Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1905 father's watch (thirteen)

The house next to the vineyard had no fireplace, at least not on the first floor, which meant that it was too cold to live in it, except when the spring was warm and the roses were in bloom.

Rich people tend to have more houses, but Bagatelle Garden is a public garden, and the property rights do not belong to any individual. The funds used to repair the toilet are also paid from the cost of restoring it, and the cost of maintaining the toilet will also be paid from it in the future. No matter how the dictator tries to cover the sky with his hands, whether to set up public utilities or not requires the competent government agencies to follow the "common interest" principle. An assessment is required, and the state authority has discretion over such assessment, provided it is consistent with constitutional principles.

However, the right to set up belongs to the government agency, but whether to use it or not belongs to the people. A person can have a picnic in the Bagatelle Garden, or he can take the bride to the church repaired in the garden to hold a wedding. By the way, in the Little Red House Inviting guests and friends here, which used to be the privilege of the royal family and nobles, is now also open to commoners. There is still a little distance from the toilet next to the vegetable garden. Isn't it the same for him to fertilize the flowers and trees directly in the bushes?

Those toilets built in residential areas, main roads or other public places, if charged, are a kind of income, which can be understood in terms of city entry tax. If they are not charged, they are a kind of expenditure, which will cause additional financial burdens. It is reasonable to say that the health department should be responsible for this cost, but the executive government is short of money and is spending money everywhere, and has bought so much food to solve the hunger problem. They still dare not raise the price, and the public will riot if they raise the price.

No matter whether the honey source is poisonous or not, as long as the bees can make a fortune, even the gold, silver and jewelry dug out of the cesspit can also get rich. Black cats like Mataggett were originally used to guide farmers to find treasure in the cesspit.

New ideas can continue to emerge, but it is not that simple to ensure the operation of public utilities. State machinery also needs fuel just like machines, and private utilities that have no income will not contract. The stagecoach is different, anyway, as long as I get to the station on time, what kind of horse-drawn cart do you care?

Mrs. Sevre's horses were English thoroughbreds, so white and hairless that the famous half-bloods were jealous. And those who use ordinary horse-drawn carriages are jealous of the carriages of celebrities, that kind of stage carriages usually use bad horses, they are consumables, almost no one takes care of them, also they are cheap, calculate the cost and income Still profitable.

As for the street lights, the street with the lights on will have a good business. Girls will walk under the street lights holding the arms of men. Maybe they will go in and buy something nice in the window. It is currently arranged in a rich area. It is not safe to install street lamps in areas where poor people live, and they also like to cause damage, smashing street lamps with stones.

There is no intention, just for fun, and the street lights also provide a place for posting tenders.

The reconciliation with Britain is satisfactory. What makes people "dissatisfied" is the issue of slavery. If the most famous British in the 20th century is Lord Denning, then the most famous in the Napoleonic era is Lord Stowell and his brother. Lord Eldon.

Lord Stowell was very happy to advocate justice in the field of his own discretion. He wrote in the ruling of a case: Humanity is the second virtue of the court, and there is no doubt that justice is the first virtue of the court.

There was a slave who came to the UK temporarily and was not emancipated. However, slavery was abolished in the UK. His slave status was temporarily suspended in the UK, but it did not disappear. Once the slave voluntarily returned to the country that had not been abolished Identity is still there.

Slavery had been abolished in France, but the Consulate took it upon itself to restore it. When the constitution was changed, a referendum was held. How could it not be restored when slavery was restored?

Looking at the Constitution later, Article 42 stipulates that "Once the First Consul considers it appropriate, he shall propose a citizen as his successor after his death", and he has the right to declare an amnesty.

Some people choose to be silent, while others choose to put up slogans all over the street like stickers at the entrance of the Tuileries Palace. The "Battle of the Posters" would be popular at Madame du Barry's, and the whole city would wake up to the words: If no one lowers the price of bread, if no one takes care of the affairs of state, we will take part in it alone.

Now this kind of label has appeared again. Jacques Necker, the financial director of Louis XVI, is the biggest enemy of Marie Antoinette. It will also be announced.

In 1781, Jacques Necker published the first public report on the royal finances, which had never been considered by the public to be their own business.

France’s fiscal deficit was as high as 1.2 billion, of which 1 billion was used in the War of Independence. However, the public did not know this data. They only saw the royal financial report. It must be that the queen spent all the treasury, so Mary was crowned "deficit" Queen" nickname.

There is a Greek slave girl next to Mrs. Sevres. Greece represents freedom. How can female slaves be allowed to exist?

Generally speaking, no one will "voluntarily" escape from a country where slavery has been abolished, or go to a country where slavery has not been abolished, but if it becomes the focus of discussion, in order to save their lives, escape from these right and wrong, that Greek girl named Ferriel Maybe he will "voluntarily" leave.

The achievements of the Great Revolution period are first of all dilapidated. The administrative system under the old system was wiped out, and it was completely broken with the past. Madame Dubarry did not understand this, and was guillotined after being denounced by a freed slave who had become a follower of the revolution.

Madame Tussaud's wax figures come to life because she collects the decapitated heads from the corpses of her victims and makes masks for them, including Madame Dubarry's. This wax figure is named "Sleeping Beauty", Because of Madame Dubarry's famous saying encore un moment please wait!

After the signing of the Amiens contract, Madame Tussaud took her works to London for exhibition. In the books of the two female teachers, a woman pouring water was recorded. She was as motionless as Madame Tussaud's wax figure.

No one has ever thought about this. The media and newspapers have written that Napoleon's favorite is Josephine, but the dream lover is not a real woman.

There is only one woman in the world that I love, do you know that woman? I want to paint her like her, but I'm going to add a lot of beauty to her, and then you'll know her.

Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa always smiled mysteriously. She may have been completely different from the original model, because Da Vinci added a lot of beauty, making her hazy and dreamy.

Maybe Napoleon didn't have the superb painting skills of Da Vinci, but he had a good memory and could draw the woman's face on the picture.

It doesn't matter if it's inaccurate, you just need to put a veil on her, so that no one can see what she looks like.

The dream lover does not exist. He first fell in love with the Venus of the Medici in Florence, a woman with blond hair and red lips. Later, he met Countess Valewski in Warsaw, as if she was his dream. .

His heart began to burn again, but the "fuel" provided by Countess Valewski was only temporary.

The god of love in the sky is not the god of love on the ground. The little nobles in Paris took the idyllic love on the stage as real, thinking that there are such simple peasant girls who are not afraid of the rich and powerful, and are not tempted by money. He said, if he really found it, he would marry her and bring it out for everyone to see.

Pastor: Groom, do you want this woman to be your wife and make a marriage contract with her? Love her, take care of her, respect her, accept her, and be faithful to her forever, whether in sickness or in health, in poverty or in wealth?

Groom: I would.

Pastor: Bride, do you want this man to be your husband and make a marriage contract with him? In sickness or in health, in poverty or in wealth, love him, take care of him, respect him, accept him, and be faithful to him forever till the end of his life?

No matter how sweet the newlyweds are, the days without money are full of bumps and bumps, and many lovers will quarrel and break up because of some trivial matters after marriage.

Women often can't help but "wait a moment" before saying "I do". Can love really solve all problems?

Or, like Destal, I don't want a marriage without love?

She is the daughter of a banker, and she never lived a life working in a factory from dawn to dusk, nor did she lose her source of income like Josephine, but still had two children to support.

It's time for you to go back to Sleeping Beauty, because you have another vow to keep.

The shepherd in your arms has fallen into a sleep of eternal silence, and he can't feel anything.

What's more, how do you know if you love the real him or your own fantasy?

I tell you the truth, my heart can only find so many good things to say to you, the nights feel long when I live alone.

These love words are not meant for you, they are said by other people's husbands to their wives, and they have nothing to do with you, so let's go.

Cleopatra means a daughter who makes her father proud. Are you proud of what you have done?

In Hobbes' Leviathan, the laws of the state are like the rules of the game, and nothing that is agreed upon by the participants is unjust to them. They both gained approval and had an affair with a married man.

Just like Horus killed his sister, according to Roman law, if someone willfully kills a free man, you are a kinslayer.

But Horas's sister wept for the enemy, because the loser was her lover, and Horas, who won the duel, was the hero who had just successfully defended the city-state.

The citizens of Rome gave him permission, thinking that the glory he had brought to the city would justify the murder of his sister, and even her father pointed to her bones in defense of her brother.

This is the history of the system of appealing to the people. Socrates was voted to execute the death penalty. Moreover, there is also the human experiment of Marina. Someone gave her a rose and asked her to hold it in her hand, but someone used the rose Stabs and stabs her until someone puts a gun to her head and pulls the trigger before anyone realizes this isn't a show.

Life sucks, it's like eating edible black film marks, it makes people feel sick, but at the worst it's your own.

There is such a line in Malfoy's family motto: There are only two things in life that are fair to us. The first is that each of us has 24 hours, and the second is that each of us will face death.

There is nothing wrong with dying at a young age, but being remembered as a hero. On the contrary, it is even more pitiful to live like a bad horse, exhausted and no one cares.

If the Time-Turner was used, going back to the day Harry reminded James Potter, would anything have changed?

The clock is ticking, ticking, and turning constantly, but just listening to the sound, how do you know whether it is moving forward or backward.

When he was leaving, Severus looked back at the female corpse again. If it was the corpse of Louis XIV, it would have rotted away. She seems to have some remnants, which means that it may only take two or three years to bury her. Living at St. Luke's Palace isn't Bourbon anymore.

Who the murderer is seems self-evident, but why?

He felt as if he had missed something, but couldn't grasp the point, so he turned his head and walked into the forest full of doubts.

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