Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1889 giant slayer (thirty-three)

The Boulogne Forest was once the remnants of the huge Huwu Black Forest. During the Second Empire, Napoleon III requested to build a forest garden like Hyde Park in London. Before that, it was a virgin forest like the Black Forest, full of people. Natural "wild interest".

As early as the 17th century, missionaries of the Jesuits discovered that the Indians in Peru used the bark of the cinchona tree to soak in water to treat high fever, and also used it to smoke. It will produce a peculiar fragrance that can replace the lack of tobacco. At first, Pope Urban VIII, who tried Galileo, was very opposed to this behavior and issued a decree excommunicating all people who smoked this newly introduced tobacco.

Others are relatively open to this innovation. Anna, the wife of the Spanish governor in Peru, was also unfortunately infected with malaria. Mrs. Anna recovered after taking the powder made of cinchona bark. In 1643, a Belgian doctor used this Cinchona bark was ground into powder and used as an antipyretic, and it was used in Europe to treat fever caused by malaria, and it was called quinine. Even Emperor Kangxi got malaria because of this medicine.

In 1742, the Swedish botanist Karl named this tree after the governor's wife. The governor's wife's name is officially spelled as cinchona, but when spelling it with one h missing, it becomes cinchona.

Pierre Peltier is 24 years old this year. Like Fresnel who participated in the second Industrial Fair, he is a student of the Paris Polytechnic Institute. He has many whimsical ideas, but chemistry requires a lot of equipment, and some Even if he has money, he may not be able to buy the equipment. In this regard, he was restricted by many aspects, and later entered Georgiana's "greenhouse" through Fresnel's introduction.

Schaptal is a well-known chemist, but he is not like a Bonapartist. He thinks that preaching to farmers is just ordinary science popularization, telling farmers advanced agricultural technology and new economic crops.

People who come out of the "greenhouse" basically go to the peasant association. Even if it is not a formal official organization, it has semi-official attributes. Napoleon wanted to "force" beets and potatoes, and these people basically did so, but French farmers only grow potatoes.

These people couldn't help it, and then they were sent to Belgium to dry beets. They also wanted to promote the French system in Belgium and accommodate the exiles who had received amnesty and stayed in the Netherlands.

Colonial agriculture is very different from aboriginal agriculture. American agriculture is typical colonial agriculture, which is why their costs are so low. It is impossible for Lyon Cour to promote the American farm model and carry out the "agricultural revolution" in France. However, in addition to cinchonapi, Peru also has guano fertilizer, which is also imported as a mineral. All in all, going to that club is basically for the sake of political future. The sons of rich and powerful people have different contacts with the sons of real peasants, and the information channels are also different. In that kind of friendly and relaxed atmosphere, priests and French academicians It is not so conflicting and abrupt to appear together. After all, cinchona bark was indeed brought back from America by missionaries.

Georgiana and Bonaparte went on a business trip to Belgium together and it is said that it caused a great sensation. The blush that Bonaparte painted on Georgiana's face was not good-looking, but didn't there be a veil?

Whether it's badly applied blush or face, just use it to cover it up. This is the same as going out to parade in the street, covering your face or body. Some people choose to cover their faces, as if they think it's not ashamed if you don't know each other.

Because of the Campo Formio Treaty, Austria repaid the public debt owed to the Belgians, which also led to Bonaparte's reputation in "seizing land" is not bad, and no one yelled at them when they were welcome.

No matter how good it is, it is someone else's wife, especially with the reforms proposed by the government, the expansion of medical schools, technical schools and universities requires a lot of talents, and the center of science is gradually shifting from England to France.

Not only the United Kingdom has the Royal Academy of Sciences, but France also has academicians from France. Good birds choose good trees to live in. Of course, there are also people like Mr. Jenner who insisted on returning to England after abandoning the rich salary of high-ranking officials in France and the courtesy of Napoleon.

Ambition is not only for boys, but also for girls. She is tired of being a princess touted by boys and wants to control the overall situation, but boys are not fools.

The peace between Britain and France will not last long. After the resumption of the war, what will happen to Mrs. Sevres is also a question. Don't look at her beauty now, and don't know what will happen in the future. Why learn from her?

French boys still generally like pious women with maternal temperament. Women are not generals, what they need is gentleness. The trend of fashionable women wearing men's clothing in Paris was also brought about by that British woman.

Napoleon's connivance with her is puzzling. Didn't he not like women wearing trousers and passed a law after he became the first ruler, requiring women to wear trousers to apply at the police station?

Their happiness made others look uncomfortable, so that some people sympathized with Josephine.

If a person is born an aristocrat, and someone is born a serf, he will not feel that it is his fault that he is inferior to others, and he will not feel that the aristocrat is worse than himself when he is working hard. The aristocracy is just luckier. As long as I have equality I will let the whole world see me if I have the opportunity, but if I am still inferior to others with equal opportunities, then even this excuse is gone.

This kind of cognition will destroy a person, and even doubt the meaning of his own existence. Because of self-denial, he is going to the abyss of darkness. Haji saw that many homeless people on the street are like this.

Fortunately, they felt separated after they returned to Paris. You don’t need to look at them to make people feel angry... Anyway, I don’t know why. I heard that Georgiana opened a women’s clothing magazine and no one bought it. People are looking forward to it. It went out of business early.

Compared with Georgiana, Josephine is just an ordinary weak woman, and it is very boring to talk about her infidelity and profligacy.

However, it was such a weak person who stabbed General Bonaparte's heart and completely broke his heart.

Dragons have reverse scales, and people also have weaknesses. Both men and women have the mentality of protecting the weak and defending her, so what about the people who are hurt by her?

==================================================== ==============

"You look like a dying person." Lucius said, "What do you need me to do for you?"

Severus looked back at Lucius, the platinum nobility really suited Rose, which made him even more gorgeous and evil.

"How much have you heard?" Severus asked.

"Not much, since you guys talked about the Decameron." Lucius looked at the castle not far away and said, "How about we go there and have a look?"

Severus was dying and walking with Lucius.

"Are you really not going there?" Lucius asked.

"I put your son in charge of guarding them," Severus said.

Lucius stopped for a moment.

"You made my son..."

"Guarding the mansion in Godric's Hollow like James Potter, yes." Severus interrupted Lucius. "Don't worry, those people aren't as dangerous as the Dark Lord."

Lucius looked like he was going to be angry.

"Have you read the Decameron, Lucius? There was once a pair of childhood sweethearts, the man named Girolamo, who from his childhood he loved a girl named Salvestra, the daughter of a tailor. , the boy's mother felt that the girl was not good enough for him, so she sent Girolamo to study in Paris. After her son left, she married Salvestra to a young craftsman who made sailboats. When Mo returned to Florence, he was still warm to Salvestra, wandering in front of her house, but she regarded him as a stranger."

Severus touched the white rose in his hand, but didn't pick it off. "He was so disappointed, he felt that wandering around like this wouldn't work, so he decided to talk to her face to face, even if it cost him his life, and then He sneaked into her house one night when her husband was at a party. Salvestra was terrified and Girolamo said to her 'Don't shout, it's me, dear, I'm yours. Girolamo', the woman cried out, 'for God's sake, you go, we loved each other when we were kids, but that's over, you know I'm married, it's wrong to be with another man, he Love me very much, my life is very peaceful, don't come to me anymore', Girolamo was very sad, he thought of the past time, no matter how much he begged and promised, he couldn't move her, he felt that he didn't want to live anymore, he Finally, he made a request, hoping that she would let him lie beside her for a while out of pity, and he would leave when he felt warmer. Salvetra agreed, and Girolamo really just slept beside her, not at all. Touch her, there is also a garden in Florence, where a lot of plants are planted, a couple had a tryst here, and later the man saw salvia in the garden, they used it to brush their teeth after a picnic, but he died suddenly , the woman screamed in fright, and the people who came to hear the news saw the dead people and the picnic that hadn't been cleaned up in time. ’, the woman cried and said, ‘No, it’s not me’, but no one believed it, so she went to the place where the man picked the leaves of salvia miltiorrhiza, wiped her teeth with it, and died not long after, all the people present were stunned. At that time, the judge said, "Salvia miltiorrhiza is not poisonous, but this plant is poisonous, so dig it up." The gardener immediately did as he said. It turned out that there was a toad under the salvia miltiorrhiza, and it was its poison that made the salvia miltiorrhiza poisonous. Girolamo also had this poison, and when he lay down next to his lover, he drank it, and after a while he was completely cold, when Alvetra's husband came back, and they looked at Girolamo's venom together. Finally, it was decided to put him back to her home. The old mother opened the door early the next morning and saw her son died at the door of the house. In the church, the sailors asked Salvetrus to wear a veil and to infiltrate the silent crowd to inquire about the news, and Salvetrus did so. During his lifetime, Girolamo's wealth did not touch the heart because of death. Opened for him, Salvetras was veiled and tears were pouring down. The women who came to mourn found her soon, but Salvetras was dead too, and word of it reached the men outside the church, Only then did he tell the story of last night. Everyone understood the reason and expressed sympathy. After mourning, they buried the two in the same tomb. Love did not allow them to unite in life, but death made them a partner. I was not buried with Lily, but with James Potter. I begged Albus Dumbledore before that night to hide her, hide them all, for So I can do anything for him, but Dumbledore said to me, you make me sick, I never understood why he said that, what a poor and helpless person I was, asking for help at Hogwarts Isn't help always available? Now I think I get it, as Salvestra said to Girolamo, 'For God's sake, we loved each other when we were kids, but that's over, you know I'm married, don't talk to someone else It’s not right that my man is good, he loves me very much, my life is very peaceful, don’t come to me again’, I recall now, the reason why I was able to recover so quickly from the disintegration of my first love was because I fell in love with Another woman, she healed me, I think since the end of the war, what people called me outside made me dizzy, she felt it, that's why she wanted to leave me, more than that, love in the eyes of others It didn't bring me and Lily together in life, death made us a couple, and it wasn't right to be with a 'married' man. "

"Are you finished expressing love?" Lucius said indifferently, "Where is my son?"

"I've already told you." Severus said calmly, "metaphor is not only a flowery word, but also shapes and guides our emotional response. After all, the core of metaphor is reasoning, because we use metaphors to reason, we The metaphors used define how we live."

Lucius frowned in confusion.

"Do you think I'm a saint or a sinner?" Severus asked.

"You hate Leta Kiester?" Lucius asked.

"Classic metaphor, don't you think?" Severus sneered. "She can't decide how I live. I'm neither a saint nor a sinner."

"then who are you?"

"Some people call me Casanova, the lover of Venice. He is both a good lover and a spy. His life is like a carnival in Venice."

Lucius smiled, "Where's your mask? Casanova."

"Don't forget the Polyjuice Potion, I can be anyone's face," Severus said with a smile.

"Can I join?" Lucius said.

"Aren't you going to see your son?" Severus asked.

"He can take care of himself." Lucius said irresponsibly, like an unscrupulous parent who left his son and wife at home while having fun outside.

"Have you got any balls of string?" Severus asked. "We might have to follow it back."

"Do you think I'm the kind of woman who knits?" Lucius said, but he took an armband and gave Severus "lend it to you."

Severus looked at the armband, it was a black snake with emerald eyes.

"What's it for?" Severus asked, taking the armband.

"A good longbowman not only needs good arm strength, but also good eyesight." Lucius pointed to his eyes, "I give you a pair of bright eyes."

Severus put it on, and his vision changed instantly.

"Get used to it." Lucius patted Severus on the shoulder. "Sometimes it's not comfortable to see too clearly, especially when you see ugly things. You'll know later."

hate that big beetle

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