Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1891 giant slayer (thirty-five)

In 1649, Russia promulgated the "Encyclopedia of Laws", which stipulated: "The feudal lord is fully responsible for his own peasants in court, and has the right to judge, flog, torture and put them in shackles and chains on the peasants in the territory. Except for the rebellion against the tsar Apart from behaviors, peasants are not allowed to report on their masters; when a landlord goes bankrupt, his debts must be paid by the peasants; the landlord has the right to interfere with the peasants’ property, marriage and other family affairs.”

This means that the feudal lord can not only uphold justice for the peasants, but also exercise the right of the first night. The French word "Droit du seigneur" means the power of the thigh.

Peasants are staunch supporters of the revolution and are also the main source of soldiers for Napoleon's army. It is extremely important for him to gain the support and favor of peasants. In more democratic terms, farmers were Napoleon's vote base, and the agricultural population accounted for the majority of the French population. According to the French voting method, as long as the majority of people support Napoleon's re-election, he can serve for another 10 years.

This is probably the freshest "news" that Haji has heard. Bonaparte has not passed the constitution to be in power for life.

However, he thought about it, Napoleon should abdicate for the first time in about 10 years. At that time, there was no organized resistance in the country, or the resistance was not strong, and the high-ranking officials in the provinces quickly surrendered. It was not like the period of the Great Revolution. Then resist to the death.

Too many people died in the expedition to Russia, but there is also a big reason for his personal madness towards war. Men love nothing more than three things, power, money and women. If money and women don’t love them, then they love power. That roaring male lion lay obediently on the woman's lap like a big cat, but was he really asleep?

Haji looked at the beautiful garden in front of him. There are many people playing, walking or riding horses here. It looks civilized and harmonious, and it is really easy for people to relax their vigilance.

The English name of the colony is colony. The etymology comes from the ancient Roman "Colonia", which originally meant a village community composed of Roman citizens and their families guarding the coast of the Apennine Peninsula.

At the beginning of the colony, there was no suzerain country to exert influence and will to expand the sphere of influence, only the pure motive of pursuing wealth. The colonies of North America, Spain, and Portugal were the first to occupy coastal cities.

When the Ottoman Empire occupied the traditional Mediterranean trade routes, and when city-states such as Genoa and Venice monopolized Mediterranean trade, they imposed heavy taxes on goods, often exceeding five times the value of the goods, and the Europeans were overwhelmed.

Columbus lobbied Queen Isabel, and I was able to bypass the Mediterranean Sea and go directly to the East to retrieve spices and silk, because he firmly believed that the earth was round, and I could still reach the world full of gold and spices described by Marco Polo in another direction.

Instead of finding India, they found the New World, and a large amount of gold and silver was moved back to Spain and Portugal, but neither country got rich because of it.

France does not have a navy to compete with Britain, so their merchant ships cannot go to sea, and the development of Peru is just a dream. But thinking about it in another direction, perhaps it is precisely because the British feel that the French want to open up the New World and hope to maintain long-term peace with them, so they are paralyzed.

This level of game is not what Haji can overhear in a garden. In the choice between Jiangshan and women, most men will choose Jiangshan. It will be very dangerous for the professor's wife to get involved in this kind of thing .

The French developed so much in Egypt, it was not because the anti-colonial citizens drove them out.

Santo Domingo does not want to continue to be ruled by France at all. Even from the perspective of people like Haji, they know that their future is bleak. Americans know how to build ships and gunpowder. Countries without sea power are restricted everywhere. Napoleon’s promotion of sugar beets has plans to abandon Santo Domingo, a tropical colony.

He is not like Louis XVI, who will continue to invest in the War of Independence. In addition, the expenses of the palace and the harem are also borne by the common people. The beheaded queen Mary became the "deficit queen", and no one mentioned the military deficit. It's over.

It's not uncommon to blame women, if only "Georgiana" loved parties and gardens as much as Marie Antoinette, but she is reclusive, and spies are the best excuse.

This is a dream, a dream made up of many people, and she will soon be swallowed up if she continues to indulge in this world.

It's time to wake up, Napoleon is dead, he can't come back to life, he can only continue to conquer the world in this world. In the real world, it was over at Waterloo, and the British and the Bourbon royal family won, but Louis XVIII implemented a constitutional monarchy, and Charles X planned to completely restore it.

Haji could not help but smile wryly, Charles X is the Earl of Artois who built this small garden.

If Haji was a minister like Lyoncourt, he would also say: Times have changed, Your Majesty, we can no longer go back.

Napoleon thought of smallpox, but he didn't think of yellow fever. In the army, Haji often heard that we should pay attention to mosquito control. The Aedes aegypti mosquito can infect many diseases. Although the winter in that area is very cold, there are many in the forest in summer. Mosquitoes are almost dense and overwhelming. There were penicillin and other drugs in those days, and Hagee couldn’t imagine what it would have been like for an 18th-century soldier to fight in the tropics without them.

That is another kind of hell that Haji doesn't want to go to. He would rather go to the ice and snow of Russia and participate in the meat grinder of the Battle of Lützen, at least he can fight to the death.

He doesn't want to carry a "dog tag" anymore, he is a human being, in fact, the idea of ​​those who ran to the New World is very simple, that is to get rid of those nobles, princes and kings riding on their backs.

He wants to sleep on a comfortable bed, wants to have electric lights and a telephone, can go to convenience stores and supermarkets when he goes out to buy things, and doesn’t have to walk for more than an hour to go to the town. This is the life of a civilized person.

He will be loyal to whoever makes him live that kind of life. Although Haji doesn't want to be a mercenary, it is basically like this in Eastern Europe. There is no development there, and men can only go out to fight as mercenaries.

Fortunately, he had a son and met a wizard. Haji could stop being a stray dog. He wanted to be a watchdog for the house in South Kensington.

The son has already chosen not to be an ordinary person, and he and Fiona have nothing to do, and it is the same to follow the son.

The prosperity in front of you is not attractive to Haji. One must have solid judgment. Following Bonaparte will not have a long and good life. You think it is spreading civilization, but in the eyes of others, it is aggression. That person is said to be very kind. The woman is now working for a tiger, and she will definitely be punished.

After taking her back, Haji's job is to watch her and prevent her from going out and running around again. Why do you want so many rich and powerful people? Isn't it enough to live in South Kensington?

The professor calls the Bonaparte of this world Pluto, and no matter how magnificent the palace of Pluto is, it is still in hell. Even if Pluto snatched Persephone, the daughter of the goddess of grain, into the underworld, how many flowers and plants can she make bloom? What's more, he already has a Josephine who likes roses and cherishes plants.

Let's just live with it, whose marriage doesn't have a hurdle?

Haji sighed. He had seen those well-dressed nobles bossing around the bodyguards with the look of "I support you". Disaster, you should be more cautious, although that little guy really doesn't see any attraction in Haji's eyes.

He thought of Fiona when she was young, she was also considered beautiful in the village, and it was already a high standard for her to reach this level in Eastern Europe where there were so many beauties.

"God bless me, tell me where is the way out?" Haji muttered silently, and then walked towards the rose gallery.

==================================================== ====

"How does it feel?" Lucius Malfoy asked with a gleeful smile.

"Dizzy," Severus said with difficulty.

"You will get used to it soon." Lucius said, "This is a family heirloom in our family, and it is used to disguise when someone in our family does not have the power to awaken the bloodline."

"Thanks for telling me." Severus said angrily.

"In Northern Europe, kings and lords are called armband givers, and armbands are gifts for followers." Lucius said triumphantly, "Only patriarchs can wear armbands, and the secret about this armband Only the patriarch knows."

Severus straightened, his eyes changed, turning gold.

"White hair and golden eyes, you really look like a devil now." Lucius teased.

"Thank you for the compliment." Severus said with a nonchalant smile, "I can see the wrinkles on your face now."

Lucius stopped smiling.

"I'm almost fifty, what's so weird about being a little wrinkled!"

"I met three vampires just now, and they haven't aged at all."

"Who wants to be a vampire?" Lucius shook his head in disgust, as if he smelled something terrible.

"You know, the more infectious diseases there are in a society, the less damage the infectious diseases will cause, which is much smaller than the cost of being caught off guard by an infectious disease attack. This is a way for Muggles to evolve." Severer said. "The most severe infectious disease we know of is dragon pox," said Stanley.

"I know that disease." Lucius said indifferently.

"Our approach is to destroy the Peruvian Vipertooth Dragon instead of co-existing with viruses. If a certain disease is produced one day, it can be transmitted between Muggles and wizards." Severus pointed to his head "You Do you believe in liberty and equality?"

"You're kidding," Lucius said.

"Those who come from the Muggle world believe this, of course not including the Dark Lord." Severus said, "They may be right in theory, but in practice it is impossible to achieve, and I agree with Napoleon anyway. , that is equality but not freedom.”

"You want to be equal to goblins, werewolves, and house-elves?" Lucius asked rhetorically.

"He's a smart guy," Severus said, "but his style doesn't suit us, unless I want to go through another goblin rebellion. We've just gone through the Great War, lost a lot of people, and can't lose more."


"Free but unequal. The Anti-Dark Magic League has defeated the pure bloodists who discriminated against them. It's not that they don't accept inequality, they just don't accept that it's themselves who are oppressed."

"Tsk tsk." Lucius exclaimed, "Sir, what you said just now will make so many people sad."

"The theory of evolution keeps God away from this world, and makes human beings no longer unique in it." Severus said nonchalantly, "Don't you think human beings are unique?"

Lucius didn't answer.

"Even dragons must set up protected areas, and giants are hiding in deep mountains and old forests, unless we give up our position at the top of the food chain and become hunted, like this!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his wand, and a divine blade flew into the forest invisible.

"I just said why there is a smell." Lucius chanted, "It turned out to be a hidden monster."

Severus looked at the corpse in the distance, it was not big, but it had very sharp claws.

"Thank you for the gift," Severus said.

"That's not a gift!" Lucius said, "I lent it to you!"

Severus ignored him and strode forward, opening the greenhouse door.

The inside is dark, it seems that this place is regarded as some kind of exhibition hall, and many souvenirs are placed here.

He went in and picked up a small portrait of a richly dressed woman smiling at him with a rose.

This is a portrait of Marie Antoinette, not a sketch of her sitting in a prison wagon, her hair was cut to facilitate decapitation, she covered the messy hair with a kerchief, and she was determined not to Look at the painter.

"Young and gentle flowers, under a turbulent fate, like me under a strange sky." Crimean said, "In a place far away from the world, I began to take care of their lives and their studies. Racine's poem, does it remind you of anyone?"

Severus looked at Crimean.

"Compared with great men and heroes, I think he would rather be a teacher, just like what the poem says."

If witnessing the "real" wasn't enough, what else? Are you into it?

After defeating Grindelwald, Albus Dumbledore returned to Hogwarts, far away from the world, to be with the children.

Maybe it's just because he wants to keep a pure soul.

"He's a great wizard, and you shouldn't deny that," Severus said to Bellatrix, who hissed in disdain.

If Grindelwald's plan for world domination is insane, isn't it insane for Muggles to rule the world?

If you don’t know your guilt, you won’t feel guilty. Those wizards who fought with Grindelwald to destroy the secrecy law still feel that they are preventing Muggles from destroying the world, just like Henry Potter felt that he was preventing something by participating in the First World War.

Severus took Marie Antoinette's portrait and he didn't pay for it, so he was a thief.

This is really a heinous crime, if in the 19th century he should have been hanged or exiled to the colonies.

"You pity her?" Lucius asked.

"Young and gentle flower, under a turbulent fate, like me under a strange sky," said Severus.

As soon as his words fell, a wonderful change suddenly occurred in the greenhouse. The warm sunlight shone through the glass windows, and it was no longer a dark rose garden.

"It seems that someone helped us." Lucius said looking at the people passing by outside the window. They were all wearing clothes from the 18th century, and they looked like they were filming a movie, or they were retro people who missed that era.

"Let's go," Severus said, pulling his cloak and leaving the greenhouse.

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