Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1857 giant slayer (1)

Many people have fantasized about Cleopatra's appearance, what kind of woman can fascinate Caesar.

Even if it is not as beautiful as Elizabeth Taylor, and has a pair of violet eyes, at least it should be forward and backward, similar to Marianne, the goddess of liberty with a Gallic chicken on her head.

According to Bonaparte's usual "taste", his favorite type should be blond, slender, and flaming red lips like Venus of the Medici.

Apart from being a little shorter than he was, Georgiana didn't come close to any of the above, and according to his correspondence with the Prince of Wales, he described her as a "daring little one" without mentioning how sweet she was ,gentle.

She usually lives in seclusion, and she is very conscious of being suspected of being a spy. Anyone who has seen a "real person" has not felt the "witch's magic", but the ministers of her faction all wear an olive branch brooch made of emeralds on their chests. It is said that according to the Anmin notice issued by the French army in Italy, Victory sword, olive branch in one hand. It is now as political as a man's beard or the cockade on his hat in the army, and it is no longer just an ornament.

Many of the merchants who donated money to build the Saint-Martin Canal are from Lyonnaise, and it is well known how much favor Lyon has received. Shipping costs are largely related to insurance, and insurance is related to safety, such as wars, piracy, etc. If there is less world peace and pirates, the cost of insurance will decrease, and the cost of shipping will decrease. There are fewer people engaged in transportation.

This is a very simple reason, who would like to work without getting paid, and the risk is so high, even if there are no pirates and bandits, the unpredictable weather at sea and the trek all the way make many people discouraged.

There are also human-eating monsters such as mermaids and giants. Of course, high risks hope for high returns, but the owner desperately squeezes the freight in order to expand profits, because they feel that transportation has no technical content and can be done by individuals.

The most important thing is the circulation of commodities. This is not only the real goods, but also information. Even in a year of famine, not every place has a bad harvest. In some provinces, the price of food is cheap, and in some provinces, the price is expensive. According to the laws of the free market , Cheap goods will be shipped to places with high prices for sale driven by profit, so that it can play a role in stabilizing prices.

This is the theory, but the opacity of information will also make consumers make wrong judgments. Grain merchants who hold a large amount of grain in their hands still sell at high prices. The collusion between interest groups will make them advance and retreat together. price cuts due to competition.

This is a traditional feature. For example, in the financial and textile circles of Montpellier where the wife of Minister of the Interior Shaputal belongs, a poor boy can marry a rich lady because he has a patent in his hand, ending the monopoly of Turkish red cloth. For the upper class in Europe and even the United States, they are more willing to believe the inside information of the small circle than to believe the rumors of the lower class. Public knowledge cannot create wealth. Everyone knows that the earth is round, but in the era when I knew the earth was round but you didn’t, new routes could create profits. After Waterloo, Nathan Rothschild was on the stock exchange The operation is also based on poor information. He knows who really won. Others don’t know. When he sees Nathan selling British government bonds, he will also sell them. When the price of government bonds drops, Nathan will wipe them all out. If he can’t control his emotions , yelling "France won", then it is not he who makes money.

This is a special skill of the Wizengamot's chief mage's beloved apprentice. No matter what the situation is, they will always keep a clear head, even if they are about to risk their lives to explore and be declared divorced by their husbands.

Perhaps the mighty First Consul of France, who occupied half of Europe, did not have the right to declare her marriage invalid, but Severus could, fortresses collapsed faster from within. After so many years, the problem of the snot-nosed man still hasn't changed.

Controlling one's emotions is like controlling the horse in one's heart. It is difficult to do, so it requires a lot of practice. No one is born with good riding skills, even nomads who grew up on horseback .

Frivolity belongs to young people. There are very few monsters like Georgiana who still maintain a youthful appearance at an age. Unless it is the kind that has gone through many twists and turns, it is hard not to be as careless as Pauline once he gains power.

She is Bonaparte's tool for revenge against Josephine, and she also has the expectation that she will have a child, but Pauline, the tailor's daughter, did not give birth to a child, and she cannot integrate into the upper class like Josephine.

After weighing the pros and cons, Bonaparte dealt with Cleopatra, who had been driving with him on the streets of Cairo, without Josephine coming forward. Many girls couldn't stand that kind of temptation, and wanted to walk through the crowd's welcome, even if Bonaparte was not handsome and short.

Sometimes the girl holding a wedding regards herself as the protagonist, but forgets her husband. Photographers and painters will observe the expressions of the newlyweds. Many times, the husband’s expression is actually very impatient. He is not involved in this role at all, just like completing a task.

Some boys were nervous, afraid that they would mess up the wedding, and had to watch the vows and the speeches at the wedding banquet over and over again, and he was sweating when the whole process was over, oh, it was finally over up!

Oaths can be very beautiful, but these people who can say beautiful "scene words" are secretly hurting those who believe that those words will come true. Women don't believe that men's oaths are useful.

What's the use of swearing? The marriage contract is still useful, it is protected by the law, and the new civil law does not allow divorce. Women like Mrs. De Starr are arguing about it, but it is a guarantee for people like Josephine. As long as there is no divorce, no matter how many women Bonaparte has outside, no matter how beautiful those women are, they will always be a flashing meteor and will disappear soon, unless she dies.

Most of the people who kill their wives are husbands. If Bonaparte caught the rape on the spot, it would be legal even if Josephine and her little lover were killed. The problem is that Bonaparte was in Egypt when he heard the news. It was understandable for everyone to choose to divorce at that time.

But he forgave Josephine, for the sake of the two children, Eugene and Hortans had paid too much.

What the French army did in Pavia has been distorted by rumors, causing great panic, but apart from the initial chaos, because of strict military discipline, Bonaparte shot and killed several Frenchmen who made trouble, and the Italians The damage is limited, mainly because of money.

What he did in Egypt was inhumane, and killing prisoners was disgraceful, and this is where the British newspapers attacked him.

However, compared with what Queen Ekaterina did, what Bonaparte did was a measure when food was in short supply. It was not helpless, but a choice that could not be compromised.

If food production is reduced by 5%, 5% of the people will starve to death. Based on the population base of France at that time, about 1.2 million people will starve to death. In this way, food prices will not rise indefinitely, because everyone can have enough to eat.

This is of course inhumane. If everyone saves a little and is half full, then they can all get through the difficulties. But the feeling of being hungry is not so pleasant. This kind of hunger is different from dieting to lose weight and self-starvation. It is an external cause. A hungry person is an angry person, which is another original sin of human beings.

Society cannot exist without inequality of property, and inequality of property cannot be maintained without religion. A man who is dying of hunger and another who is full to vomit next to him cannot bear the difference, unless some authority says to him: God's will is such that there must be poor people in this world There are also rich people; but the division of rich and poor will be quite different in the afterlife and in eternity.

After the Girondins abolished the price ceiling, people’s suffering came not only from the shortage of food, but also from the “market law” that the one with the highest price gets the goods. The store has stock, and the rich only need to go to the store to buy it. However, in the past, rich people, business owners, or wealthy people only needed to pay bundles of coupons and take out their hidden gold louis to buy food, and they could even spend money on a big meal and enjoy high-end Wine and fine dining, while legions of Parisian underclass struggle to get by.

They sent kings and nobles to the guillotine, and soon became beggars. Because they killed their boss's boss, the factory could no longer pay workers.

The new regime took over those industries, but expected the market economy to solve those problems by itself, or to give superficial handouts. Many people were so hungry that they committed suicide.

A mother with a child tied the child around her waist because she didn't get a share of bread, and jumped into the Seine together. Several women who were about to give birth demanded immediate delivery in order to kill the unborn child.

Because of poverty and despair, people will do very irrational things. What is the solution? Confiscation of Church assets.

Not many are actually distributed to the poor, and most of them are divided by the upper class. A large number of people have become weak and unable to work because of reduced food intake, especially women. He feeds on the blood from the blood, and the man dares not go home because his wife and children are dying of starvation, and he has no food in his hands.

The National Convention collapsed, and the hungry people shouted revenge and sent the Girondins to the guillotine.

In fact, the Jacobins are not necessarily good people. They have participated in many radical movements. They have absorbed a large number of people from the bottom of society. The low-class husband who gloats when his employer loses money, followed by the second-hand dealer, the second-hand dealer, the little cook who sells barbecue and lentils under parasols at the cemetery of the innocent, and the domestic servant who thinks he can now give orders to his master.

However, the most common people in this mess come from the "foam and mud" class. They include villains of all walks of life, unruly life, unkempt laborers and thieves wandering among the crowd. He stayed in the detention center, lived a disorderly life after being released, and then made the Beatle Hospital his home.

"From Sarbert Lille, to the Beitere Hospital" is the motto of these people, who live without restraint and discipline, whether they have 50 livres or only 5, they will be worth a penny. Not all was left, and it was this group of people who stormed the Bastille and launched the August Incident.

No one will lend them money, they have no feelings for their wives, and often leave their hungry children at home, go to the Tuileries Palace or the Jacobin Club alone to participate in activities, in their opinion, participate in political activities , it is more comfortable to get money by applauding people in parliament.

"Crison" hangs out with these guys after he's been down and out in Paris for a while after breaking up with his first love, Eugenie.

On September 2, 1792, in Chalons-sur-Marne, the old priest Chanlaire, who was over eighty years old, had just finished a routine daily lesson in Mail. He hurried home with his prayer book in his hands. On the way he met some Parisian volunteers; they felt that he looked too pious and might be dissatisfied with the revolution in their hearts, so they asked him to shout: "Long live liberty!". The old priest couldn't hear, so he didn't respond. They seized him by the ear; and as he was too old to walk as fast as they did, the ear was torn in the tugging. When these prostitutes saw the blood, they were very excited. They simply cut off the priest's ears and nose with a knife, and took him to the gate of the city hall. It was a notary who was in charge of the patrol at the town hall at that time; he fled in fright at the sight of such horrors. Several other National Guard soldiers on duty immediately closed the iron gate of the city hall. So these Parisian volunteers pushed the poor priest to the regional government and the provincial government to "deter the nobles".

They kept beating the old man on the way, and the old man couldn't stand the abuse, and finally fell to the ground. Immediately they cut off his head, and dismembered the rest of the body, and held up the priest's head with spears, and displayed it in the street.

On August 10, 1791, Bonaparte saw a group of rioters passing by in Xiaoying Street. They also had a spear in their hands and a human head on it.

Seeing that Bonaparte might be a gentleman, those people asked him to shout "Long live the nation", but Bonaparte was young, and when he heard it, he immediately shouted "Long live the nation", but they let him go.

At the time of the witch hunt, the scene was not like that. In the witch trial court in Salem, the judge asked Bishop, "You don't know what a witch is, so how do you know that you are not a witch?" At that time, it was still a word game. Although Bishop would die if he couldn't answer, he was still in a civilized state.

Order is fragile. The universe is full of disorder. It is not so easy to find order in the chaos and disorder. Man created God and threw all the problems he could not solve to it. It is also a process of exploration for people to understand it, just like taking a little wealth from a safe every time, if you know too much, you will be crushed to death by Jinshan.

Maybe people can't tell a witch who is deliberately disguised, but they can tell a pious old priest. Isn't Father Chanel an example.

The feeling of being recognized from the crowd at a glance is not always wonderful. For example, Louis XVI pretended to escape. Some people thought they were faking, but they didn't know how outstanding they were.

Severus was too tall to pretend to be a malnourished commoner, and while he could use Disguise to change his appearance, or drink Polyjuice Potion, he could also choose to pretend to be a nobleman or an American.

And because of his "queen's accent" which is suitable for reciting Shakespeare's sonnets, he can't pretend to be a lower class, and pretending to be a learned British nobleman is his best choice.

Scholars are another profession besides artists that can move freely in Europe. They can easily enter the high society and even be recruited by the king. Napoleon recruited Edward Jenner and took the lead in promoting vaccinia in France.

This man not only killed ten thousand people, but also made ten thousand people live.

His bath water should not be clear, it should be blood red.

Originally, this kind of person should have a beard all over his face, and he looked extremely mighty or fierce, but he looked like an old nobleman, with his beard shaved clean, and he had the most polite and elegant smile.

Devils are all charming, they will tempt people to keep falling, even angels will fall.

Normal people are eager to go to heaven, who would think that hell is more suitable for them.

With the real Alessandro, Severus and Lucius returned to the mine party next to the Montsouris Reservoir. At this time, the sunny boy in sportswear had already put on a custom suit, but he saw I look unhappy.

His sister couldn't believe that it was like a different person after not seeing him for a few hours. What made him like this?

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