarch and the president need veto power, so that even if a monkey makes a mistake, the other two cannot punish it. A monkey is about the same size.

The administration and judiciary in France are mixed together, which was created by the Paris High Court. In the era of the monarchy, the High Court of Paris not only had judicial functions, but also had administrative functions. The registration and admonition rights of the king's amnesty decree were also in the hands of judges. Judges often used the right of registration against the king.

When Louis XV wanted to reform the finances, the Parisian judges used this power, and then they were exiled, and the king carried out the Mopp reform, which was very unpopular, and Louis XVI took Mopp as soon as he came to power The operation won the cheers of the people of Paris.

There is no representative system in France, the system of eight years of the republic, although the people do not exercise any public duties, but can establish trust for all people, it does not make laws, does not manage, does not conduct, as ancient anarchic democracies do Judgments, but legislators, rulers, and judges always choose from among those whom it chooses. The list of electors is selected based on the amount of tax paid, not like rock stars who go to various places to solicit votes. Funding for campaigning is also obtained through lobbying or political donations. For example, the banquet held by Henry Shaw Jr. was sponsored by rich people. Only with this money can candidates have the opportunity to package and promote themselves, otherwise, if others don't know you, who will vote for you? This kind of democracy is actually a game for the rich. Few people pay, and tax avoidance and transfer of assets are even more normal.

French administrative law is similar to the common case law. The judgments of French administrative judges are personal works, and they do not tend to private law of common law. Especially when talking about the independence of administrative law, the core lies in the pursuit of French administration. The goal is the common good, which is in conflict with ordinary private law.

When in the relationship between the executive and the individual, conflicts inevitably arise between the common interests represented by the executive and the private interests of the governed, then the principle of equality does not apply, and the common interest takes precedence over the private interest, which generally also express obey.

For example, if the administrative agency wants to use a piece of private land to build a facility for the collective use, but the owner refuses to sell it, then the administrative agency will be given coercive measures to force the owner to sell it under the condition of giving various guarantees.

Napoleon's nationalization of private tobacco is also based on this point. Tobacco tax is a very important income, and because his tax rate is very high, smuggled cigarettes are popular.

Local public construction and charitable expenses have been recovered by the central government. There is no need for local road construction, and the central government has appointed professional construction teams to build roads, canals and bridges.

Centralization can determine the administrative budget, control the appropriation of funds, and thus dominate administrative activities. The abolition of tax privileges is also one of the fruits of the Great Revolution. After repairing the former royal garden, it can not only be used for viewing, but also can hold some ceremonies and commercial activities, and earn a little money to supplement it, so that the cost of appropriation and maintenance can be reduced in the future.

There's an American proverb: If it ain't broken, don't fix it.

Now the main military avenues were all built during the period of Louis XIV, and they have not changed for decades.

Before Rousseau, Montesquieu and Diderot also discussed the general will. In their eyes, the theory of divine grace and egoism are the root of all evils, but the pursuit of personal interests is a normal motive, and there is no profit. No one will take the initiative to undertake the task, and there is no motivation to develop new technologies or integrate resources. Market competition is survival of the fittest, and spending more money on inferior services is also not conducive to public interest.

Diderot said in the "Encyclopedia": The general will is for each person a pure act of understanding, which may implicitly require people like him, and like him This has the power to call upon his passions to reason. The common will in this case is not synonymous with the will of the people, it is more reminiscent of the concept of "self-evident".

For example, you can’t pick flowers in the park, and you can’t defecate anywhere, because this is in a public place, and the common interest is higher than the individual interest. The common interest and the freedom of birth are listed in Article 1 of the Declaration of Human Rights. Someone will definitely stop picking flowers. What was the person who stopped him thinking at the time?

Before Rousseau, the concept of the public will did not resort to political legitimacy in French philosophical culture. We are equal without picking flowers, and everyone does not enjoy the freedom to do whatever they want, or the behavior of harming the public and benefiting the private, abolishing corruption and streamlining the organization It is also one of the fruits of the Great Revolution.

In history, Napoleon restored the tobacco tax in 1810. Austerlitz fought, and Trafalgar also fought. The European continent has already surrendered, and Russia will fight again. It is not necessary to prepare such an expeditionary force. It can be assembled in a month or two.

That's when he started to lose control.

He couldn't go by sea, he could only expand on land, and the supply on the European continent at that time would not be able to keep up.

Using war to support war not only caused disasters to the local residents, but if the scorched-earth policy was adopted like Russia, there would be no chance of replenishment at all, and in the end the cavalry could only kill horses to satisfy their hunger.

Compared with the Anglo-Saxon system, the British system pursues the opposite logic. They focus on the coordination between the rights of the government and the rights of individuals. The "Corn Law" and the Irish famine are examples.

To put it bluntly, the Anglo-Saxon system is more like the protector of individual rights. The Enlightenment and the general will, which advocated political rationality, broke suddenly in 1789, when the opinion adopted at that time was: the law is the expression of the general will.

If there is an uncrowned king in France, it is the general will and the common good. It was crowned in 1789, but it has no crown. It reflects the "Declaration of Human Rights": everyone can obtain happiness, and social differences can only be established on the basis of public welfare. .

The reason why administrative judges pursue flexibility is to try to achieve a balance with the rights and freedoms of the common people. Judges can follow their own opinions. For example, Pomona used the Sackley Law to judge the body-snatching case. This is not absolutely fair. The British did not How can I make an apology and pay for it? This is a matter of balance, like the abandoned wife case, the abandoned wife only has a house, and the bank took the mortgage. Where does she live?

Delicate flowers need care, Americans love to speculate in land, and when the French Revolution swept away rank and privilege, civil law still focused on what it cared about before. The Napoleonic Code was based on civil customs and decrees issued by the monarch. Appropriately edited and localized for use in Quebec, which was not affected by the Revolution.

The dark and rough-skinned man sitting beside the Temple of Love in Marie Antoinette's garden is the Marquis de Vaudreuil, who was not only Marie Antoinette's friend, but also Governor General of Canada.

If the American Revolutionary War was to defend the representative system of the thirteen states, then the annexation of Louisiana might shake this "eternal social covenant", and the Constitutional Convention has already passed once vaguely.

The revolution of the general will, once ambiguous, now began to be clear again, as Siyes invented an electoral law that merged universal and celebrity elections and expanded taxpayer elections, which were representative in nature and ordinary citizens had no right to representation The people also have no right to confer a right in the name of an individual, but must come from representatives of the whole people who represent the people.

For example, patent workers, who are workers but have patents, can participate in labor mediation committees and sit with employer representatives to resolve labor disputes, wage payment, and safety and health issues.

Workers trust that person to negotiate with the employer on their behalf. If he is the same as them, there is a risk, but it is different with patents. He can leave the factory with the patent and go to other places. Manufacturers who lose patents will lose their competitiveness. , The patent ownership has to pay for the lawsuit.

As long as citizens who have not lost their citizenship rights are eligible to be elected, citizens will lose their citizenship rights when they become foreign nationals, accept positions or annuities offered by foreign governments, join foreign organizations that advocate inequality in birth, and are sentenced to death or humiliation.

Sentences include capital punishment and imprisonment, while humiliating punishments are insulting and damaging to people's reputations, because the reputation of the "red arms" who were vaccinated by military doctors was damaged, but they were not punished. They will die, and they will die from smallpox if they are not vaccinated, so they are still citizens.

This method is not original, it was thought up by Hermione Granger, the informant Marietta Ackmore had dense purple pustules on her face, which spelled "Informant".

She had signed the contract, and the pimples on her face were punishment for snitching.

In fact, the deleted and revised Declaration of Independence can not be saved, so that no one will know.

However, these "fathers of the nation" may hope that "future generations" can solve their legacy problems, just like people who are terminally ill and frozen, and when technology advances in the future, they will be "resurrected" and their diseases will be cured.

Every living nation has some ideal which Providence wishes it to realize, and the realization of this ideal is its particular cause, mission, or destiny.

I hope that this time the lion in the wild is right with the North Star, so that he won't get lost in his own desert again.

What I think of when I hear Grindelwald say the greatest good is the common good...

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