Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 187 The Neighbor Next Door

For Harry Potter, the Leaky Cauldron was the gateway from the mundane Muggle world to the wizarding world, and even though he had lived here for a while, he didn't really get to know the place.

The Leaky Cauldron Bar was established by Daisy Doddridge in the early 16th century. At that time, there was no international law of secrecy, so Muggles could enter here at the beginning. Minister Gump allowed the pub to remain open as a safe haven and sanctuary for members of the magical society, where a large number of hidden spells were used, and he further allowed the owner to let people enter Diagon Alley from their backyard, because the Leaky Cauldron The store behind also needs protection.

In the early 1800s, the Leaky Cauldron had a rough time. At that time the Muggle government was planning to build Charing Cross Road. According to the original plan, the pub would be razed to the ground. The Minister of Magic at the time, Faris Spavin, believed that this was the final fate of the Leaky Cauldron, and there were no measures to save it. But just after he finished his seven-hour speech on the matter, Spavin received a note from the secretary, learning that all wizards had united and revised the entire road plan through a large number of forgetting spells , so that the Leaky Cauldron has a place in the new road planning. What confuses the Muggle designers is why there is a blank space in the design scheme.

As a famous place, this place is really too dark and dirty. The inside of the bar is very dark and simple. There is a bar counter and a few tables in the shadow of the corner. Looking at the very old boss Tom behind the bar, he suddenly felt that it was time for a new boss.

There are many people who can't control their mouths. How could Sirius break out of prison and come to kill Harry Potter? The sea in the North Sea is so cold that only a hot heart can resist it, but everyone including Arthur Weasley thinks Sirius is Came to kill Harry, as if they had forgotten that Sirius had been the original member of the Order of the Phoenix.

Sirius' dream of returning to a normal life ended in the hands of the Daily Prophet controlled by Fudge. Fudge didn't believe that Voldemort was back, and even published reports that Sirius led Azkaban's escape. Every member of the Order of the Phoenix It can be testified that he didn't have time to participate in that incident at all, but he couldn't explain it to himself. At that time, he began to depression again, and Pomona took him to the Muggle zoo to cheer him up.

It's not even a date, it's like taking a patient who has been in the ward for a long time to bask in the sun once in a while, Sirius is not wanted in the Muggle world, he can still live like a normal person, and Pomona drinks took a compound potion with a prettier woman, they looked right together, a Muggle photographer took their picture and gave it to them, it was such a simple story, she didn't expect it to happen It will cause such a big disturbance.

Extroverts think little and have a carefree personality, while introverts think a lot and don't show their emotions easily. But in the morning, Pomona did feel the threat of death. The dagger that he could carry with him is probably not an ordinary thing , When Mag rushed in that day, he raised the knife, she was so close to death, Amors or mors, love or death, her Thanatos appearance is not as beautiful as Hypnos, and the world People are judged by their appearance. No one believed that the old bat was a good person before Harry clarified him. This is the rule of the game in this world. Appearance can paralyze many people. When Pomona made mistakes herself, Cedric was a prefect and a Quidditch Odd Chaser, Prefect Ernie did a good job, but the Chaser was arranged by Pomona, just like Minerva can let freshman Harry be the Chaser, the Quidditch House team needs to obey the dean Opinions, no matter how dissatisfied the children are, they can only endure it.

It is a confrontation to have DA members as Chasers. Hufflepuff is on Dumbledore's side. At the same time, she also appointed Ernie McMillan and Hannah Abbott, who also participated in DA. This is Bomer Na's way of resistance, these three children are pure blood, the Carroll brothers and sisters will not do anything to them, but Justin Fenriely is a Muggle, even if he is very prominent in the Muggle world, in the eyes of the Carroll brothers and sisters He is still a mudblood here, turning Malfoy, one of the sacred twenty-eight surnames and always known for his appearance, into a slug. He is desperate, but he did not leave school like Dean Thomas, but fled into The Room of Response stood with everyone in the final battle.

Hannah likes to compete with Ernie on who has collected rare chocolate frog pictures. On the surface, it is a small hobby. In fact, she likes to compete secretly. No one competes with her but she is not interested. Ernie also likes to compete with others. When the O.W.L.S exams were approaching, he would compete with people who had more time to study, and it was the same with Severus and her. She thought Ernie and Hannah would be a couple, but they didn't. Hannah and Ernie were True pure friendship.

The Leaky Cauldron is located between a large Muggle bookstore and a record store. After leaving the bar, Pomona and Hannah went to the Muggle record store. Few people still listen to vinyl records. The business in the store is deserted, but fortunately there is no Christmas music playing here. Hannah is very interested in everything in the store. She walks slowly among the old records, as if she has come to a whole new world.

"Can I help you?" The record store owner came out when the doorbell rang. He looked a little older, with a pair of glasses that reminded Pomona of Neville's father, Frank.

"I'm looking for an Elvis record called Can't Help Falling in Love with You," Pomona said.

"Oh, the original singer of this song is Elvis Presley, but many singers have covered this song, not Elvis Presley's version is the most famous, do you want to try someone else's singing?" The boss said with a smile.

"No, that's it." Pomona said with a smile, touching her black swan necklace. "He sings this song very magically."

"This song is special, isn't it?" the boss said as if he could read minds.

"I married the man who danced to this song with me." Pomona showed him the ring on her right hand.

"Don't worry, I will definitely find it for you." The boss said happily, and then, just like Ollivander, he rummaged through his shelves.

"Can I hear this song?" Hannah asked, pulling out a record.

"There is a gramophone at the door, please help yourself." The boss said without looking back.

So Pomona took Hannah and put the record on the gramophone stand. As the needle touched the film, rhythmic music came out from it. This song sounds a bit rocky, but not like Rock and roll is so wild and danceable now that Hannah can't help but start rocking to the music.

"Do you know the name of this song?" Hannah raised her voice and asked the boss.

"Mad Dog (Hound Dog) is also Elvis Presley!" The boss also replied loudly.

"Why did Elvis sing about dogs?" Hannah asked again.

"He's a man full of mysteries! How would I know?"

Pomona danced awkwardly while listening to the song.

You aint nothin but a hound dog

Cryin all the time

You aint nothin but a hound dog

Cryin all the time

Well, you aint never caught a rabbit

And you aint no friend of mine

When they said you was high classed

Well, that was just a lie

When they said you was high classed

Well, that was just a lie

Well, you aint never caught a rabbit

And you aint no friend of mine

"Elvis is crazy!" Pomona yelled.

"Get off your arms and legs! Pomona, you're as stiff as a plant!" Hannah danced like she was throwing a party in the lounge.

"Is this your attitude towards the teacher! Hannah Albert!"

"I've already graduated!" Hannah said not to be outdone, "I paid for the wine just now!"

"Every time I come to the Three Broomsticks, I treat you. Do you know how low a teacher's salary is?"

"As if we didn't know, you often steal plants and sell them!"

"No, I didn't!" Pomona denied with a laugh.

"Professor Slughorn once went to your greenhouse to secretly cut poison beard, several times!"

"That old thief!" Pomona stopped dancing. The poison beard is as valuable as the mandrake, and a leaf is ten Galleons. "Why didn't you tell me!"

"Who knows what you are playing again, we don't want to be played by you like Harry Potter."

As soon as Hannah's words fell, a black figure flashed from outside the record store, and then the glass fell to the ground. The two of them only had time to protect their faces before they were blown to the ground by the strong air wave, and the vinyl records were scattered all over the place. On the ground, the gramophone fell down.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the Leaky Cauldron bar exploded with a bang, and a cloud of black mist filled the room, which looked very much like a Death Eater's flying spell.

"Oh, here we go again." The record store owner sighed helplessly holding a record. "Can you fix the window for me before you leave? Two witches."

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