Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1878 giant slayer (twenty-two)

Amaranth has many nicknames, such as careless weeds, creeping pigweed, etc., and another name-bloody love. Its English name "amaranth" has two meanings, meaning eternity besides plant.

The Spaniards hated amaranth very much. When they arrived in South America in the early years, they discovered that the Aztecs mixed the blood of living people with vegetable dough, and then baked it into cakes and distributed them to the believers.

Otherwise, it can be cooked like spinach, and even now Mexicans use amaranth seeds mixed with honey to make a dessert called "alegria" (happiness).

No matter how hard they tried, the Spaniards could not completely eliminate amaranth, whose seed pods can contain half a million seeds, and these seeds can take root anywhere. It is because of its firmness and prolificity that amaranth has survived to this day.

This weed-like vegetable is rarely served on the table of the nobles, and it is mainly eaten by commoners.

Back in Florence in the 14th century, a group of cheerful young men and women nobles continued to tell stories in turn like the previous nine days. On the tenth day, they made a king, and the king wearing the crown ordered Amy, who was the queen on the first day. Leah tells a story.

The country of Friuli, although the climate is cold, has beautiful mountains and rivers, and the scenery is excellent. There was a city called Uddin, and there once lived a beautiful lady named Diannola, and her husband, Gilberto, was a local gentry, and he was very handsome. Because of her beauty, she fell in love with a lord named Ansaldo Grace. He has a high status, is brave, and is courteous, so he is well-known far and near. Because he loves this lady, he tried his best to win her favor, and wrote countless love letters, but it was all in vain.

Later, when the lady saw him being so entangled, she really hated it. But even though she refused again and again, he still refused to give up, still loved her and begged her; she decided to make a bizarre request to him, so that he would quit in spite of the difficulties; The lobbyist woman said:

"My dear lady, you have repeatedly told me that Mr. Ansardo loves me more than anything else; I have asked him to keep all the precious gifts he has given me, because I will never see his property and leave it alone. but if I can believe that he really loves me as much as you said, then I will definitely fall in love with him and make him fulfill his wish. I only ask him now One thing, if he can do it, I can believe that he really loves me, then I am naturally willing to listen to him."

The woman said, "Then what does Madam want from him?"

The lady said: "What I mean is this. Next month is the first month. I want him to open a garden near this city. The garden should be like in May, full of red flowers and green grass, and lush trees. ;if he can't, then please never send you or anyone to me again; if he still entangles, I won't keep his secrets from my husband and my family any more. Now, I must tell them about it, and tell them to drive him out."

After hearing the lady's request and promise, Ansado felt that it was really a difficult problem and it was almost impossible to do it. He also knew that the lady's request was nothing more than to kill him, but he still wanted to try his best. give it a try. So he went around asking if anyone could give him some advice on this matter, to think of a way. At last he found a wizard, who promised to do it for him by magic, if only he would pay him well. There was no reason for Ansado to be unwilling, so he agreed immediately, and then happily waited for the appointed day to arrive.

On that day, the weather was very cold, with ice and snow everywhere. On New Year's Eve, the wizard chose a meadow on the outskirts of the city to perform his magic. According to some people who saw it at the time, a very beautiful garden appeared there the next morning. kind of fruit. Mr. Ansado was very happy to see it, and quickly picked some of the most beautiful flowers and fruits, and quietly sent them to the lady. How much he loves her, and mentions to her the solemn promise she made herself. Since she is a faithful wife, she has to try to keep the promise.

The madam had already heard people talking about the miraculous garden, but when she saw the flowers and fruits being delivered, she felt a little regretful. Although she was remorseful, she was still very curious and wanted to see those miracles, so she went to watch the garden with several other ladies in the city. After seeing her, she was full of praise and amazement, and when she got home, she remembered that she had to keep the promise, and she was really sad beyond words. Because she was preoccupied, she inevitably showed some signs. When her husband saw it, he asked her again and again why. At first she couldn't say a word because of this matter, but later she was forced to tell her husband the whole story.

When Gilberto heard this, he was very angry at first, but after thinking that his wife's intentions were completely pure, he suppressed his anger and said: "Dianeola, a prudent and chaste woman, don't go to Pay attention to those who tie the knot, and you should not use your chastity to negotiate conditions with others. But for a man who is in love, once he hears these words in his ears and remembers them in his heart, he will have a kind of distant feeling. The power beyond people's imagination, even the most difficult things can be done. It is a big mistake if you listen to the people who make the strings, and it is even more wrong to put forward conditions later. But I know your The motive is pure. In order to release the shackles imposed on you by your own promise, I will allow you to do something that no man can agree to; this is also for fear that Ansado, being deceived by you, will call the wizard Come to harm us. I think you must go to him once. If you can try to fulfill your promise without compromising your chastity, it is good. Just don’t lose your soul to him.”

After hearing his words, his wife burst into tears, and refused to accept his magnanimity no matter what. But no matter how she confessed, he insisted on her doing so. So at dawn the next day, his wife got up and dressed up, took a personal maid, and two servants led the way to Mr. Ansado's house.

Ansado was very surprised when he heard that the person he liked came, and immediately invited the wizard, and said to him: "Look, what a precious treasure your brilliant skills have brought me!"

Then he went out to meet the lady, with the utmost respect and decorum, without showing any frivolity. So the three of them walked into a gorgeous inner room together, where a large fire was burning.

After Mr. Ansado let her sit down, he said: "Madam, I have loved you for so long, if my love is worth a little repayment from you, then I beg you to tell me that you are so You rushed to my place early, and brought these people here, what is the purpose? I think you won't bother to answer."

The madam was ashamed, and replied with tears in her eyes: "Master, I came here neither because I love you, nor because I have an appointment, I have to come here; my husband ordered me to come here. , but he thought you had worked so hard for me, so he sent me here regardless of my reputation and his own. I came here on his order, and I am ready to satisfy you this time."

An Sado was already very surprised when he saw her coming in just now, but now he was even more surprised when he heard what she said. Gilberto's grandeur moved him greatly, and his original desire turned into sympathy, and he said: "Madame, I have listened to you. I feel that since your husband cares about my love for you so much, if I To tarnish his reputation again is really intolerable to God. Now I want to treat you as my own sister and let you stay here for a while. You can go back whenever you like. I just hope that you will live well for me. Thank you Your husband, please also consider me your brother and your servant from now on."

Madam was overjoyed when she heard this, and immediately said: "Based on your previous noble behavior, I conclude that there will be no accidents when I come to the house today, and I will definitely get your forgiveness; I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life." !"

After she finished speaking, she left and went home, and Ansado sent many people to escort her all the way. At home she told all this to her husband Gilberto, and he and Ansardo became very close friends ever since. Besides, the wizard, Ansado paid him the full amount of the reward, because he saw that Gilberto was so magnanimous, he didn't care about his wife being taken in by others; He said: "I saw that Mr. Gilberto was so generous that he even gave up his own reputation. You can even give up your own love. If I can't bear to give up even a few rewards, it is really intolerable to God." Yes! I know this money will be of great use to you, so I hope you will keep it."

Mr. Ansado felt embarrassed and repeatedly asked him to take the money, at least part of it, but how could he accept it? Three days later, the wizard removed the garden, and took his leave. Ansardo wished God's blessing on him. Since then, Ansado has completely dispelled his evil thoughts about that lady, and only has a legitimate respect and love for her.

"Perhaps a good end to two true gentlemen," Haji heard someone say in a daze, "but once a man has tasted the sweetness of this water, he will not quench his thirst with other springs. "

Haji's brain began to work again, and he remembered fighting three vampires in the Shakespeare theater...

He couldn't remember what happened later, as if there was a gap in his memory, he looked around and found himself by a lake with a sculpture beside him.

Haji stood up, looked at the sculpture in confusion, and walked around to the front of the sculpture.

"Santos Dumont." Haji read the man's name, and then followed the sight of the sculpture to look across the lake, where there was a place that looked like a garden.

He picked up the phone and called Gianluca.

The phone rang quickly.


"Why didn't you answer the phone after I called you so many times!" Gianluca said before Haji finished speaking.

"What happened?" Haji asked calmly.

"Sonny and Monica are in Vincennes Forest now, they are in danger!" Gianluca said anxiously.

"First, I need to know where I am now," Haji said. "Then I need to know how long it takes to get to them?"

From Gianluca's side came the sound of keyboard tapping.

"You are in the Bois de Boulogne, near Lake Bagatelle."

"I see a garden across the way. What's that?" Haji asked.

"It's a rose garden."

"Who fixed it?" Haji asked.

"Does that matter?" Gianluca asked.

"I still have a mission." Haji took out the mass bell in his hand and said, "After I find the sign, I'll go find them after I put things away."

Gianluca growled in frustration at the other end.

"Who made that garden?" Haji asked again.

"I'll call you later." Gianluca said and hung up the phone.

Haji glanced at the mobile phone that gave out the busy signal, put it back in his pocket, and walked towards the park with countless roses in full bloom.

He could smell a strong sweet smell from far away. Who doesn't love roses and amaranth?

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