Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1859 giant slayer (3)

In the 18th century, with the discovery of America, a large number of Aboriginal cultures were brought to Europe, including dream catchers.

The Indians believe that the air at night is full of dreams, both good and bad. The spider that Ron fears the most will weave a web to filter out bad dreams, so that the person who carries the dream web will have good dreams. Enter the dreamland, and the nightmare will be trapped in the net, and disappear without a trace with the sunshine of the next day.

The time for children to go to bed is far from the time for adults to say good night, and Paris' nightlife is just beginning. Everyone gathers in shops and few people go to parks.

For a young and beautiful girl, both the Bois de Boulogne and the Vincennes were too dangerous, so Monica was sent to Parc Monceau, which is located in a rich area with relatively good law and order, and it is easy to take a taxi. She can leave as soon as it's over.

The entrance was opened once in 1870, and soon it was closed, by someone.

This force may be very unfriendly to living people, otherwise it will be let loose, and someone may prevent them from opening the door, just like some people are unwilling to reconcile with the "fate arrangement" and try to change their own destiny.

This is the word engraved on Bonaparte's wedding ring, "Fate". He seems to be a person who believes in fate, although he doesn't believe in fortune tellers.

When a married man touches another woman's body with his wedding ring, the feeling is actually quite disgusting, almost like eating food from the garbage dump. But under the pressure of survival, some people will choose to become the lover of those upstarts. She can sit at the dining table and eat like a person instead of eating rotten leaves in the garbage dump.

In an instant, I came from the mud to the magnificent hall. This feeling is like a dream.

Through the glass window, I looked at the tired and pale woman outside, while the women at other tables looked at her with disdain.

In the absence of the aristocracy, the wives of financiers and councilors became the envy of lawyers' wives, who were envied by the grocer's wife, and the lowest women gritted their teeth at the "gorgeous" dress of the grocer's wife.

Malmaison actually has a chef, but Josephine still likes to dine in restaurants with her friends. Apart from the exquisite food and elegant dining environment, what she also wants to enjoy is the eyes of other women, which is something she cannot feel in Malmaison arrived.

The republicans were certainly unhappy with Bonaparte's dictatorship, but...

All the women around Napoleon did not ask him, including Josephine, except for the "Polish Lady" Mary and Letizia. At that time, Mary married the old count who was many years older than her. She agreed to Bonaparte's request in name, but later she forgot about her real husband and concentrated on being Bonaparte's woman.

Women are like this, with a backer behind them, it is different from without a backer. It is not easy for a woman to work independently. A "demon" like Miranda is so hated.

But if Miranda lived in that world, a talented fashion magazine editor like her would be put to good use, because she could direct women's clothing choices.

From a certain point of view, she can control the world. French fabrics may be more expensive, and the colors and patterns are better. Women don’t just buy clothes for cheap.

Why is Chanel's little black dress so popular all over the world? With one order, all those colorful and gaudy skirts were put into the bottom of the closet, and no woman would be willing to wear them anymore. Also in that world of dull colors, a "leader" like Chanel is needed to enrich the colors, which is quite a temptation for a young designer like Monica.

There is a kind of happiness that can give full play to one's talents.

Before the accident, Bonaparte was still very indulgent to Josephine, and he didn't even mind her flirting with other young men in social situations.

Bonaparte allowed Georgiana to be free, and gave up part of the Mediterranean trade within the bottom line he allowed. Ancona is a seaside city in Italy. It originally belonged to the Pope, but it was abandoned. The French rebuilt the port , British merchant ships can also dock there.

Sugar is also in great demand in Turkey, but there are no tropical colonies in Turkey. Bonaparte told a story that a girl from the Beauharney family was robbed by Turkish pirates on the way back to Martinique to visit relatives, and then became the Sudanese. princess.

How did the Turks go to the Caribbean?

There is another version, which says that a French woman was kidnapped and became the princess of the Sultan of Monaco. But in history, there is really a prototype of this "Sultan's beautiful concubine". Her name is Cecilia, and she is an illegitimate daughter of a Venetian nobleman who lives in the harem of the Sultan and misses her hometown with Venetian goods.

She helped Venice gain a lot of advantages in the commercial competition with the Genoese, and the situation of the Ottoman Empire was not optimistic at that time, because it was no longer an important point of the Silk Road.

Alessandro had changed so much that if it hadn't been for the Italian he spoke, she would have thought he was being impersonated again.

As if that stupid Sonny disappeared overnight, she no longer felt lighthearted and thought it was an adventure to come to Paris this time.

There is a price to be paid for giving full play to one's talents, and not all Italians like the French as much as the Milanese. Alejandro had talked of the Carbonari in private chats with her, and it was not an Italian who didn't know what they were for.

At first they were a group of charcoal-burning workers. Because of their strength, they were organized by Genoese monks to distribute weapons to resist the French invasion. Later, they gradually developed and became a secret society.

Bonaparte regarded Italy as his biggest war supply place, and searched for it. A whole generation of Italians died in Bonaparte's bloody war, but it had nothing to do with Italy's own interests.

At that time, the illiteracy rate in Italy was very low, and Alejandro, a football player who did not do well in school, was considered literate. He planned to go back, as if he, too, was fascinated by that world.

Linda loves her husband very much, but she is also trapped in that world. Demons are like this. They can suck people's souls away. She doesn't want Sonny to continue to be entangled with the ghost of the Carbonari.

After all the organization doesn't exist anymore in the 21st century, and there's no Napoleon and his damn wars.

What's more, the Charcoal Burning Party sent a tiger away, but attracted a group of wolves. Italy was dismembered into 8 countries. Venice did not find peace, but was plundered by Austria.

"Ring ring ring..."

Her cell phone rang and Monica checked the caller ID. It was Gianluca.

"Hello?" She answered the phone in frustration while brushing her long black hair.

Gianluca didn't speak, as if he didn't know what to say.

It was one of the oddities of her odd boyfriend, he had none of the Italian boy's glibness. Women fall in love by their ears, but just now she heard a lot of compliments from Bruni, and this tranquility made her feel very comfortable.

"I can hear the waves," Monica said. "Come closer to the sea, I want to hear better."

Gianluca followed suit, and the sound of the waves on the microphone became clearer.

"What are you doing?" Gianluca asked.

"Find a sign or something." Monica said while looking around.

"Where are you?"

"Park Monceau."

The other side was silent for a while, and after a while he said, "There is a pyramid in this park."

"What?" Monica exclaimed.

"The park was built for the Duke of Orléans, but the pyramid was there in the 18th century," Gianluca said. "I don't think there is anything that represents Napoleon more than the pyramid."

Monica smiled contemptuously, "Don't forget our lion."

"We got them all back, and the four bronze horses," Gianluca replied.

"Why do you like trophies so much?" Monica asked.

"You?" Gianluca asked.

"Man." Monica said, rolling her eyes.

"Not all 'men' like it!" Gianluca emphasized.

"What do you think Linda is to them? A trophy?" Monica said angrily.

"I think it's not just that." Gianluca said after pondering for a while.

"What's that?" Monica asked.

"I don't know," Gianluca said. "It's not an answer you can find on the Internet."

"I have a question for you." Monica stopped walking. "What am I to you?"

"Paris is dangerous at night, don't hang out alone." After finishing speaking, Gianluca hung up the phone.

"Hello! Hello!" Monica listened to the beeping sound and looked at the phone in her hand.

"How dare you hang up on my phone, and see how I teach you when I get back." Monica murmured and put the phone in the pocket of her jeans.

She searched for a while among the trees, and finally found the so-called pyramid.

Compared with the pyramids in Egypt, it is really small and exquisite, the entrance is almost like a dog hole, and only a petite person like her can get in.

So she called and contacted Alejandro.

"I found it, how about you?"

"Go back as soon as you put away your things," Alejandro said.

Monica curled her lips, "How about being careful and safe?"

There was a rustling sound from the opposite side.

"Be careful Sonny, I think we should spend less time with this group of people in the future." Monica said and hung up the phone.

Next to Monceau Park is near the Asiatic Museum in Paris, not far from the Grand Orient Hotel.

Napoleon Bonaparte said that there is a sleeping lion in the east, and when it wakes up, the world will be shaken.

This makes people wonder, who is this eastern lion? Is it the lion of St. Mark?

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