Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1887 giant slayer (thirty-one)

Haji followed these noble men and women into the Bois de Boulogne.

He didn't dare to go too far. The current forest is very different from the park in the 21st century. It is in a primitive state everywhere. There are no signs or guidelines. If you go deep into it rashly, you may get lost.

As a public place, hunting is not allowed, because ordinary citizens may accidentally injure them if they enter by mistake. This is really not a place suitable for bringing children. However, these nobles brought a lot of soldiers, and they opened the cordon in advance so that they could hunt.

It will definitely feel uncomfortable if you are touched by someone, but this kind of boundary is not fixed. After these soldiers evacuate the civilians, they can continue to use this green space. London also often encounters road closures when foreign heads of state come, although these young people are not heads of state.

Haji found a tree and squatted to smoke, which was a habit he had left before. He is not as lucky as Napoleon Bonaparte, the bullets seem to really not know him, and he is not like Tsar Alexander, who thinks that the bullets will not hit him, at least there must be a concealment, even if someone sees the smoke, the bullets will not be able to hit him .

Haji has always thought that Napoleon was a historical figure, and he never imagined that he would have such a day.

The law of ignorance of human suffering is unavoidable in the downfall of the last monarchs. Before when he heard a young couple break up, he said, "We are not people from the same world." Living in Bagatelle's garden, it is true that "common people can't afford bread, why don't they eat cake".

Even Napoleon was a bit late at the end of the period. He launched wars abroad, and so many sons died in other people's families. Fortunately, France is not like Eastern Europe, otherwise there would be more women and fewer men. But Bonaparte is indeed a character. After the Battle of Moscow, France did not receive supplies. On the way to retreat, they encountered the Russian-Prussian coalition forces.

Napoleon's own military talent is one aspect. The most important thing is that there are 4 command posts within the coalition forces. Tsar Alexander did not learn the lessons of Austerlitz at all. According to common sense, he should sit firmly in the rear and give up the command to Kutuzo Husband, but the northern sphinx wants to go to the front to command himself.

The Tsar felt that what Napoleon could do, he could also do it. The xxx gun has no eyes, so if you see that you are the Tsar, get out of the way. The more important thing is the supply. At that time, the logistics of Prussia and Russia were independent, and they shared a common line of communication. As a result, no one had enough food because both sides fought for the road. In addition, the Russian artillery positions had no ammunition for a long time.

It was both luck and misfortune for France to meet such an opponent. The Prussian recruits had been trained, but the French recruits had almost no training. Haji would never go to a battlefield like a meat grinder.

At that time, Bonaparte didn't regard human life as life at all. He and the chariot he was driving should stop. The Russians and the Russian weather stopped this madman, and also prevented him from taking everyone to hell with him.


Haji suddenly heard a strange growl, which didn't sound like lions and tigers, or other animals that Haji and Felix saw at the London Zoo.

He followed the voice and found a log building deep in the forest, which looked a bit like a Roman Colosseum.

Generally speaking, important military facilities will be arranged in inaccessible places and heavily guarded, but the French...

Haji shrugged his shoulders and sneaked into the arena-like building with a low waist.

He could hear shouts from a long distance away, and there was also a strong smell of sulfur. Haji found a place to investigate, and as soon as he stretched out his head, he found a scene that shocked him.

Several people are pulling chains, trying to tame a "dragon".

If a dragon is one of those giant lizards with bat wings, then it is.

Although there are many strange things, theoretically they will be familiar, but sometimes this world is a bit beyond his expectations.

Haji couldn't help but took out the cross hanging around his neck, drew a sign of the cross on his chest, said a prayer with his eyes closed, and left the place.

==================================================== ===============

"Daddy!" Felix continued to shout.

Severus was also looking around.

The appearance of the Zeppelin made the navy and the English Channel that the British relied on useless, and London fell into a panic. Even the airship was almost invincible during most of the First World War. Henry Potter invited wizards to join the war.

The development of technology has blurred the boundaries between science and magic, and Muggles can almost be said to be wizards in some ways.

The "International Wizarding Union Act of Secrecy" has been challenged more than once. Grindelwald also led pure-blood nobles in Europe except the United Kingdom to join the Muggle World War II, but Henry Potter supported Muggles, while Grindelwald was Lead wizards to rule Muggles.

As Severus had heard under Yargetta, what they craved was limitless power. Severus remembered those scavengers from the United States that he met. The previous scavengers were like the Romans, who killed children with magical talents, but the timing of the awakening of magic power is not necessarily when babies are born, sometimes it may be around 10 years old At that time, these children already had feelings with their parents, and the parents couldn't do anything, so someone trained them to use their existing magical powers to destroy wizards.

They hate wizards and feel that they are cursed. They want to live the lives of ordinary people, and they don't think that having magic power is a blessing, a gift, a talent.

Things in America are very different from those in Europe, especially things related to the Aztec civilization and Caribbean Sea Voodoo. Severus is not familiar with it, and he doesn't even know much about Horus alchemy. There are many things that have been lost like Egyptian blue.

What Pomona has done is an experiment, or a sideshow. She participated in Muggle affairs not as a wizard, but as a "sage" and "advisor", similar to King Arthur and Merlin, but Napoleon Not King Arthur, and she is not Merlin.

He could always feel that she was not reconciled to the "loser" college that Hufflepuff had been treated as a fool. When Cedric Diggory represented Hogwarts as the Triwizard Tournament, she and How proud the children are, but the appearance of Harry Potter has divided their honor.

At that time, Harry Potter was not "one of his own", he was humiliated and isolated wherever he went, and even his good friend Ron Weasley ignored him.

This is also the reason why Albus Dumbledore did not pass the spell of "Stone Pier" to her, but to Minerva McGonagall. The earth is gentle most of the time, and once it gets angry, it will shake the world, isn't it An earthquake is a volcanic eruption.

Muggles are like this. If the cow dies at home, or if the weather is abnormal, they will think that it may be the devil or wizard.

It would be better if they didn't believe it. If they believed it, they would be as obsessed with occultism as Rudolf II and the Tsar. The Tsar even introduced the demon monk Rasputin into the court in order to treat the prince's illness.

"Here you are." John placed an ID in front of Severus.

"What's this?" He opened the folded paper.

"Your pass, France has imposed a complete blockade on Britain, and even goods and merchants are not allowed to enter and leave at will. Only visiting scholars can travel freely." John said, "This was given to me by William before he left."

"That idiot is actually the contact person." Severus sneered and put down the ID in his hand.

"You're not necessarily so smart." John poured a glass of wine to Severus. "Do you know how the French deal with the assassin who assassinated Kleber?"

Severus stared at John.

"They nailed him to the public square in Cairo until he died. Later, the skull was brought back to France and made into a medical specimen. Do you want to be a specimen too?"


"It's just a woman, you don't have to take such a risk." John persuaded, "You are a very good talent, you can work with us in the future."

"for what?"

"For the country, for the UK."

"You're a fool in my eyes too." Severus raised his glass, touched John, and drank it down.

"To the fool." John said humorously, and drank the wine.

"You know, the Shu'an elements have been on the move recently." John smacked his lips and said, "There is a prophecy in the pamphlet they printed."

"What prophecy?"

"In the ravaged Europe there will be a prince who will rise up against the obscurantism and oppressors who threaten us with impunity, and thus become the protector of humanity, justice and culture. The current tsar thinks that man is himself. own father."

Severus sneered.

"The royalists are also using this prophecy. They want to promote Napoleon as the oppressor waiting to be defeated. How about we use it too?"

Severus came back to his senses and suddenly found a spider's thread hanging from the tree.

It was too late for him to react, and the spider silk was inserted into the flesh and blood of his neck in the blink of an eye.

In a panic, he thought of the boss who held the Elder Wand in the fairy tale. He was assassinated while sleeping in a tavern. No one stipulated that the assassin could not be a Muggle.

The assassin on the tree had amazing arm strength and seemed to be trying to lift him up with the thin spider silk. Severus cast a paralyzing spell on the man with his wand, but he didn't respond, so he Aiming the wand at the branch, as the branch broke, the assassin and the branch fell to the ground together, Severus took out the pharaoh's dagger, and before he could see the opponent's expression, he stabbed the assassin in the eye with the dagger, a burst Black blood flowed from the assassin's eye sockets.

"Beware of assassins!" Severus yelled, and he didn't care if Felix heard or not after he finished speaking, cast a Disillusionment Charm on himself, and disappeared.

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