Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 19 The Professor's Appreciation (Part 2)

The power inherited by blood is almost eternal. The Black family is naturally suitable for using black magic. It is impossible for them to use housework magic at the same time as house elves. Similarly, the Princes were born potions geniuses, and asking them to be Quidditch players was like asking a cripple to tap dance.

Just as Slughorn wouldn't let Snape make a scabies potion, Pomona didn't need to do elementary courses like repotting mandrakes, she was overwhelmed by the over-enthusiastic Slughorn. The professor invited him to his office.

"Would you like ice cream or some mead?" Slughorn said with a grin.

Pomona ignored him, and she visited the Slytherin head's display.

She didn't know what a real noble's home was like, but the head of Slytherin's office was very luxurious, the overall color was of course green, and besides that, a lot of silver was used for decoration.

Exquisite silks, ornate chandeliers, exquisite carpets, every detail here is extravagant, and it is very different from Mrs. Sprout's house full of life.

Pomona was sure that Slytherin wizards had no interest in learning the magic of living, and they probably didn't even know how to wash dishes without house-elves.

"That's the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Barty Crouch and his son, Barty Crouch Jr. In two years, that kid will be studying at Hogwarts," Slughorn pointed out. Looking at a picture in front of Pomona and saying "What were we doing that day? Oh yes, we went fishing and Quidditch was too intense for us old folks."

"What professor did you call me here for?" Pomona was terribly confused.

"I should ask you this question, Miss Martin." Slughorn still handed her a glass of mead. "I heard from Albus that there will be a half-breed Veela studying in our school this year. I really didn't expect it. It's you, why do you want to cover up your beauty, that's what so many girls wish for."

Hufflepuff House rule number one, keep a low profile.

It was difficult for Pomona to explain why to the high-profile Slytherin.

"If you don't mind," Pomona said, "I'm going back to get ready. The tree will wake up again at night, and I have homework to do."

"Don't worry if it's potions class homework, you don't need to hand it in, can you spend the time you save chatting with me, an old man?"

Pomona had to admit that Slytherins could be really tactful at times, so Pomona sat down on the soft leather sofa.

"If you have anything to say, please say it."

Slughorn tried his best to control the smile on his mouth, but he couldn't hide it. He took the opportunity of sealing the mead to sort out his words, then turned and said.

"As you can see, I'm just a poor Potions teacher. I have to lead seven grades by myself, and two of them have to prepare for the wizard level exam, but the materials used in potions class every day are very different. I prepared it, so I have to need a lot of helpers, such as Lestrange who taught you today, without his help, I really don't know what to do."

"So... are you going to ask me to help you prepare the ingredients for potions class?"

"Oh, Pomona my dear, can you read minds?" Slughorn laughed. It's a pity to see so many magical plants in there dying or losing their magic, if only someone could take care of them."

Pomona sneered in her heart, it turned out that Slughorn had this idea.

"I heard that the school will allocate funds for the potion class to buy medicinal materials..."

"No, the medicinal materials outside are of poor quality and adulterated, and many of them fail to meet the requirements." Slughorn waved his hand before Pomona finished speaking. Only high-quality potions can achieve the curative effect I hope, this is just an old man's little wish, can't you even fulfill it for me?"

Pomona could sense how impatient Slughorn was, and it made her feel like she had him on board.

"What will you give me in exchange, Professor?" asked Pomona.

"Anything," said Slughorn boldly, as if he thought an eleven-year-old like Pomona would be easy to deal with.

"Okay then, I'll go back and think about it." Pomona stood up and said, "How to use the greenhouse must be approved by our dean."

"Merlin's pants, who knows when Dorian will come back." Slughorn obviously couldn't wait, he was so excited that he almost jumped up.

"Professor, today is my first day of school, and I'm still a freshman." Pomona reminded him, "Please be patient."

Slughorn sighed and said with a forced smile, "You're right, I was in a hurry."

"Our top priority now is to calm down the crazy Whomping Willow. I need to check some information. Can you give me the approval slip to enter the restricted area?"

"Why don't you ask Dumbledore directly?" Slughorn asked suddenly.

"Principal? Why should I ask him?" Pomona froze for a moment, it seemed that it would be a good idea to directly ask the knowledgeable principal instead of checking the book.

"Nothing." Slughorn gazed at her thoughtfully for a moment, then said, "You can go."

"Yes, Professor." Pomona bowed to him, then got up and left the Slytherin head's office. Just as she was about to close the office door, she accidentally saw Professor Slughorn's From his back, he looked tired, as if he was really old as he said.

"That's interesting." The moment the office door closed, she heard someone say in the darkness, "I'll see you in the morning, the former head of Gryffindor, and now head of Slytherin. Your day is really busy."

"Who is where?" Pomona pointed her wand at the darkness.

Slowly, a boy came out, his hair was still greasy, his body was filled with a strong bitter smell, the cellar of Slytherin was colder than that ghost classroom of Binns, Pomona's heart was pounding Pounding, her fingertips couldn't help shaking.

"What kind of magic are you going to use against me? Clean it up, or the Unforgivable Curse?" Severus Snape spoke slowly in a silky voice, a dimple formed at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were delighted Squinting, the black robe on his body and the darkness were almost perfectly integrated, exuding a suffocating and dangerous atmosphere.

The person in front of him was completely different from the clumsy and withdrawn person he had shown in front of Lily Evans. He was no different from Lucius Malfoy in essence, both of them were good at using disguises to cover up their true self.

Now that I think about it, how cute is Eddie Water who throws up at the sight of Professor McGonagall's Animagus.

"Stay away from me, Snape!"

"Expelliarmus!" Snape suddenly raised his wand, and the wand in Pomona's hand fell to the ground.

"Don't point your wand at me unless you really want to fight me." Snape paused. "Next time you do that again I'll make you suffer, Hufflepuff."

Pomona looked at Snape in horror. He seemed to enjoy being feared, flicked his cloak, and left like a bat in a cave.

Waiting until the sound of his footsteps could no longer be heard, Pomona crouched down touching her aching wrist, crying softly.

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