Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1903 father's watch (eleven)

The courtyard with the iron gates was no obstacle to the two wizards. Led by Severus, Lucius and Haji entered the small villa next to the vineyard, as if they had returned to their own home.

Pushing open the ivory white double doors, what greets the eyes is a piece of blue.

"I thought I was in a Ravenclaw house," Lucius teased.

Severus ignored him and entered the carpeted house.

If Hufflepuff's lounge is all about warmth and comfort, with yellow drapes and fat round armchairs everywhere, this place has a dynamic and smooth beauty, and the lines of the furniture have been studied by yourself. Carved, like a cut gem.

The French have a habit of facing the courtyard with their bedroom facing the courtyard. This is the case in the Malfoy family's manor. Fortunately, there is no such frightening thing on the first floor. It is a place for entertaining guests. There is a small coffee table next to the French windows. Two people can sit and drink tea or coffee.

The light coming in from the floor-to-ceiling windows illuminates the living room. The sofa is gray and may be plated with silver, but there is no coffee table. In the open space in front of the sofa is a wooden horse that a child rides, and there are toys for the boy under the sofa. .

Severus picked up a wooden elephant, motionless as if petrified, Haji was about to say something, but was stopped by Lucius.

He stood there for a long time, and then walked to the next door. This room didn't have so many curtains, but there was a desk, a chaise longue, and the only painting on the entire wall.

It was Titian's Dionysus and Ariadne, apparently "brought over" from the Louvre again. There is a large expanse of lapis lazuli blue throughout the painting, on which stars are also depicted. As far as there was no such pigment as ultramarine blue in the Renaissance, it can be said that this painting is invaluable if it is ground and painted with pure lapis lazuli.

Rock pigments are not as sensitive to light as plant and chemical pigments, and there is no need to worry about discoloration when exposed to natural light. Many grotto murals use this kind of pigment.

For example, the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, or the kingdoms of the Buddha on the Silk Road, but those painters used lapis lazuli to paint the clothes of the Bodhisattva or the vase in their hands, unlike this painting, which is full of naked men and women under the starry sky.

Severus glanced at the reclining chair, then at the paintings on the wall, he naturally walked to the reclining chair and sat down, then lay down on it a little stiffly.

When his head rested on the armrest of the recliner, he could just look at the painting, and he smelled a strong perfume and a smell of wine, as if someone was lying down and drinking while admiring the painting.

"Have you brought cigars?" Severus asked.

"Bring it." Lucius said, he took out a solid gold cigarette case from his jacket pocket, lit one of the cigars and gave it to Severus.

Fine cigars produce a sweet aroma, which is different from the sweetness artificially added, but comes from the polysaccharides produced after fermentation, which is the opposite of the wine fermentation process.

The most important thing is that the cigar will produce a strong smell, which can cover the smell of alcohol.

"Do you think that painting depicts the lawns of Padua?" Severus asked.

"What?" Lucius asked.

Severus was so inexplicable that he stopped talking after asking, and he shook the ashes directly on other people's rugs, looking quite rude.

Ariadne was the daughter of Minos on the island of Crote. Her grandmother was Europa who gave birth to a minotaur monster, which she had with Zeus, the king of the gods. The king of Crete ordered Daedalus Build a maze and imprison the monsters in it.

Although praised on the island, Daedalus was unwilling to spend his life on this isolated island. He made a pair of wings out of wax and feathers. His son Icarus liked to stand by his side to help, and later waited for the wings. It's done, Icarus wants to test flight, Daedalus told him, you can't fly too high, because the sun will melt the wax, you will fall from a high place, and you can't fly too low, because the wings are stained. If it is out of water, it cannot fly.

Icarus didn't listen to his father, he flew too high and eventually got too close to the sun, the wax on his wings melted, and Daedalus lost his son.

One day, it was time for Athens to offer virgin boys and girls as tribute to Crete and feed the Minotaur. This time the tribute came to a young man named Theseus. When he was still on the boat, Ali Adne fell in love with him at first sight. She secretly gave Theseus a ball of thread and taught him how to use it to escape from the maze.

However, Ariadne's help did not allow her to win the love of Theseus. This may be the arrangement of the god of fate. He would snatch Helen, but he could not possess her, because he was already old at that time, and he and the young The hero made a promise to find another woman as his wife—Persephone, queen of the underworld.

Their actions eventually got them detained in the underworld until they were rescued by Hercules, at which time Helen was rescued by her brother.

There will be a woman who, like Ariadne, will untangle a ball of disordered life and give him one end.

Alcohol in the brain will bring people a feeling that maybe seeing things is not so clear, but more vivid. The Greek philosophers in the symposium are talking about it, which is essentially no different from the nonsense of a drunkard.

They didn't think about it that much, or it wasn't clear enough, but who cares? This is the time to have fun.

The princess abandoned by Theseus looks very pitiful, and Dionysus comes to see her in a chariot and brings her comfort, which is the main content of Titian's painting.

The Saha world referred to by Buddhism refers to the place where the three evils and five destinies are mixed. The three evils refer to hell, hungry ghosts and animals. Asura.

It differs from the six paths of reincarnation, that is, the way of heaven, and there often represents the pure land, without having to endure all kinds of troubles and sufferings, so the Saha world is also called the world of five turbidities, which is the opposite of the pure land of bliss, and it is also the world taught by Sakyamuni .

The purpose of cultivating Buddhism is to escape the six realms of reincarnation, and heaven and man will also fall. Asura has beautiful women but no food, and Indra has food but no beautiful women. The two gods are jealous of each other and fight endlessly, so the battlefield is commonly called "Sura Field".

The Buddha worked unremittingly to teach and transform all living beings in this filthy Saha world, letting them learn great wisdom, great compassion and great courage. Whether it is the sentient beings who are content with the ten evils or the Buddha who teaches and transforms all living beings, he must endure suffering, so the Saha world is also called the Land of Endurance. And Saha means to endure.

If there is no one to remind, many people will get lost in the beauty in front of them.

There is no form in the world, and the form is born from the heart. The visible things are actually non-things, and the perceptible things are actually non-things.

Even if you can't see through this layer, you can't see the cause and effect, so you can't stop giving.

"Infernal Affairs" begins with gangsters going to burn incense and worship Buddha, asking the Buddha to bless them all the best, and they also donated a large sum of money.

Should Buddhism accept this money?

Sometimes the endless purgatory does not come from the fire outside the body, but from the fire in the heart, and hungry ghosts often walk with fire.

The endless hell will not be interrupted. Marie Antoinette was engaged in 1766, when she was too young, only 11 years old, and she turned 14 four years later, that is, she married to France in 1770.

Napoleon's birthday was in 1769, and the Versailles where the two English female teachers went was only Marie Antoinette and some gardeners, who pointed out the way to them, while Severus and Pomona met from another The entrance came in.

Once Napoleon dies, the whole world will be reset, and everything will start from the wedding at Compiègne.

Besides Marie Antoinette, another Austrian princess, Marie-Louis, was welcomed there.

Since Maria Theresa, the Habsburg princesses are not as good as the next generation, but as long as they are noble and pure, it is enough. The most important thing is that she can give birth to a son for the emperor.

So what if he abdicated? Anyway, if he doesn't abdicate, he won't last for a few years.

The most important thing is not to lock Pomona's soul in this world.

He had been really hungry for a long time, and when he saw the pure princess, he entered her bedroom without the wedding.

But even so, he was still not fed. In the eyes of the shabby artillery lieutenant living on the streets of Paris, the woman in the scholar's study was the most beautiful.

Without love potions, even if he is an emperor, rich as hell, he still can't catch up with women.

Severus suddenly laughed.

His laugh was a little creepy, and both Lucius and Hage looked at him in horror, as if thinking he had gone mad.

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