Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 190 Disabled

Harry Potter is a very ordinary person. He doesn't like the reputation of his savior. He hopes to live an ordinary life rather than being famous. This is hard for the old Slytherin basilisk to understand. Pomona believes ha Leigh would surely have been eager to ditch his job as Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and be an ordinary Auror himself. He was a Quidditch player and couldn't do the work of a "bookworm". He was very self-aware, but everyone Put the blame on him, he must be in need of help now.

In addition to Arthur Weasley, there is another person who can manipulate Harry, Calvin Robards, the director of the Auror Office. If Arthur really quits the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, then Harry will really become a piece of meat , being fought over by righteous aura masters and dark wizards, and coincidentally now Calvin and Slytherin's vipers are allies, men are so dirty when they play political games, if Pomona really becomes a Then Harry will be played and applauded by those adults, and the "victory" that Dumbledore worked so hard to create will be gone.

Muggles believe in democratic elections, and think that they should be led by the leader they choose. She hardly needs to think about it. If she touched her coffers, without the money she would not be able to support Hermione's election, and Pomona's whimsical dream of supporting Hermione as the Minister of Magic could be stopped. But what a cute reason he gave. He spent her money to buy gifts for her. That's why the goblin reminded her not to sign any documents casually, she hates these reptiles who are good at playing tricks!

Severus knew that she liked loyal pets, and the bird and snake's habit of taking the creature at first sight as a mother was very suitable for her. Hagrid's former teacher of the Protection of Magical Beasts, Kettleburn, used to Brought a jays to school, she'd wanted it for a long time, but that animal was very dangerous, and Kettleburn, like Hagrid, always underestimated it when caring for such creatures as jays, grindylows, and fire crabs Its danger is that when he retired, he only had one arm and half of a leg left. During his teaching period, he was detained for inspection 62 times, which is an unprecedented historical record. But he was a crowd pleaser in the teachers' common room, and unlike Slytherin's oily old Bat, he didn't mean to be likeable, but was kind of eccentric and very cute. Once he used ash snakes instead of worms in the Fountain of Fortune play at Christmas, and he almost burned the Hogwarts Great Hall down. This accident is very famous, but Severus was not in that accident. After Christmas at school, his social life began to increase after the new headmaster of Slytherin officially established himself. Dumbledore also gradually trusted him to surpass her, and let him replace Pomona to handle noble-related affairs. Hufflepuff is a very contemptuous college, but in fact there are more pure blood than Slytherin. She is also influential among nobles, but her style is completely different from that of the old bat. She prefers to use a smile Make friends, not interests.

Amelia Bones has no children, but she has a niece, Susan Bones, who, like Hermione, is a member of the DA and was one of the members who turned Malfoy into a slug, during a Disapparation Her leg was separated from her in shape class. Although her leg was reattached later, this incident still left some shadows on her, and she never used Apparation again. The current Pomona is no match for her former student Severus Snape. Pomona saw it during the duel in the auditorium. He not only blocked Minerva's attack, but also calculated the angle well. The spell rebounded on the Carlo brothers and sisters. When Dumbledore fell from the Astronomy Tower, maybe he was not determined enough. Avada Kedavra did not kill him, but falling from a high place would also kill the wizard. Severus didn't need to worry about this kind of problem after learning the flying technique from Voldemort. He could fly up from any height he fell, and Pomona would not succumb to his will in the face of such a powerful person.

Her brain is not as good as his, and she can't think so far. The only thing she can think of is to support Hermione to become the Minister of Magic. Letting Hermione work in the Ministry of Magic's Executive Department full of wolves and leopards is tantamount to a sheep entering the tiger's mouth. She needed an ally, and Pomona's first thought was Susan. A Death Eater who escaped from prison in 1995 brutally murdered his uncle, aunt, and several cousins. She was forced to leave school for a while, Ami Leah is a pure blood, but unfortunately her blood can no longer save her life in the face of politics and scheming. To be a qualified judge requires fairness and justice, but she plays politics and hopes that the verdict will be on her side. During Voldemort's reign, the Ministry of Magic The Executive Department seems to have two directors, but in fact Pierce Thicknesse is controlled by the Imperius Curse. A wizard like Amelia who refuses to cooperate with Voldemort to maintain fairness and justice has become his stumbling block. She was killed Now, along with her family who supported her, war doesn't solve all problems but the people who create them. Pomona is not like Dolores Umbridge, who is always loyal to the winner, and she prefers to reverse the situation that must be lost. Now she wants to win Severus, but relying on her own strength is not enough. Possibly, she needs more friends to support her.

Learning the way of Muggles to get the position of minister is not conducive to her plan. She wants to restore the old wizard tradition and make the succession convincing to everyone. Pomona passed on the position of professor of herbalism to Neville Barton, even if there is a challenger who is a hundred times better than Neville, he can only be obtained by initiating a challenge. The usual way is a duel, just like Feliway won the head of Ravenclaw. In history, the Minister of Magic also had a ministerial change similar to the passing of the throne. Wilmina Taft and her son Ignatius Staffer, the latter used the popularity of the former to win the election. If Pomona can Let Kingsley pass on the position of Minister to Hermione Granger, so Hermione Qian can become Minister of Magic even if she does not run for office.

After parting, she apparated to the outskirts of Stewart Village, which was near the sea and looked very desolate. Bill and Fleur lived here after they got married. The turbulent sea accompanied by the sound of the tide was like a bird The great sleeping animal was breathing.

Now the house that once stood on the cliff by the sea is gone. Hermione said that Bill cast the Loyalty Charm on it. It wasn't there when the war came, it was just Bill and Fleur's home, like that house in the moor.

Fleur was a good girl, and when Molly needed family, she moved back to The Burrow, a fun and crowded house.

She changed a lot of things, even though she didn't know it herself, she could dance freely without worrying that her partner would be sucked away by her own ability. When Pomona taught Neville to dance, Neville was killed. Affected, she is actually the same as Lupine, she has a heart that does not want to hurt human beings, but Lupine cannot transform freely, but her ability can be autonomous.

She became a veela who couldn't dance, but veela is a fairy who dances in forests, lakes, mountains and clouds on Midsummer Night. Their charm can make men obsessed and crazy. There was a veela dancing on the stage. Harry and Ron were attracted by the veela and tried to jump into the stadium from the box. Fortunately, the music stopped immediately and they were stopped by Hermione, who had already put one leg on the wall of the box Ron was about to jump out. They were on the top floor of the Quidditch World Cup at the time. If they did this, they would definitely fall to their deaths. Moreover, they also had the idea of ​​not supporting the Irish team and supporting the Bulgarian team instead.

"Let's see which one of us will drive the other crazy first, Severus." She stroked the black swan necklace on her neck, feeling the vast sky and ocean. This is a nature different from the Forbidden Forest, and it is also very beautiful.

Although weak, she still does not intend to give up resistance, she will not let him win so easily.

Following the path Hermione had said, she found a small grave, and the stone with the engraved words was still there.

"I'm sorry, Dobby," she said to the free house-elf, and pulled out her wand and dug up its grave, where the knife that Bellatrix threw should be right next to it. Buried, it belonged to the Blacks, and Pomona wanted to make sure that some dirty thief had stolen it.

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