Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1866 giant slayer (10)

"There is a riding school in the forest, someone must be playing a prank," Gianluca said to Alejandro on the phone. "How did Durrahan show up in Paris?"

Alejandro said nothing.

He had heard from his grandmother that the riots in New York and Paris in the 1930s had something to do with a man named Newt Scamander, who had magical animals in his trunk that wouldn't be there appeared in the city.

The same is true of Dulahan, who usually appear in remote villages, accompanied by all kinds of horror legends.

"Are you listening?" Gianluca asked.

"I'm listening." Alejandro wiped his face. "Tell me the way in."

"You really want to break into the barracks?" Gianluca asked.

"Are there any other pyramids in the forest?" Alejandro asked.

Gianluca was silent.

Alejandro looked at the "pyramid", which was actually a stepped building with a red, white and blue tricolor flag at the top.

"The nobles in France are actually very afraid that Georgiana will become the second Mrs. Maintenon. In fact, the dullness of Louis XIV's court in the later period is directly related to her." Frank, the middle-aged German, told Arizona Dro said, "There is already a Cromwell. If she is added, the court will become even more dull. Everyone still prefers Josephine."

Alejandro couldn't imagine, he still remembered the day when he drove the speedboat, took Monica and this strange English woman with the rosy sunset, and drove towards the Church of Our Lady of Health.

At that time, he obviously felt relaxed and at ease.

"Saint-Cyr Girls' School was converted into a hospital by her, and Madame Maintenon's former suite belonged to her." Frank continued, "I heard that she corresponded with Bonaparte on the first night she lived in."

"Do you know what the letter says?" Gaitano asked.

"A poem from Shakespeare," said Frank. "Some say your faults are in youth; others say your charms are in youth; both charm and faults are more or less admired; faults become beauty to charm. On the throne The ring of the Queen's hand, even the cheapest gem is respected, how many sheep would be tempted by the wolf, if the wolf wore the face of the sheep! How many lovers would be kidnapped, you are me Yes, my glory belongs to you too, good night, my lion."

Alejandro stuck out his tongue, and a good poem became extremely boring because of that nickname.

"What's this?" Gaitano asked confused, "I mean..."

"Honor." Frank said, "Bonaparte values ​​this very much. He is very proud. He will not obey the orders of the Directorate like Moreau."

"What do you think?" Gaitano asked Alejandro.

"I want to know how you know the contents of that letter." Alejandro asked Frank.

"We paid off his secretary," Frank replied.

Alejandro remembered that Bonaparte seemed to have divided up the stolen money from reselling his personal information with his secretary.

"Where the fuck is the glory." Alejandro murmured.

"We also intercepted the letters he and Josephine wrote. The poor lover knew that Josephine cared more about money than he would read Ossian's poems, and that was what he hoped to communicate with her." Frank said, "although he didn't Not a big fan of Shakespeare, but he read it for the Englishwoman."

"Sounds like a kid trying to be nice," Gaitano said.

"You should see when he was with Josephine, she was in full control." Alvin, who came on the boat with Frank, said with a smile. "He was so desperate to be loved."

"I still don't understand." Alejandro said in confusion. "Aren't there many women who are seducing him?"

"That's different, boy." Frank lit his pipe. "You'll understand when you're a little older."

Alejandro looked at Gaitano.

"Bonaparte's tenderness is only for women. Do you believe that killing Caesar will prevent the republic from becoming an empire?" Frank asked.

"No." Alejandro replied immediately.

"Why?" Frank asked.

Alejandro recalled the contents of the textbook.

"There was a group of people at his wedding disguised as hussars," Frank said. "Of course, it was said that it was the opening ceremony of the canal. They tried to assassinate him, and then they failed, and then he hanged them all. , put on a black uniform and buried in the cemetery."

"Without interrogation?" Alejandro asked.

"Of course it was interrogated, and he would not let the Robespierre story happen to him." Frank said, "In order to prevent someone from shouting 'Down with the tyrant' again, Bonaparte himself became the speaker, and outside the parliament there were The guards are guarding, and those who want to speak can go to the podium one by one to speak."

"Oh, what a democracy." Gaitano smiled sarcastically.

"There is no real democracy at all. Don't forget that the United States now uses a representative system. Like Britain, the power of the president has also been contained, like a lion in a cage." Frank said, "The emblem of the British royal family is also a lion. "

"You mean..." Alejandro whispered in surprise.

"After you have seen what the people did during the Revolution, you will also agree with Virgil when he said, Romans, you should rule the nations with your authority, be lenient to the submissive, and subjugate by war to the arrogant. said Frank, "I can't believe that the British let women read these books."

? ? ? ?

Alejandro's head was full of question marks.

"Bonaparte can discuss this topic with her. It is impossible for this kind of book to appear in the women's college opened by Mrs. Maintenon." Frank explained, "Bonaparte's sisters once studied in that noble girls' school. Periodically people come to check the bad publications, but they are mostly novels, and they don't like Josephine, and they don't like English women who get involved in other families, so they tried to frighten her when they first met."

"She was bullied by them?" Gaitano asked.

"As I said before, Romans, you should use your authority to rule all nations. This 'offensive power' was given to the three sisters after Georgiana, no, it was Linda who had prestige in front of her. She didn't dare to show it. Discipline them like a female teacher." Frank took a deep breath of cigarette "She really likes him, but she has no more love for her ex-husband, so Bonaparte wants to get rid of him, just like the new lion king kills the lioness and The children of the previous lion king, so that she will bear children for the new lion king."

"How do you describe it in terms of animals," Gaitano said.

"He doesn't mind being described as a lion at all. A flock of sheep led by a lion can defeat a lion led by a sheep. Remember the general of the Pope's army?"

After Frank finished speaking, everyone laughed.

"Everyone has their own ethical bottom line. Linda is a divorced woman. Is this what her husband said?" Frank asked Alejandro.

"Well...they were on their honeymoon when I met them," Alejandro said.

"As long as he doesn't let go and firmly refuses to agree to the divorce, they will lose face. Remember the necklace incident? It made the royal dignity ruined." Frank said.

"You think Linda is Marie Antoinette?" Gaitano asked.

"She threatened those maids. If anyone dared to be like Jeanne, she would not kill them. Instead, she would cut off their noses or leave tattoos on their faces. Even the women in the city were 'vaccinated' I have been scared, when the military doctor vaccinates them, there is always a soldier with pockmarked faces and smallpox next to him, and when women discuss her, they always say that sooner or later, her appearance will be ruined." Frank smiled wryly. "If Princess Mary had been like her back then, nothing would have happened later."

"Is she not at all afraid of being hated?" Alejandro asked.

"Louis XVI was a good man, but he was a bad king. He brought back the judges who were exiled by Louis XV, dealt with the culprits, and made the people happy, but he was not sent to the guillotine in the end." Frank said, " As long as Napoleon doesn't fall, she'll be fine, she loves Theodora's famous quote, he who wears a crown should not live in failure, the day when I will no longer be honored as queen will never come, The purple robe is the most beautiful shroud. She was assassinated once, but nothing happened. Since then, there has been no coffee in the harem. I heard that she is a botanist. I believe she can prepare the most powerful poison without having to deal with it. Leopetra died from the kiss of the cobra."

Both Gaitano and Alejandro were stunned.

"In Shakespeare's story, there are Ophelia and Juliet. They both chose to commit suicide. They were both pure and kind. Ophelia drowned herself in a stream full of flowers in full costumes. Juliet pretended to die by taking poison... ..."

"I know how she died," Alejandro said impatiently. "Who wants to kill himself?"

"Bonaparte also has a poison sac on his neck. If he wants to commit suicide one day, he will definitely take Linda with him. His favorite poet, Racine, is a person who loves to write tragedies." Frank said, "He will be with She was buried together."

"It's crazy," said Alejandro.

"She accepted a painting by Raphael." Alvin said, "Raphael was buried with his fiancée after his death, not his lover Fornaciona."

"No matter how they love each other, Raphael's recognized wives are all the nieces of the cardinals. Louis XIV also appointed the cardinals, but two of them swore to die. The pope was very supportive of their actions. At first The king exiled them, and then there was only one cardinal left. He expelled others even after he died. The dispute is not over. I think you should understand that all men have the desire to conquer, including priests and envoys of the Pope. Caprara is the guardian of Georgiana. At present, there is some gap between Caprara and the priests sworn by the Constitutionalist sect because of the issue of apology. Bonaparte was dissatisfied with the ambiguous approach of the Bishop of Orleans before. Sometimes he would force people to death. When he was in Italy before, he humiliated a legion because of his lack of performance, asking them to delete the mark on the flag, don't say that he is an Italian legion, usually he would not use this method against women, but Georgiana asked him to Make an exception." Frank said pityingly, "What a poor girl."

"He wants Linda to deal with the priest?" Alejandro said in surprise.

"If she is a submissive woman, she only needs to show piety to maintain a friendly relationship with the church, but since she is unwilling to be submissive, then Bonaparte will give her a chance to rebel, and he will help her continue to grow, you know Toussaint Where is Louverture now?" Frank asked "under the protection of the Guards, it was she who proposed it, and she also wanted to protect Toussaint Louverture's wife Suzanne."

"What?" Gaitano asked.

"Some time ago, there was a turmoil in Switzerland. At that time, the hard currency to pay the military expenses for the mercenaries was raised by the local rich in the French Alps when she was building the road. The money was collected by an Italian bank. After several rounds, the money Louis was in the hands of the Swiss mercenaries, and she herself was not cleared of the suspicion of espionage." Frank sighed, "Let her husband take her back, young man, before her life is in danger."

Alejandro looked at the military camp in the distance. Napoleon abdicated for the first time on April 4, and then he was imprisoned on Elba Island. At that time, he was also surrounded by British soldiers, and he was still taken by him later escaped.

After returning to France, he quickly regained power, only to abdicate again a hundred days later.

If he hadn't been so anxious at the time and stayed on Elba Island until the eruption of Mount Tabora in 1816 and the world fell into a doomsday situation, he might not be an emperor when he returned.

And this is also one of Bonaparte's weaknesses. If he hadn't regarded it as a good omen when he saw a comet across the sky in 1812, he might not have sent troops to Russia.

Ancient people believed that abnormal celestial phenomena represented the will of heaven, and comets were undoubtedly a bad omen. This kind of superstitious thought was deeply rooted in people's minds, and almost no one dared to get rid of this fear.

However, as people's understanding of astronomy and rationality deepened, and even after the trajectory and arrival time of comets could be predicted, no one regarded comets and solar eclipses as unlucky omens.

Napoleon claimed to have inherited the crown from Charlemagne, although he did not have the title of Emperor, perhaps because he lost out to Tsar Alexander I, whose title was "Holy King".

Winners and losers, there is a story that Americans want cigarettes when they are in prison, and the French want beautiful women when they are in prison. As long as they have these, they can survive the prison.

If he drank the poison and died, he would not be able to come back as a prisoner.

Alejandro looked at the sky, because of the pollution of the lights he could not see the stars, and of course he could not see the comets to portend good or bad luck.

There is only one incomplete moon hanging in the sky.

The moon in the Tarot card represents restlessness, and Alexandre's young chest is pounding, as if this is the heartbeat that accelerates when in love.

At this moment, there was a neighing sound of a horse in the distance. It was one of the headless horsemen. He made the horse stand up in the moonlight, which looked very cool.

Even knowing that he might be a prank by a rich man's kid, Alejandro ran away.

Gold was needed to deal with Durrahan, where was he going to find it?

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