Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1874 giant slayer (eighteen)

The price of raw sugar in the United States is more expensive than that of surrounding countries, and the tariffs are higher, but as long as the common people do not know, they will bear this extra tax. This is an indirect tax. Taxpayers will pass the tax burden on to the For others, it is usually invisible.

Inequality in taxation is actually present throughout Europe, but no country has shown inequality so clearly as in France, and it makes people feel that richly dressed nobles and priests are exempt from paying taxes because of their privileges, while bread and salt are bought. The poor have to pay taxes.

In 1789 it was easier than ever to acquire nobility, and kings sold not only their titles, but their nobility in order to increase their income, and these privileged people desperately needed to feel distinct from the masses, which had been Aristocratic people need to feel distinguished from the "new rich".

The common people would find it ridiculous that the king should be hunting when the Bastille fell. In fact, hunting, like banquets, are used to appease the nobles, allowing them to feel their status and status through their proximity to the king.

But some people felt the meaninglessness of this ceremony, and did not perform any boot-off ceremony and put on silk stockings after the hunting was completed.

The singularity of the English aristocracy, or Montesquieu's so-called uniqueness, is that they will mix with the common people. The image of the aristocracy is very vague. Henry Petty's grandfather William Petty was a very "pragmatic" He was born in a family of handicraftsmen and almost died in a shipwreck. Later, because he was good at financial management and taxation, he was made a marquis by the king and occupied tens of thousands of acres of land.

This is basically an extreme position, and some ancient English aristocratic families do not have the wealth of the first family.

After a traffic artery is repaired, there are often some fortresses guarding it, and the Alps also have a lot of wood. Selling them as semi-finished products—wood is not as good as processing it into finished products such as carriages. The soldiers and civilians guarding the city also have industries for civilian use. Transport is enough.

The young lord, who has easily doubled the tax revenue of the Mont-Blanc department and may continue to increase, despises the "village girls" of Annecy and does not seem to fit in without inviting them to dance. People feel weird.

Even the invitation to Georgiana as a partner was based on courtesy, and the English Cleopatra seemed unattractive to him, as if neither he nor his friend William Pitt, Jr., were interested in women.

Men of their class are both friends and rivals. After all, there is only one position of Prime Minister. William Pitt Jr. is still eager to go back after he is out of the field. After that, it's their turn to compete with each other.

Except for big cities such as Paris, Rouen, and Lyon, many areas of France have poor infrastructure, let alone the Industrial Revolution.

Before the Great Revolution, the feudal aristocracy suppressed the bourgeoisie, and the signing of the Peace Treaty of Amiens marked the end of the war after the outbreak of the Great Revolution.

The civilians couldn't stand it any longer.

Riots sometimes happen in a flash, no matter how bad a government is, worse is anarchy. When the main girder of a building bends, the sound of snapping and snapping will come one after another, becoming more and more intensive, and the pressure will begin to transfer to the secondary girder. With the disintegration of society and personal isolation, people's brains will quickly regress, and the opposite is powerful hands. Napoleon used cannons to hit crowded places during the Portuguese Moon Riot, and blood and corpses flew everywhere. Being hit, and a piece of hot meat hitting the face is enough to make an impulsive person regain his senses.

When the crowd is so noisy and wanton that it is like a giant beast being released, as long as it is a well-dressed person, regardless of gender, age or age, they are all put on nooses and hung on the street lamps. To destroy the corpses, the severed heads were strung on spears and forks, and people in the Royal Palace bid for the heads of nobles, as if they were holding some kind of auction.

If you don't run now, when will you wait? Everyone ran away, including Prince Condé. In view of the threat of riots, the notary of St. Antoine hurriedly paid the workers' salaries, and all the commercial officers were able to leave safely.

At that time, all checkpoints from St. Antoine to St. Honore were burned down, and taxes were collected across the district after entering the city.

Burning these checkpoints, the city's income is only the city tax, but who will enter Paris at this time?

Alcohol can speed up blood circulation and bring happiness. Nietzsche sees the Dionysian spirit as a bridge to the tragic poet's mind, not to escape fear and pity, but to transcend fear and pity and become eternal joy itself, which also contains the joy of destruction.

Who can think so much after drinking? These thugs just wanted to rob. They went to the rich area to search from house to house, shouting bread and weapons. They broke into the wine cellar, split the barrels with axes, and the wine flowed down the slope like a river, and the air was pungent.

After the strength of the wine comes up, not only will people blush and talk nonsense, but it will also make people lose their calm and restraint. With no leader and no direction, they ran around in the streets and alleys after nightfall. In the night of horror, the citizens had to close their doors, and everyone in the house was trembling for the safety of themselves and their families.

There will be an auction after you grab something, whether it's furniture or jewelry, as long as you are brave enough, you can buy the Marchioness's diamond necklace at a very cheap price, provided you can bring it home alive.

The alarm bells of the church came from all directions, but they were useless. The arsenal was looted, the city hall was breached, and the rebellious soldiers shot at the German guards loyal to the royal family. Chose to join the side of the people, and fortunately the royal family did not live in Paris, but in Versailles, where they still had time for meetings.

Citizens don't feel like they're committing a crime when they do these things, they're doing it for a cause, for the third class, for equality, some even chanting "you've been masters for too long, now it's our turn" .

When they saw the king's army appearing outside the city, their first thought was defense. These people came to deal with them. However, the city gate was demolished, and those tax cards also had a defensive function, not just for collecting money.

People rioted in cheers, cheered in riots, and the regular troops took a wait-and-see attitude until the late National Guard showed up and there was no order in the city. The enthusiastic "orators" who were preaching on the street shut their mouths and disappeared into the crowd.

There was less confusion in the crystal ball than at the end of the eighteenth century, and there were no orators in the streets to stir up, only a minister of the interior who didn't know what to say.

People didn't hang the rich, they just threw Molotov cocktails at the city hall, the doors of luxury stores were smashed open, and everything inside was burned. This affected the residents upstairs, because the firefighters couldn't come because of the road blockage. In order to save himself, he went downstairs from the balcony along a rope tied with a bed sheet.

"If it's a prophecy," Severus said, "then we can't stop it."

Crimean turned his head and looked at the wizard in black.

"The teacher stopped Grindelwald."

"That's different." Severer said indifferently, "It's not us who raised hell this time."

"Why is Pomona in the crystal ball?" Crimean asked.

Severus didn't answer.

"There was an extra clip just now, and I saw the face of the Minister of the Interior." Crimean said.

Severus smiled sarcastically.

"What do you know?" Crimean said.

"He said that 'the dregs of society must be severely purged'. It is confusing to link wealth inequality and crime. Being poor does not mean crime, and being rich does not mean morality."

"Why do you have such a speech?"

"We have our own problems," Severus said. "Werewolves, and goblins."

"You want to stay out of it?" Crimean asked.

"You want to protect this city like your teacher?" Severus said bluntly, "Be a hero, a great man!"


"I can't stand you saints thinking you have the power to save the world." Severus said disgustedly.

"Not the world, but this city." Crimean said, "I heard you met Father Lucas."


"The one at Notre Dame."

"I've seen it, what's the matter?"

"You should see that the church is not the same as before," said Krimian.

"Don't be naive!" Severus yelled.

"The times have changed, so you should not be so stubborn." Crimean stood up. "Maybe you should think about why Pomona left you!"

Severus gritted his teeth and glared at Crimean.

"Lily's death changed you. I think her death was worth it. She gave you a bottom line." Crimean looked into Severus Snape's eyes. Reformation, do you know why Albus didn't take it? Not because he doesn't trust you, but because it's your team, he wants you to be a Gryffindor, but you're a Slytherin, you read Only 7 years, followed him for more than 20 years, why..."

"I made up my mind before I put on the Sorting Hat." Severus interrupted Crimean. "I chose my destiny, not by a dirty, smelly hat."

"I'm starting to understand why Dumbledore hates you so much." Crimean said with a smile, "You're a bastard."

Severus smiled too, "You remind me of Mr. Potter, always doing things beyond his means, but I doubt you're as lucky as he is to survive the Avada Kedavra twice. "

Crimean did not speak.

"I hate that old thing." Severus said coldly. "He wants to protect Harry Potter's pure soul, but he doesn't care about mine."

"When the time comes, he must sacrifice." Krimian said wearily. "At least, let him have a happy memory."

Severus smiled.

"You guys make me sick," he said with a smile after a moment. "Like Grindelwald said, you're all hypocrites."

"Pomona is also with us, do you think she is disgusting?"

"She is the one controlled by you."

"You want to say you saved her?"

Severus didn't answer.

"Young and gentle flowers, under a turbulent fate, like me under a strange sky." Crimean said, "In a place far away from the world, I began to take care of their lives and their studies. Racine's poem, does it remind you of anyone?"

Severus looked at Crimean with puzzled eyes.

"Compared with great men and heroes, I think he would rather be a teacher, just like what the poem says."

"You want to be a teacher too?" Severus asked.

"I'm still a student." Krimian said, "Sometimes I will learn from the materials left by the teacher. I think, I know something that may be useful to you."


"I heard someone was looking for a map, yes?" Crimean said.

"Who told you?" Severus asked.

"You know who it is." After Krimian finished speaking, he spread out a yellowed notepad. "Didn't you send him to study there?"

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